Typedefs | Variables

AcsLogLevels Namespace Reference


typedef short logLevelValue


const logLevelValue TRACE_VAL = 1
const string TRACE_NAME = "Trace"
const logLevelValue DELOUSE_VAL = 2
const string DELOUSE_NAME = "Delouse"
const logLevelValue DEBUG_VAL = 3
const string DEBUG_NAME = "Debug"
const logLevelValue INFO_VAL = 4
const string INFO_NAME = "Info"
const logLevelValue NOTICE_VAL = 5
const string NOTICE_NAME = "Notice"
const logLevelValue WARNING_VAL = 6
const string WARNING_NAME = "Warning"
const logLevelValue ERROR_VAL = 8
const string ERROR_NAME = "Error"
const logLevelValue CRITICAL_VAL = 9
const string CRITICAL_NAME = "Critical"
const logLevelValue ALERT_VAL = 10
const string ALERT_NAME = "Alert"
const logLevelValue EMERGENCY_VAL = 11
const string EMERGENCY_NAME = "Emergency"
const logLevelValue OFF_VAL = 99
const string OFF_NAME = "Off"

Detailed Description

The log levels (numbers and names) defined here are used both to create log messages as well as to set filtering thresholds for log messages.

Note that the ACS logging architecture document defines "priorities" for log messages which have the meaning of the levels here, while the actual ACS levels ("Log entry type") follow the 2^n numbering scheme from /alma/ACS-10.0/TAO/ACE_wrappers/build/linux/ace/Log_Priority.h but don't seem to be used anywhere outside of the C++ container's internal log classes...

The constant values and strings defined here should be used to define enum classes in the various languages. That way we have one central definition, but convenient classes to work with that are guaranteed to use the correct numbers.

Note that these values are redundantly defined in an XML schema (LoggingConfig.xsd in module maciidl) because we cannot reuse the IDL definition in the xsd. ANY CHANGES TO THE LOG LEVELS HERE MUST BE SYNC'D WITH THE XSD!

Typedef Documentation

Variable Documentation

const string AcsLogLevels::ALERT_NAME = "Alert"
const string AcsLogLevels::CRITICAL_NAME = "Critical"
const string AcsLogLevels::DEBUG_NAME = "Debug"
const string AcsLogLevels::DELOUSE_NAME = "Delouse"
const string AcsLogLevels::EMERGENCY_NAME = "Emergency"
const string AcsLogLevels::ERROR_NAME = "Error"
const string AcsLogLevels::INFO_NAME = "Info"
const string AcsLogLevels::NOTICE_NAME = "Notice"
const string AcsLogLevels::OFF_NAME = "Off"
const string AcsLogLevels::TRACE_NAME = "Trace"
const string AcsLogLevels::WARNING_NAME = "Warning"