Public Member Functions

ACS::Monitorfloat Interface Reference

import "baci.idl";

Inheritance diagram for ACS::Monitorfloat:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ACS::Monitorfloat:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void set_value_trigger (in float delta, in boolean enable)
void get_value_trigger (out float delta, out boolean enable)
void set_value_percent_trigger (in double delta, in boolean enable)
void get_value_percent_trigger (out double delta, out boolean enable)

Member Function Documentation

void ACS::Monitorfloat::get_value_percent_trigger ( out double  delta,
out boolean  enable 

Returns the current on-change delta percentage value and a boolean value which tells whether on-change monitors are being utilized.

delta Current on-change delta percentage value
enable Boolean value which tells whether on-change monitors are being utilized. 3AC90A25005A

void ACS::Monitorfloat::get_value_trigger ( out float  delta,
out boolean  enable 

Returns the current on-change delta value and a boolean value which tells whether on-change monitors are being utilized.

delta Current on-change delta value
enable Boolean value which tells whether on-change monitors are being utilized. 3AC90A25005A

void ACS::Monitorfloat::set_value_percent_trigger ( in double  delta,
in boolean  enable 

set_value_percent_trigger is a method used to enable or disable percentual on-change monitors. When enabled,the monitor * is triggered by one of two conditions: 1. If an amount of time equivalent to the value returned by the get_timer_trigger method has passed, the callback will be invoked. 2. If the value we're interested in changes by a percentage delta at some point in time inbetween T0 and T1 (where T1-T0==get_timer_trigger()), the callback is invoked.

delta For a description of what this does, see 2.
enable A value of true enables on-change monitors and false disables them. 3AC90A250057

void ACS::Monitorfloat::set_value_trigger ( in float  delta,
in boolean  enable 

set_value_trigger is a method used to enable or disable on-change monitors. When enabled,the monitor is triggered by one of two conditions: 1. If an amount of time equivalent to the value returned by the get_timer_trigger method has passed, the callback will be invoked. 2. If the value we're interested in changes by delta at some point in time inbetween T0 and T1 (where T1-T0==get_timer_trigger()), the callback is invoked.

delta For a description of what this does, see 2.
enable A value of true enables on-change monitors and false disables them. 3AC90A250057

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