Source code for seq.lib.nodes.loop

"""Implements Loops for the sequencer.

A Loop node is composed of three parts.

    * *Initialization* (``optional``) initiates variables to be used
       in the loop's activity and its exit-condition; it is executed
       once on entry to the loop

    * *condition* (``callable``) Check the loop's condition.
        It shall return *False* to interrupt the Loop. Otherwise it
        shall *return* **True**.

    * *block* (``Sequence``) The loop's body. It is the sequence of
       nodes to be executed repeatedly until the Loop's condition
       produces a False value.

import logging
import contextvars as cv
import attr
import networkx as nx
from .action import make_node
from .sequence import Sequence
from .state import T_STATE
from .. import ob

user_logger = logging.getLogger("seq.user")

[docs]@attr.s class Loop(Sequence): """Loop node definition. Use the :meth:`create` method to build properly :class:`Loop` node. Since it inherits from :class:`Sequence` it has access to the same context variables. ============ ======================================================= Context Variables --------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Desc ============ ======================================================= current_seq The parent of the current node (from :class:`Sequence`) root Top level DAG's root (from :class:`Sequence`) index The Loop's current index (starts at 0) ============ ======================================================= Keyword Args: id (Optional str): Node id. name (Optional str): Node name. init (Optional): Initialization node. condition (callale): A Python method that returns a boolean value. block (list): The loop's body. """ # my attributes block_args = attr.ib(kw_only=True, default=attr.Factory(list), repr=False) condition = attr.ib(kw_only=True, default=None, repr=False) init = attr.ib(kw_only=True, default=None, repr=False) block = attr.ib(init=False, default=None, repr=False) node_value = attr.ib(init=False, default=0, repr=False) parent_tpl = attr.ib(default=None, repr=False) # Loop's contextvar index = cv.ContextVar("index", default=0) def __attrs_post_init__(self): if is None: = "Loop" super().__attrs_post_init__() self.set_block(*self.block_args) if self.condition is None: self.condition = self._condition self.condition = make_node(self.condition) self.condition.can_skip = False if self.init is None: self.init = self._init_loop self.init = make_node(self.init) self.init.can_skip = False
[docs] async def end_step(self): """Standard Loop's end step. Evaluates the Loop's final state. """ self.state = T_STATE.FINISHED"Loop %s finished", G = self.graph states = [ G.nodes[key]["node"].in_error for key in nx.topological_sort(G) ] # grab node's state and check for ERROR if any(states): self.in_error = True
[docs] def make_sequence(self, parent_tpl=None): """Creates the Loop execution graph""" G = self.graph st = self.start_node end = self.end_node self.parent_tpl = parent_tpl G.add_node(, node=st) G.add_node(, node=self.condition, label="Cond") if self.block: G.add_node(, node=self.block, label="Loop body") G.add_node(, node=end) # Adds runtime flags ctrl = ob.OB.controller.get() if ctrl: self.runtime_flags = ctrl.runtime_flags.get(self.serial_number, 0)
[docs] def set_block(self, *args): """Assigns the sequence to the loop's block""" if args: self.block = Sequence.create( *args, name="block", id="block_" + ) self.block.make_sequence(self.parent_tpl)
[docs] def make_task(self, node, input_list, resume): from ..seqtask import LoopTask return LoopTask(, node, input_list, resume=resume)
async def _condition(self): return False async def _init_loop(self): pass
[docs] def nodes(self): return [,,,, ]
[docs] def get_node(self, node_id): # return self.block.get_node(node_id) if node_id == return self.condition elif node_id == return self.block elif node_id == return self.init elif node_id == return self.start_node elif node_id == return self.end_node else: return self.block.get_node(node_id)
[docs] @staticmethod def create(*args, **kw): """Creates a :class:`Loop` node Args: *args: Variable length list of nodes or coroutines that comprises the Loop`s body. Keyword Args: id: Node id name: node name init (node) : initialization node :class:`Action` or :class:`ActionInThread`. condition(node): condition node :class:`Action` or :class:`ActionInThread`. Returns: A new :class:`Loop` object Example: Creating a loop. .. code-block:: python def eval_condition(): return False class Tpl: def initialize(self, context): # performs some initialization pass async def a(): pass async def b(): pass @staticmethod def create() t = MyClass() l = Loop.create(t.a, t.b, condition=eval_condition, init=t.initialize) """ a = Loop(block_args=args, **kw) return a