Public Member Functions

acsdaemon::CDBSpell Interface Reference

import "acsdaemon.idl";

Inheritance diagram for acsdaemon::CDBSpell:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void start_xml_cdb (in DaemonCallback callback, in short instance_number, in boolean recovery, in string xml_cdb_dir) raises (ACSErrTypeCommon::BadParameterEx, acsdaemonErrType::ServiceAlreadyRunningEx)
void stop_cdb (in DaemonCallback callback, in short instance_number) raises (ACSErrTypeCommon::BadParameterEx, acsdaemonErrType::ServiceNotRunningEx)

Detailed Description

CDB Spell interface.

Member Function Documentation

void acsdaemon::CDBSpell::start_xml_cdb ( in DaemonCallback  callback,
in short  instance_number,
in boolean  recovery,
in string  xml_cdb_dir 
) raises (ACSErrTypeCommon::BadParameterEx, acsdaemonErrType::ServiceAlreadyRunningEx)

Asynchronously starts an XML-based CDB service on the current host. Notification about service start problems or successful completion is passed to the client via the callback, on which the client may block.

Note about the TMCDB: as of 2008-09 it is not clear if parts of the TMCDB (e.g. hibernate dal corba service) will ever be started via this daemon. We therefore do not yet include any TMCDB support in the daemon API. We call this method "start_xml_cdb" instead of generic "start_cdb" because xml-CDB and TMCDB require different start parameters, and thus one method with a flag for which implementation of the DAL interface to start will not work even when we support the TMCDB.

callback DaemonCallback instance to receive notification about completion or problems with the service start.
instance_number ACS instance number
recovery if true then use recovery information from previous run.
xml_cdb_dir the directory which contains the CDB directory, see env var ACS_CDB.
void acsdaemon::CDBSpell::stop_cdb ( in DaemonCallback  callback,
in short  instance_number 
) raises (ACSErrTypeCommon::BadParameterEx, acsdaemonErrType::ServiceNotRunningEx)

Asynchronously stops a CDB service on the current host. Notification about service stop problems or successful completion is passed to the client via the callback, on which the client may block.

callback DaemonCallback instance to receive notification about completion or problems with stopping the service.
instance_number ACS instance number

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