Source code for seq.lib.nodes.checkbox

""" Implements a Checkbox node.

   Checkbox pauses execution of a Sequencer script until the 'check' command is given to it.
   That is to say, until the user confirms some condition and allows the script to continue.

.. warning:: This node is intended to use on interactive Sequencer scripts only. Do not
    **seq run** a script that contains it. It will hang forever.

import logging
import asyncio
import attr

from .action import Action
from .state import T_STATE

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@attr.s class Checkbox(Action): """Checkbox ctor. Checkbox node waits for user to confirm some condition. Args: msg(str): Checkbox message Keyword Args: id (str): Unique id. If not provided an unique identifier is assigned. name (str): Node name. If not provided a name is assigned. """ # redefines the f attribute (from Action) to a NOP. f = attr.ib(default=None, init=False) checkmark = attr.ib( init=False, repr=False, default=attr.Factory(asyncio.Event) ) def __attrs_post_init__(self): """ setup object. Sets name, id and allows node to run. """ if is None: = "Checkbox" super().__attrs_post_init__() def _check_function_type(self): """Converted to NOP""" return async def _f(self): """Waits for checkmark event""" self.checkmark.clear() await self.checkmark.wait() return True async def __call__(self, resume=False): """ Executes node action. If the action is a coroutine a task is created and passed to the asyncio loop for execution. """ await self._execute_preamble() if self.state is T_STATE.FINISHED: # node skipped in preamble return None task = asyncio.create_task(self._f()) r = await self._execute_node_task(task) return r
[docs] def checked(self): """Release the checkbox allowing the Sequencer script to continue its execution""" if self.state == T_STATE.PAUSED: raise RuntimeError("Cannot check a PAUSED node") self.checkmark.set()
[docs] @staticmethod def create(msg, **kw): """ Checkbox node constructor. Args: msg(str): Message to display along with the checkbox. *kw: standard sequencer node keywords. Keyword Args: id: Node id name: node name """ return Checkbox(description=msg, **kw)