Public Member Functions

ACS::Alarmpattern Interface Reference

import "baci.idl";

Inheritance diagram for ACS::Alarmpattern:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ACS::Alarmpattern:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

oneway void alarm_raised (in pattern value, in ACSErr::Completion c, in CBDescOut desc)
oneway void alarm_cleared (in pattern value, in ACSErr::Completion c, in CBDescOut desc)

Detailed Description

Alarms are a concrete implementation of BACI events (see BACI Specifications, section 3.4). BACI realises events as the generalised callbacks, i.e. the conceptual act of delivering an event is implemented as the execution of a method on client's callback by the server. Alarms are defined as event sets, to which the client can subscribe as a listener. There is no way to subscribe to a subset of events declared by an event set. For each value type there is an Alarm event set. They all follow the same design pattern:

Each alarm event set contains two events, alarm_raised and alarm_cleared. Each event is a callback method call that returns the value that is responsible for the event, a completion structure that contains the reasons for the alarm and a CBDescOut structure, which is returned with all callbacks.

Member Function Documentation

oneway void ACS::Alarmpattern::alarm_cleared ( in pattern  value,
in ACSErr::Completion  c,
in CBDescOut  desc 


oneway void ACS::Alarmpattern::alarm_raised ( in pattern  value,
in ACSErr::Completion  c,
in CBDescOut  desc 


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