NOTE: SINFONI long-term calibrations are included in CALOB.
The following keys are used to define a SINFONI SCIENCE setup: [grism/filter] (= S1_J, S2_H, S3_K, or S4_H+K) [pixel scale] (= 0.025, 0.1, or 0.25)
det.dit (= ANY that match the DIT of the SCIENCE data)
The following calibrations have a special status with SINFONI:
PSF: The PSF standards are not regular calibrations, but can be explicitly requested by the PI.
If, however, they are not required by the program, then any nok can be ignored.
cal4cal does for STD and PSF stars what calChecker does for SCIENCE data: If a STD or PSF star is obtained cal4cal ensures that associated DARK (with the same DIT), FLAT (with the same grating+filter), and WAVE (with the same grating+filter) calibrations exist.