
CPL DFS submodule

This module provides the necessary functionality to create data products which comply to the ESO Data Interface Control Document (DICD) standard. The utility functions provided here make sure that data products are written using the correct format and structure, and that all required date product keywords are present.

The use of these utilities is mandatory for the data processing pipelines of the ESO VLT and ELT instruments, or any other software component which is intended to be operated by ESO for the purpose of generating data products to be stored in the ESO Archive or to be used for data quality control.

cpl.dfs.save_image(allframes: cpl.ui.FrameSet, parlist: cpl.ui.ParameterList, usedframes: cpl.ui.FrameSet, image: cpl.core.Image, recipe: str, applist: cpl.core.PropertyList, pipe_id: str, filename: str, header: object = None, inherit: object = None, remregexp: object = None) None

Save an image as a DFS-compliant pipeline product.

  • allframes (cpl.ui.FrameSet) – The list of input frames for the recipe

  • parlist (cpl.ui.ParameterList) – The list of input parameters

  • usedframes (cpl.ui.FrameSet) – The list of raw/calibration frames used for this product

  • image (cpl.core.Image) – The image to be saved

  • recipe (str) – The recipe name

  • applist (cpl.core.PropertyList) – Propertylist to append to primary header

  • pipe_id (str) – Pipeline package (unique) identifier

  • filename (str) – Filename of created product

  • header (cpl.core.PropertyList, optional) – None, or filled with properties written to product header

  • inherit (cpl.ui.Frame, optional) – None, or product frames inherit their header from this frame

  • remregexp (str, optional) – Optional regexp of properties not to put in main header (may be None)

Return type:



The optional regular expression to filter out properties remregexp may be None.

The list of properties passed as applist must contain a string-property with key ESO PRO CATG (ESO hierarchical keyword). Its value must be the pipeline specific, unique data product classification tag.

The pipeline identifier string pipe_id is composed of the pipeline package name and its version number in the form PACKAGE “/” PACKAGE_VERSION.

On success and only if header is not None, it will be emptied and then filled with the properties written to the primary header of the product

The FITS header of the created product is created from the provided applist and the cards copied by setup_product_header(), with exception of the cards whose keys match the provided remregexp.

The FITS header of the created product is created from the provided applist and the cards copied by setup_product_header(), with exception of the cards whose keys match the provided remregexp.

cpl.dfs.save_imagelist(allframes: cpl.ui.FrameSet, parlist: cpl.ui.ParameterList, usedframes: cpl.ui.FrameSet, imagelist: cpl.core.ImageList, data_type: cpl.core.Type, recipe: str, applist: cpl.core.PropertyList, pipe_id: str, filename: str, header: object = None, inherit: object = None, remregexp: object = None) None

Save an imagelist as a DFS-compliant pipeline product.

The FITS header of the created product is created from the provided applist and the cards copied by setup_product_header(), with exception of the cards whose keys match the provided remregexp.

  • allframes (cpl.ui.FrameSet) – The list of input frames for the recipe

  • parlist (cpl.ui.ParameterList) – The list of input parameters

  • usedframes (cpl.ui.FrameSet) – The list of raw/calibration frames used for this product

  • imagelist (cpl.core.ImageList) – The imagelist to be saved

  • data_type (Type) – The type used to represent the data in the file

  • recipe (str) – The recipe name

  • applist (cpl.core.PropertyList) – Propertylist to append to primary header

  • pipe_id (str) – Pipeline package (unique) identifier

  • filename (str) – Filename of created product

  • header (cpl.core.PropertyList, optional) – None, or filled with properties written to product header

  • inherit (cpl.ui.Frame, optional) – None, or product frames inherit their header from this frame

  • remregexp (str, optional) – Optional regexp of properties not to put in main header (may be None)

Return type:



The optional regular expression to filter out properties remregexp may be None.

The list of properties passed as applist must contain a string-property with key ESO PRO CATG (ESO hierarchical keyword). Its value must be the pipeline specific, unique data product classification tag.

The pipeline identifier string pipe_id is composed of the pipeline package name and its version number in the form PACKAGE “/” PACKAGE_VERSION.

The FITS header of the created product is created from the provided applist and the cards copied by cpl_dfs_setup_product_header(), with exception of the cards whose keys match the provided remregexp.

cpl.dfs.save_paf(instrume: str, recipe: str, paflist: cpl.core.PropertyList, filename: str) None

Create a new PAF file

  • instrume (str) – Name of the instrument in capitals (NACO, VISIR, etc.)

  • recipe (str) – Name of recipe

  • paflist (cpl.core.PropertyList) – Propertylist to save

  • filename (str) – Filename of created Parameter File

Return type:


cpl.dfs.save_propertylist(allframes: cpl.ui.FrameSet, parlist: cpl.ui.ParameterList, usedframes: cpl.ui.FrameSet, recipe: str, applist: cpl.core.PropertyList, pipe_id: str, filename: str, header: object = None, inherit: object = None, remregexp: object = None) None

Save a propertylist as a DFS-compliant pipeline product.

The FITS header of the created product is created from the provided applist and the cards copied by setup_product_header(), with exception of the cards whose keys match the provided remregexp.

  • allframes (cpl.ui.FrameSet) – The list of input frames for the recipe

  • parlist (cpl.ui.ParameterList) – The list of input parameters

  • usedframes (cpl.ui.FrameSet) – The list of raw/calibration frames used for this product

  • recipe (str) – The recipe name

  • applist (cpl.core.PropertyList) – Propertylist to append to primary header

  • pipe_id (str) – Pipeline package (unique) identifier

  • filename (str) – Filename of created product

  • header (cpl.core.PropertyList, optional) – None, or filled with properties written to product header

  • inherit (cpl.ui.Frame, optional) – None, or product frames inherit their header from this frame

  • remregexp (str, optional) – Optional regexp of properties not to put in main header (may be None)

Return type:



The optional regular expression to filter out properties remregexp may be None.

The list of properties passed as applist must contain a string-property with key ESO PRO CATG (ESO hierarchical keyword). Its value must be the pipeline specific, unique data product classification tag.

The pipeline identifier string pipe_id is composed of the pipeline package name and its version number in the form PACKAGE “/” PACKAGE_VERSION.

The FITS header of the created product is created from the provided applist and the cards copied by setup_product_header(), with exception of the cards whose keys match the provided remregexp.

The FITS data unit will be empty.

cpl.dfs.save_table(allframes: cpl.ui.FrameSet, parlist: cpl.ui.ParameterList, usedframes: cpl.ui.FrameSet, table: cpl.core.Table, recipe: str, applist: cpl.core.PropertyList, pipe_id: str, filename: str, header: object = None, tablelist: object = None, inherit: object = None, remregexp: object = None) None

Save a table as a DFS-compliant pipeline product

The FITS header of the created product is created from the provided applist and the cards copied by setup_product_header(), with exception of the cards whose keys match the provided remregexp.

  • allframes (cpl.ui.FrameSet) – The list of input frames for the recipe

  • parlist (cpl.ui.ParameterList) – The list of input parameters

  • usedframes (cpl.ui.FrameSet) – The list of raw/calibration frames used for this product

  • table (Table) – The table to be saved

  • recipe (str) – The recipe name

  • applist (cpl.core.PropertyList) – Propertylist to append to primary header

  • pipe_id (str) – Pipeline package (unique) identifier

  • filename (str) – Filename of created product

  • header (cpl.core.PropertyList, optional) – None, or filled with properties written to product header

  • inherit (cpl.ui.Frame, optional) – None, or product frames inherit their header from this frame

  • remregexp (str, optional) – Optional regexp of properties not to put in main header (may be None)

Return type:



The optional regular expression to filter out properties remregexp may be None.

The list of properties passed as applist must contain a string-property with key ESO PRO CATG (ESO hierarchical keyword). Its value must be the pipeline specific, unique data product classification tag.

The pipeline identifier string pipe_id is composed of the pipeline package name and its version number in the form PACKAGE “/” PACKAGE_VERSION.

The FITS header of the created product is created from the provided applist and the cards copied by setup_product_header(), with exception of the cards whose keys match the provided remregexp.

cpl.dfs.setup_product_header(header: cpl.core.PropertyList, product_frame: cpl.ui.Frame, framelist: cpl.ui.FrameSet, parlist: cpl.ui.ParameterList, recid: str, pipeline_id: str, dictionary_id: str, inherit_frame: object = None) None

Add product keywords to a pipeline product property list.

  • header (cpl.core.PropertyList) – Property list where keywords must be written

  • product_frame (Frame) – Frame describing the product

  • framelist (cpl.ui.FrameSet) – List of frames including all input frames

  • parlist (cpl.ui.ParameterList) – Recipe parameter list

  • recid (str) – Recipe name

  • pipeline_id (str) – Pipeline package (unique) identifier

  • dictionary_id (str) – PRO dictionary identifier

  • inherit_frame (cpl.ui.Frame, optional) – Frame from which header information is inherited

Return type:


  • cpl.core.DataNotFoundError – If the input framelist contains no input frames or a frame in the input framelist does not specify a file. In the former case the string “Empty set-of-frames” is appended to the error message.

  • cpl.core.IllegalInputError – If the product frame is not tagged or not grouped as cpl.ui.Frame.FrameGroup.PRODUCT. A specified inherit_frame doesn’t belong to the input frame list, or it is not in FITS format.

  • cpl.core.FileNotFoundError – If a frame in the input framelist specifies a non-existing file.

  • cpl.core.BadFileFormatError – If a frame in the input framelist specifies an invalid file.


This function checks the header associated to a pipeline product, to ensure that it is DICB compliant. In particular, this function does the following:

  1. Selects a reference frame from which the primary and secondary keyword information is inherited. The primary information is contained in the FITS keywords ORIGIN, TELESCOPE, INSTRUME, OBJECT, RA, DEC, EPOCH, EQUINOX, RADESYS, DATE-OBS, MJD-OBS, UTC, LST, PI-COI, OBSERVER, while the secondary information is contained in all the other keywords. If the inherit_frame is None, both primary and secondary information is inherited from the first frame in the input framelist with group cpl.ui.Frame.FrameGroup.RAW, or if no such frames are present the first frame with group cpl.ui.Frame.FrameGroup.CALIB. If inherit_frame is not None, the secondary information is inherited from inherit_frame instead.

  2. Copy to header, if they are present, the following primary FITS keywords from the first input frame in the framelist: ORIGIN, TELESCOPE, INSTRUME, OBJECT, RA, DEC, EPOCH, EQUINOX, RADESYS, DATE-OBS, MJD-OBS, UTC, LST, PI-COI, OBSERVER. If those keywords are already present in the header property list, they are overwritten only in case they have the same type. If any of these keywords are present with an unexpected type, a warning is issued, but the keywords are copied anyway (provided that the above conditions are fulfilled), and no error is set.

  3. Copy all the HIERARCH ESO * keywords from the primary FITS header of the inherit_frame in framelist, with the exception of the HIERARCH ESO DPR *, and of the HIERARCH ESO PRO * and HIERARCH ESO DRS * keywords if the inherit_frame is a calibration. If those keywords are already present in header, they are overwritten.

  4. If found, remove the HIERARCH ESO DPR * keywords from header.

  5. If found, remove the ARCFILE and ORIGFILE keywords from header.

  6. Add to header the following mandatory keywords from the PRO dictionary: PIPEFILE, ESO PRO DID, ESO PRO REC1 ID, ESO PRO REC1 DRS ID, ESO PRO REC1 PIPE ID, and ESO PRO CATG. If those keywords are already present in header, they are overwritten. The keyword ESO PRO CATG is always set identical to the tag in product_frame.

  7. Only if missing, add to header the following mandatory keywords from the PRO dictionary: ESO PRO TYPE, ESO PRO TECH, and ESO PRO SCIENCE. The keyword ESO PRO TYPE will be set to REDUCED. If the keyword ESO DPR TECH is found in the header of the first frame, ESO PRO TECH is given its value, alternatively if the keyword ESO PRO TECH is found it is copied instead, and if all fails the value UNDEFINED is set. Finally, if the keyword ESO DPR CATG is found in the header of the first frame and is set to SCIENCE, the boolean keyword ESO PRO SCIENCE will be set to true, otherwise it will be copied from an existing ESO PRO SCIENCE keyword, while it will be set to false in all other cases.

  8. Check the existence of the keyword ESO PRO DATANCOM in header. If this keyword is missing, one is added, with the value of the total number of raw input frames.

  9. Add to header the keywords ESO PRO REC1 RAW1 NAME, ESO PRO REC1 RAW1 CATG, ESO PRO REC1 CAL1 NAME, ESO PRO REC1 CAL1 CATG, to describe the content of the input set-of-frames.

See the DICB PRO dictionary for details on the mentioned PRO keywords.

Non-FITS files are handled as files with an empty FITS header.

The pipeline identifier string pipe_id is composed of the pipeline package name and its version number in the form PACKAGE “/” PACKAGE_VERSION.

cpl.dfs.sign_products(frameset: cpl.ui.FrameSet, compute_md5: bool = True, compute_checksum: bool = True) None

Update DFS and DICB required header information of frames.

  • frameset (cpl.ui.FrameSet) – The frameset from which the product frames are taken.

  • compute_md5 (bool, default=True) – Boolean Flag to compute the DATAMD5 hash and add to the product header

  • compute_checksum (bool, default=True) – Flag to compute the standard FITS checksums

Return type:



The function takes all frames marked as products from the input frameset.

cpl.dfs.update_product_header(frameset: cpl.ui.FrameSet) None

Perform any DFS-compliancy required actions (DATAMD5/PIPEFILE update).


frameset (cpl.ui.FrameSet) – The list of frames with FITS products created by the recipe

Return type:




Each product frame must correspond to a FITS file created with a CPL FITS saving function.