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Classes | Functions
rad::cii Namespace Reference


class  Publisher
class  Replier
class  Request
class  Request< REP_TYPE, void >
class  RequestAmi
class  RequestAmi< REP_TYPE, void >
class  Requestor
class  Subscriber
class  SMSubscriber
class  CancellationToken


template<class EVENT , class T >
void RoutePartialReply (std::shared_ptr<::elt::mal::rr::Ami< T >> ami, rad::SMAdapter &sm)
template<class EVENT , class FUT >
CancellationToken RouteReply (FUT &&rep_future, rad::SMAdapter &sm)
template<class EVENT , class EVENT_ERR , class FUT >
CancellationToken RouteReply (FUT &&rep_future, rad::SMAdapter &sm)
template<class EVENT , class EVENT_TIMEOUT , class EVENT_ERR , class FUT >
CancellationToken RouteReplyWithTimeout (FUT &&rep_future, rad::SMAdapter &sm)
void LoadMiddlewares (const std::vector< std::string > &mal_types)

Function Documentation

void rad::cii::LoadMiddlewares ( const std::vector< std::string > &  mal_types)

This helper function loads given MAL middlewares and configure them with default QoS properties.

MAL default properties.
mal_typesA list of supported middlewares (e.g. zpd, opcua, ...)

Usage: LoadMiddlewares({"zpb", "opcua"});

This helper function loads given MAL middlewares and configure them with default QoS properties.

MAL default properties.
mal_typesA list of supported middlewares (e.g. zpd, opcua, ...)

Usage: LoadMiddlewares({"zpb", "opcua"});

This helper function loads given MAL middlewares and configure them with default QoS properties.

MAL default properties.
mal_typesA list of supported middlewares (e.g. zpd, opcua, ...)

Usage: LoadMiddlewares({"zpb", "opcua"});

template<class EVENT , class T >
void rad::cii::RoutePartialReply ( std::shared_ptr<::elt::mal::rr::Ami< T >>  ami,
rad::SMAdapter sm 

This function can be use to configure the injection of an event, associated to a partial reply, into a given State Machine engine. There is no special handling for error replies (exceptions).

Template Parameters
EVENTType of event to trigger when a partial reply is received.
TType associated to the partial replies.
amiObject associated to the partial replies and returned by MAL Client interface invocation.
smReference to a State Machine adapter.
template<class EVENT , class FUT >
CancellationToken rad::cii::RouteReply ( FUT &&  rep_future,
rad::SMAdapter sm 

This function can be use to configure the injection of an event, associated to a reply, into a given State Machine engine. There is no special handling for error replies (exceptions).

Template Parameters
EVENTType of event to trigger when the reply is received.
FUTType of future for the reply.
rep_futureFuture associated to the reply and returned by MAL Client interface invocation.
smReference to a State Machine adapter.
A token that can be used to check whether the request has been aborted or not.
template<class EVENT , class EVENT_ERR , class FUT >
CancellationToken rad::cii::RouteReply ( FUT &&  rep_future,
rad::SMAdapter sm 

This function can be use to configure the injection of an OK event (associated to a normal reply), or an ERROR event (associated to an error reply/exception), into a given State Machine engine.

Template Parameters
EVENTType of OK event to trigger in case of OK reply.
EVENT_ERRType of ERROR event to trigger in case of ERROR reply.
FUTType of future for the reply.
rep_futureFuture associated to the reply and returned by MAL Client interface invocation.
smReference to a State Machine adapter.
A token that can be used to check whether the request has been aborted or not.
template<class EVENT , class EVENT_TIMEOUT , class EVENT_ERR , class FUT >
CancellationToken rad::cii::RouteReplyWithTimeout ( FUT &&  rep_future,
rad::SMAdapter sm 

This function can be use to configure the injection of an OK event (associated to a normal reply), or an ERROR event (associated to an error reply/exception), or a TIMEOUT event (associated to the expiration of a timer associated with a request) into a given State Machine engine.

Template Parameters
EVENTType of OK event to trigger in case of OK reply.
EVENT_TIMEOUTType of TIMEOUT event to trigger in case of request time-out.
EVENT_ERRType of ERROR event to trigger in case of ERROR reply.
FUTType of future for the reply.
rep_futureFuture associated to the reply and returned by MAL Client interface invocation.
smReference to a State Machine adapter.
A token that can be used to check whether the request has been aborted or not.