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The SPR System is meant to be used by internal or external users
of the ALMA software. Whenever an error in some code or in the
documentation is found or a change to improve the behaviour of an
existing software seems needed, you can submit a Software Problem
Report (SPR) as explained below. To make easier, the software code is
grouped in packages, containing related software modules. Each SPR
must refer to the proper package.
For latest information on automatic SPR Board call up messages and similar info please see the SE TWiki page AlmaSoftwareBoard
Basic workflow of the system
Problem submitted by a user
Assigned to almasccm (alma software configuration control manager:
he/she is the responsible person for collecting all the SPRs and
maintening the system. He/she can create/modify packages and users)
Notification to all relevant people
Comments added by any user known to the system
The SPR is discussed in the SCCB (Software Configuration Control Board)
meeting and a Responsible Person is appointed for the problem. The SCCB Meetings
are called by almasccm and the responsible persons for each package are invited.
During the meetings, it is decided whether to accept or not the SPR, the person
to assign the SPR to and the deadline for solving the SPR.
Responsible works on the problem
Responsible can close the SPR ( must add a final remark on it ) whenever
he solves the problem.
When a SPR is submitted, the almasccm, a list of people defined by the pakage
and any names/addresses in the 'cc' field will be notified with all details
of the problem. After this point, any change in 'status' will result in all
the listed people above and the 'Responsible' being notified of the changes
on all problem details.
Upon closing, a 'closed status' value must be set and a remark must be
added on the Workflow field. If those fields are not filled, an error is
generated and the problem is not closed. Once those fields are completed
the problem can be successfully closed.
REMARK: when a problem is submitted to the Problem Reporting Tool,
it is assigned to the almasccm. This user is the only one who can
progress the 'status' of the report from 'open' to 'assigned' and
therefore initiate the continuance of the workflow. After this point,
the 'Responsible' user as well as the almasccm can progress the 'status'
of a problem.
REMARK: (Urgent SPRs) There may be special circumstances, such as
problems found while commissioning, that require immediate
attention. Under these circumstances the originator is allowed to
prompt the relevant person(s) to provide to fix to without waiting for
a decision from the SPR board. It has to be noticed though that:
- an SPR must be filed, nevertheless, and the originator
must outline the urgency of the matter. These SPR's
should be explicitly labeled as "URGENT"
- common sense and use with restraint must be exercised.
- urgent SPRs shall be subject to special scrutiny.
Disputes between the originator and the respondent of an urgent SPR
shall be brought to the immediate attention of ALMA software
Fields on Submit page:
Originator |
This field is automatically filled by the system using the login name |
Package |
This field specify to which Package the SPR is related. If the
SPR doesn't fit in any package select . The list of people
defined on the Package name will be notified with all details of the
problem. |
Module Name |
This Field should be filled with the name of the module to
which the Software problem is related. This name is the one used in the
CMM Archive |
Module Version |
This Field should be filled with the version of the
module to which the Software problem is related. This version number is
the one used in the CMM Archive |
cc |
This Field should be filled with all the people not included on the
Package list that need to be notified by e-mail about the SPR progress |
Synopsis |
is a brief description to quickly identify the SPR. Remember
that will be used later on when selecting SPRs by keyword.
Choose meaningful words! |
Description |
the complete statement of the problem (as long as you need) |
Priority |
the initial assessment of the urgency of this SPR, as perceived
by the originator. (1 highest, 5 lowest). Priority is liable to be
changed during SCCB meetings. |
Additional Fields on Query Page:
Status |
The status values of the problem report:
open | The SPR has been entered into the database |
assigned | This is an intermediate status which automatically progresses |
progress | The SPR has been assigned and work is in progress. |
suspended | The SPR has been discussed and suspended. To be discussed again. |
closed | The SPR is not being worked on and no further work is envisaged. |
Closed Status |
This field is associated with the closed state and
indicates the circumstances under which the SPR was closed. The values
for this field are:
deleted | The problem is incorrectly submitted or duplicated. |
solved | Action has been taken and the problem has been solved. |
clarified | Problems that are user error or already fixed. |
rejected | The problems is acknowledged, but no work will be undertaken |
Responsible |
Is the person assigned by the SCCB ( SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION CONTROL
BOARD ) to work on the problem. He can modify the status of the SPR after
it as been assigned to him by the almasccm. The responsible is asked to
provide the evidences that the SPR can be closed. Before closing it,
he must add a r`emark explaining how and why the SPR is closed. |
Originator |
The one who submitted the problems via web access |
Worklog |
In this field any user can add a remark on the SPR. (as long as needed)
Must be filled any time the status of the SPR is changed. |
- Remember that the Back and Forward buttons on the Netscape menu
can be used to move around on the different System pages.
In particular when a submit or query action is not successful you can go
back to the starting page (for modifying some fields) using the Back button.
Please report to: < alma-sw-semgr@eso.org > any major problem you encounter
using the system.