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tifDATA Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for tifDATA:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Private Attributes

CEOrder natural CEIndicator
enabled BYTES20 
Tel name not set BYTES32 operator
Operator name not set DOUBLE foculenNA = 120.0
DOUBLE foculenCA = 108.827
DOUBLE foculenCO = 399.0
DOUBLE focuscaleNA = 1.718
DOUBLE focuscaleCA = 1.894
DOUBLE focuscaleCO = 0.517
DOUBLE focuValue = tifSetCeLink
 __pad0__:LCU:m2:fo:status.position) LOGICAL probeInPos = 0
DOUBLE probeRA = 0
DOUBLE probeDEC = 0
DOUBLE probeX = 0
DOUBLE probeY = 0
INT32 probePpos = 0
DOUBLE ccdOnSky = 0
DOUBLE parallactic = 0
DOUBLE altRef = 0
DOUBLE azRef = 0
INT32 domeStatus
DOUBLE temperature05
DOUBLE temperature06
DOUBLE temperature07
DOUBLE temperature08
DOUBLE temperature09
DOUBLE temperature10
DOUBLE temperature13
DOUBLE temperature14
DOUBLE temperature15
DOUBLE temperature16
Table infoTable
BYTES32 name
BYTES32 BYTES256 path

Member Data Documentation

CEOrder natural CEIndicator enabled BYTES20 tifDATA::telescope [private]

Tel name not set BYTES32 tifDATA::operator [private]

Operator name not set DOUBLE tifDATA::foculenNA = 120.0 [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::foculenCA = 108.827 [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::foculenCO = 399.0 [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::focuscaleNA = 1.718 [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::focuscaleCA = 1.894 [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::focuscaleCO = 0.517 [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::focuValue = tifSetCeLink [private]

Reimplemented in tifDATA_NTT.

tifDATA::__pad0__ [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::probeRA = 0 [private]

Reimplemented in tifDATA_NTT.

DOUBLE tifDATA::probeDEC = 0 [private]

Reimplemented in tifDATA_NTT.

DOUBLE tifDATA::probeX = 0 [private]

Reimplemented in tifDATA_NTT.

DOUBLE tifDATA::probeY = 0 [private]

Reimplemented in tifDATA_NTT.

INT32 tifDATA::probePpos = 0 [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::ccdOnSky = 0 [private]

Reimplemented in tifDATA_NTT.

DOUBLE tifDATA::parallactic = 0 [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::altRef = 0 [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::azRef = 0 [private]

INT32 tifDATA::domeStatus [private]

Reimplemented in tifDATA_NTT.

DOUBLE tifDATA::temperature05 [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::temperature06 [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::temperature07 [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::temperature08 [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::temperature09 [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::temperature10 [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::temperature13 [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::temperature14 [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::temperature15 [private]

DOUBLE tifDATA::temperature16 [private]

Table tifDATA::infoTable [private]

tifDATA::tifMAX_NAMES_RECS [private]

BYTES32 tifDATA::name [private]

BYTES32 BYTES256 tifDATA::path [private]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Wed Dec 3 14:59:23 2003 for ATCS API by doxygen1.2.13.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001