Instrumentation Links
The ESO Science Archive Facility contains the description of all observations performed with:
- The SOFI, SUSI2, EMMI instruments (on the NTT telescope at La Silla) since April 1, 1997
- The WFI, FEROS instruments (on the MPG-ESO 2.2m telescope at La Silla) since January 1999
- The EFOSC2, TIMMI2, CES, HARPS instruments (on the ESO 3.6m telescope at La Silla) since August 1999
- The instruments on the VLT/VLTI telescopes (at Paranal) since April 1, 1999
- The instruments on the APEX submm telescope (at Chajnantor) since July 11, 2005
More information on instrumentation is available from the following online resources:
- Instrumentation at the Paranal observatory site
- Instrumentation at the La Silla observatory site
- Instrumentation at the Chajnantor observatory site
- Overview of global observing capabilities
You may also query the database of ESO filters, or the database of ESO & HST Science Instrumental Characteristics to find out, for example, which ESO filters fall within a standard bandpass.
Characteristic curves may also be accessed through the ESO Instrument Exposure Time Calculators.
Quality checks of data and instrument trendings are available from the ESO Quality Control pages.