
CPL Core submodule

This module provides the core functionality of CPL. It provides the basic data types, like images and tables, the basic operations defined for these types, and also basic input and output operations. In addition the module provides utilities for basic image and signal processing, error handling, log message output.

exception cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeError(*args)

Data were accessed beyond boundaries.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.AssigningStreamError(*args)

Could not associate a stream with a file descriptor.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.BadFileFormatError(*args)

Input file had not the expected format.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.ContinueError(*args)

An iterative process did not converge.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.DataNotFoundError(*args)

Data searched within a valid object were not found.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.DivisionByZeroError(*args)

Attempted to divide a number by zero.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.DuplicatingStreamError(*args)

Could not duplicate output stream.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.EOLError(*args)

To permit extensibility of error handling.Do not raise this in Python as it will be a conding error in itself

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.Error(*args)

Abstract base class of all CPL exceptions, Do not instantiate this class, instead use cpl.core.NullInputError, cpl.core.InvalidArgumentError, or any other subclass. However this class implements has all documentation for those error subclasses.

In order to copy a cpl error, where you do not know the type of the error, use the cpl.core.Error.create classmethod, as create can dispatch to the relevant subclass.


    # Some PyCPL functions are called here
except cpl.core.IllegalInputError as e:
except cpl.core.Error as e:
classmethod create(*args)

Create a subclass of Error, choosing subclass based on input arguments, so you don’t need to know which subclass of error to create one. Instantiating a InvalidTypeError, FileIOError, etc… are preferred over using this function, when you know the error you’re creating.

This method has several overloads:
  • (copy: Error) Copy constructor copies the given error

  • (trace: List of Error) Given a list of Errors, this creates a stack trace out of those errors (essentially concatenating them) and produces a type the same as the final error in the list

  • (code: int, function_name: str, file_name: str, line: unsigned, error_message: str) Creates a new error, (Only 1 frame in the trace) based on CPL error code Cpl error codes are available on subclasses as the ‘code’ class member e.g. IllegalInputError.code

  • (data: _Error_Data) Since Error is a wrapper around _Error_Data, this is the main constructor

The class that is returned is a subclass of cpl.core.Error

property file

C/C++ File where this error occurred or was re-thrown

property line

Line number (in a C/C++ file) where this error or was re-thrown

exception cpl.core.ErrorLostError(*args)

Actual CPL error has been lost.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.FileAlreadyOpenError(*args)

Attempted to open a file twice.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.FileIOError(*args)

Access to file IO denied.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.FileNotCreatedError(*args)

Could not create a file.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.FileNotFoundError(*args)

A specified file or directory was not found.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.IllegalInputError(*args)

Illegal values were detected.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.IllegalOutputError(*args)

A given operation would have generated an illegal object.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.IncompatibleInputError(*args)

Data that had to be processed together did not match.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.InvalidTypeError(*args)

Data type was unsupported or invalid.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.NoWCSError(*args)

The WCS functionalities are missing.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.NullInputError(*args)

A __null pointer was found where a valid pointer was expected .Shouldnt appear in PyCPL but present in case such an error arises.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.SingularMatrixError(*args)

Could not invert a matrix.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.TypeMismatchError(*args)

Data were not of the expected type.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.UnspecifiedError(*args)

Unspecified error

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

exception cpl.core.UnsupportedModeError(*args)

The requested functionality is not supported.

A CPL Error subclass. This is a CPL Error that is thrown from C/C++ and has C/C++ stacktrace available, with line numbers, file names, function names, and CPL Error codes. See cpl.core.Error help documentation for more help on members and methods (scroll down to inherited methods)

class cpl.core.Bivector

Class for pairs of ordered sequences of numbers.

A cpl.core.Bivector is composed of two cpl.core.Vectors of the same size. It can be used to store 1d functions, with the x and y positions of the samples, offsets in x and y or simply positions in an image.

These Vectors are stored in properties x and y, however they can also be accessed using 0 and 1 indexes (and by extension through __iter__) for x and y respectfully.

A Bivector can be created from any iterable object that containins two equal length sequences of floating point numbers. Examples include tuples containing two lists of numbers, lists containing two Vectors, and existing Bivectors.

A Bivector can also be created using the zeros class method.


data (iterable of iterables of floats) – An iterable object which yields two items, both of which are iterables yielding an equal number of floating point values.

See also

cpl.core.Vector : Class for ordered sequences of numbers. cpl.core.Bivector.zeros : Create a Bivector of given length, initialised with 0’s.

Examples >>> bivector_list_of_tuples = cpl.core.Bivector([(1, 3, 5), (2, 4, 6)]) … bivector_tuple_of_lists = cpl.core.Bivector(([1, 2, 3], [4, 6, 8])) … bivector_copy = cpl.core.Bivector(bivector_tuple_of_lists) … vector_x = cpl.core.Vector((1, 2, 3)) … vector_y = cpl.core.Vector.zeros(3) … bivector_vectors = cpl.core.Bivector((vector_x, vector_y)) … bivector_zeros = cpl.core.Bivector.zeros(5)

copy(self: cpl.core.Bivector) cpl.core.Bivector

Copy the contents of the Bivector into a new Bivector object.

Bivectors can also be copied by passing a Bivector to the Bivector constructor.


New Bivector containing a copy of the contents of the original.

Return type:


See also


Class for pairs of ordered sequences of numbers.

dump(self: cpl.core.Bivector, filename: str | None = '', mode: str | None = 'w', show: bool | None = True) str

Dump a vector contents to a file, stdout or a string.

Each element is preceded by its index number (starting with 1!) and written on a single line.

Comment lines start with the hash character.

  • filename (str, optional) – File to dump bivector contents to

  • mode (str, optional) – Mode to open the file with. Defaults to “w” (write, overwriting the contents of the file if it already exists), but can also be set to “a” (append, creating the file if it does not already exist or appending to the end of it if it does).

  • show (bool, optional) – Send bivector contents to stdout. Defaults to True.


Multiline string containing the dump of the bivector contents.

Return type:



In principle a bivector can be saved using dump() re-read using read(). This will however introduce significant precision loss due to the limited accuracy of the ASCII representation.

interpolate_linear(self: cpl.core.Bivector, xout: cpl.core.Vector) cpl.core.Bivector

Linear interpolation of a 1D-function

Here self is interpreted as samples of a one dimensional function, with x containing abscissa values and y containing the corresponding ordinate values. The argument to this function, xout, is a cpl.core.Vector containing a set of abscissa values for which interpolated ordinate values are to be calculated. Linear interpolation is used to calculate the new ordinate values and the result is returned in a new cpl.core.Bivector object containing a copy of xout and the corresponding interpolated ordinate values.

For each abscissa point in xout, self.x must either have two neigboring abscissa points such that self.x[i] < xout[j] < self.x[i+1], or a single identical abscissa point, such that self.x[i] == xout[j]. This is ensured by having monotonically increasing abscissa points in both self.x and xout, and by min(self.x) <= min(xout) and max(xout) < max(self.x). However, for efficiency reasons (since self.x can be very long) the monotonicity is only verified to the extent necessary to actually perform the interpolation. This input requirement implies that extrapolation is not allowed.


xout (cpl.core.Vector) – abcissa points to interpolate the ordinate values from self to.


New Bivector containing the abscissa and ordinate values of the interpolated function as x and y attributes.

Return type:


static read(filename: str) cpl.core.Bivector

Read a list of values from an ASCII file and create a cpl_bivector

The input ASCII file must contain two values per line.

Two columns of numbers are expected in the input file.

In addition to normal files, FIFO (see man mknod) are also supported.


filename (cpl.core.std::string) – Name of the input ASCII file


New Bivector with the values writen in the input ASCII file

Return type:



cpl.core.FileIOError – if the file cannot be read

sort(self: cpl.core.Bivector, reverse: bool = False, mode: cpl.core.SortMode = <SortMode.BY_X: 0>) None

Sort the Bivector in place.

The values are sorted in either ascending or descending order, using either x or y as the key. The sorting is done in place, modifying the Bivector.

  • reverse (bool, default False) – If True values will be sorted in descending order, otherwise they will be sorted in ascending order.

  • mode (cpl.core.SortMode) – cpl.core.SortMode.BY_X to sort by the values in x, or cpl.core.SortMode.BY_Y to sort by the values in y.


TypeError – if mode is neither cpl.core.SortMode.BY_X or cpl.core.SortMode.BY_Y

See also


Return a sorted copy of the Bivector.


If two members compare as equal their order in the sorted Bivector is undefined.

sorted(self: cpl.core.Bivector, reverse: bool = False, mode: cpl.core.SortMode = <SortMode.BY_X: 0>) cpl.core.Bivector

Return a sorted copy of the Bivector.

The values are sorted in either ascending or descending order, using either x or y as the key. The result is returned in a new cpl.core.Bivector, the original is not modified.

  • reverse (bool, default False) – If True values will be sorted in descending order, otherwise they will be sorted in ascending order.

  • mode (cpl.core.SortMode) – cpl.core.SortMode.BY_X to sort by the values in x, or cpl.core.SortMode.BY_Y to sort by the values in y.


TypeError – if mode is neither cpl.core.SortMode.BY_X or cpl.core.SortMode.BY_Y

See also


Sort the Bivector in place.


If two members compare as equal their order in the sorted Bivector is undefined.

static zeros(size: int) cpl.core.Bivector

Create a Bivector of given length, initialised with 0’s.


size (int) – size of the new Bivector


New cpl.core.Bivector, length size, initialised with 0’s

Return type:



cpl.core.IllegalInputError – size is non-positive

property size

Length of the bivector and in turn the length of x and y

property x

x vector

property y

y vector

class cpl.core.Border

Supported border modes for use with filtering functions in cpl.core.Image and cpl.core.Mask. For a kernel of width 2n+1, the n left- and rightmost image/mask columns do not have elements for the whole kernel. The same holds for the top and bottom image/mask rows.The border mode defines the filtering of such border pixels.


FILTER : Filter the border using the reduced number of pixels. If in median filtering the number of pixels is even choose the mean of the two central values, after the borders have been filled with a chess-like pattern of +- inf

ZERO : Set the border of the filtered image/mask to zero.

CROP : Crop the filtered image/mask.

NOP : Do not modify the border of the filtered image/mask.

COPY : Copy the border of the input image/mask. For an in-place operation this has the no effect, identical to CPL_BORDER_NOP.

property name
class cpl.core.Filter

Supported filter modes for use with filtering functions in cpl.core.Image and cpl.core.Mask.


EROSION : Erosion filter for cpl.core.Mask filtering (see cpl.core.Mask.filter)

DILATION : Dilation filter for cpl.core.Mask filtering (see cpl.core.Mask.filter)

OPENING : Opening filter for cpl.core.Mask filtering (see cpl.core.Mask.filter)

CLOSING : Closing filter for cpl.core.Mask filtering (see cpl.core.Mask.filter)


A linear filter (for a cpl.core.Image.filter). The kernel elements are normalized with the sum of their absolute values. This implies that there must be at least one non-zero element in the kernel. The normalisation makes the kernel useful for filtering where flux conservation is desired.

The kernel elements are thus used as weights like this:

Kernel              Image
1 2 3         ... 1.0 2.0 3.0 ...
4 5 6         ... 4.0 5.0 6.0 ...
7 8 9         ... 7.0 8.0 9.0 ...

The filtered value corresponding to the pixel whose value is 5.0 is:

\[\frac{(1*1.0+2*2.0+3*3.0+4*4.0+5*5.0+6*6.0+7*7.0+8*8.0+9*9.0)} {1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9}\]

Filtering with cpl.core.Filter.LINEAR and a flat kernel can be done faster with cpl.core.Filter.AVERAGE.


A linear filter (for a cpl.core.Image.filter). Unlike cpl.core.Filter.LINEAR the kernel elements are not normalized, so the filtered image will have its flux scaled with the sum of the weights of the kernel. Examples of linear, scaling kernels are gradient operators and edge detectors.

The kernel elements are thus applied like this:

Kernel              Image
1 2 3         ... 1.0 2.0 3.0 ...
4 5 6         ... 4.0 5.0 6.0 ...
7 8 9         ... 7.0 8.0 9.0 ...

The filtered value corresponding to the pixel whose value is 5.0 is:


An average filter, i.e. the output pixel is the arithmetic average of the surrounding (1 + 2 * hsizex)(1 + 2 * hsizey) pixels. The cost per pixel is O(hsizex*hsizey).

The two images may have different pixel types. When the input and output pixel types are identical, the arithmetic is done with that type, e.g. int for two integer images. When the input and output pixel types differ, the arithmetic is done in double precision when one of the two images have pixel type cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE, otherwise float is used.


The same as cpl.core.Filter.AVERAGE, except that it uses a running average, which will lead to a significant loss of precision if there are large differences in the magnitudes of the input pixels. The cost per pixel is O(1) if all elements in the kernel are used, otherwise the filtering is done as for cpl.core.Filter.AVERAGE.

MEDIAN : A median filter (for a cpl.core.Image). The pixel types of the input and output images must be identical.


The filtered value is the standard deviation of the included input pixels:

Kernel                      Image
1   0   1           ... 1.0 2.0 3.0 ...
0   1   0           ... 4.0 5.0 6.0 ...
1   0   1           ... 7.0 8.0 9.0 ...

The pixel with value 5.0 will have a filtered value of: std_dev(1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0)


The same as cpl.core.Filter.STDEV, except that it uses the same running method employed in cpl.core.Filter.AVERAGE_FAST, which will lead to a significant loss of precision if there are large differences in the magnitudes of the input pixels. As with cpl.core.Filter.AVERAGE_FAST, the cost per pixel is O(1) if all elements in the kernel are used, otherwise the filtering is done as for cpl.core.Filter.AVERAGE.


A morphological filter (for a cpl.core.Image). The kernel elements are normalized with the sum of their absolute values. This implies that there must be at least one non-zero element in the kernel. The normalisation makes the kernel useful for filtering where flux conservation is desired.

The kernel elements are used as weights on the sorted values covered by the kernel:

Kernel                Image
1 2 3         ... 4.0 6.0 5.0 ...
4 5 6         ... 3.0 1.0 2.0 ...
7 8 9         ... 7.0 8.0 9.0 ...

The filtered value corresponding to the pixel whose value is 5.0 is: .. math:


A morphological filter (for a cpl.core.Image). Unlike cpl.core.Filter.MORPHO the kernel elements are not normalized, so the filtered image will have its flux scaled with the sum of the weights of the kernel.

The kernel elements are thus applied to the the sorted values covered by the kernel:

Kernel                Image
1 2 3         ... 4.0 6.0 5.0 ...
4 5 6         ... 3.0 1.0 2.0 ...
7 8 9         ... 7.0 8.0 9.0 ...

The filtered value corresponding to the pixel whose value is 5.0 is: .. math:

property name
class cpl.core.FitMode







property name
class cpl.core.Image

A cpl.core.Image is a 2-dimensional data structure with a pixel type and an optional bad pixel map.

The pixel indexing follows 0-indexing with the lower left corner having index (0, 0). The pixel buffer is stored row-wise so for optimum performance any pixel-wise access should be done likewise.

Functionality include: FITS I/O Image arithmetic, casting, extraction, thresholding, filtering, resampling Bad pixel handling Image statistics Generation of test images Special functions, such as the image quality estimator.

Supported cpl.core.Types:

  • cpl.core.Type.INT (32-bit integer)

  • cpl.core.Type.FLOAT

  • cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE

  • cpl.core.FLOAT_COMPLEX

  • cpl.core.DOUBLE_COMPLEX

  • data (iterable) – A 1d or 2d iterable containing image data to copy from, and either infers or in the case of a numpy array copies its type. Any iterable should be compatible as long as it implements python’s buffer protocol with a SINGLE c-type per element, and an appropriate .dtype. If a 1d iterable is given, width must also be given to properly split the data into image rows.

  • dtype (cpl.core.Type, optional) – Cast all pixels (numbers) in the array to given type to create the image. List must be homogenous sized. If not given the type will be extracted directly in the case of a numpy array or inferred.

  • width (int, optional) – Width of the new image. This will split data into width sized rows to initialise the rows of the new image. Should only be given if data is 1d, otherwise a ValueError exception is thrown.

class Normalise






property name
abs(self: cpl.core.Image) None

Take the absolute value of an image. Modified in place.

Set each pixel to its absolute value.

accept(self: cpl.core.Image, y: int, x: int) None

Set a pixel as good in an image

  • y (int) – the y pixel position in the image (first pixel is 0)

  • y – the x pixel position in the image (first pixel is 0)


cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeError – if the specified position is outside of image self

accept_all(self: cpl.core.Image) None

Set all pixels in the image as good

add(self: cpl.core.Image, other: cpl.core.Image) None

Adds values from Image other to self. Modified in place.

The bad pixel map of the self becomes the union of the bad pixel maps of the input images.


other (cpl.core.Image) – Image to add to self

add_scalar(self: cpl.core.Image, scalar: float) None

Elementwise addition of a scalar to an image. Modified in place.

Modifies the image by adding a number to each of its pixels.

The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the image pixel type.


scalar (float) – Number to add

and_scalar(self: cpl.core.Image, value: int) None

The bit-wise AND of a scalar and an image with integer pixels. Modified in place.


value (int) – scalar value to bitwise AND with the pixels


cpl.core.Type.INT is required

and_with(self: cpl.core.Image, other: cpl.core.Image) None

Takes the bit-wise AND of the image with another image, pixel by pixel.

Both images must be integer type. The AND is done in place, overwriting the original image.


other (cpl.core.Image) – Second operand

as_array(self: cpl.core.Image) object

Returns a copy of the Image as a numpy array.


New numpy array containing the pixel values from the Image. The data type of the array will be the same as the data type of the Image.

Return type:


cast(self: cpl.core.Image, dtype: cpl.core.Type) cpl.core.Image

Returns a copy of the image converted to a given data type.

Casting to non-complex types is only supported for non-complex types.


dtype (cpl.core.Type) – The destination type


New image that is a copy of the original image converted to the given dtype

Return type:



See also


Converts an image to a given type. Modified in place.

conjugate(self: cpl.core.Image) None

Complex conjugate the pixels in a complex image. Modified in place.


cpl.core.InvalidTypeError – If the image is not of a complex type

copy_into(self: cpl.core.Image, other: cpl.core.Image, ypos: int, xpos: int) None

Copy one image into another

(ypos, xpos) must be a valid position in self. If other is bigger than the place left in self, the part that falls outside of self is simply ignored, an no error is raised. The bad pixels are inherited from other in the concerned self zone.

The two input images must be of the same type, namely one of cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.

  • other (cpl.core.Image) – the inserted image

  • ypos (int) – the y pixel position in self where the lower left pixel of other should go (from 0 to the y-1 size of self)

  • xpos (int) – the x pixel position in self where the lower left pixel of other should go (from 0 to the x-1 size of self)



The two pixel buffers may not overlap

count_rejected(self: cpl.core.Image) int

Count the number of bad pixels declared in an image


the number of bad pixels

Return type:


static create_gaussian(width: int, height: int, dtype: cpl.core.Type, xcen: float, ycen: float, norm: float, sig_x: float, sig_y: float) cpl.core.Image

Generate an image from a 2d gaussian function.

This function generates an image of a 2d gaussian. The gaussian is defined by the position of its centre, given in pixel coordinates inside the image with the FITS convention (x from 0 to nx-1, y from 0 to ny-1), its norm and the value of sigma in x and y.

\[f(x, y) = (norm/(2*pi*sig_x*sig_y)) * exp(-(x-xcen)^2/(2*sig_x^2)) * exp(-(y-ycen)^2/(2*sig_y^2))\]
  • width (int) – width of the new image

  • height (int) – height of the new image

  • dtype (cpl.core.Type) – type of the new image, must be cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE

  • xcen (int, float) – x position of the center

  • ycen (int, float) – y position of the center

  • norm (int, float) – norm of the gaussian.

  • sig_x (int, float) – sigma in x for the gaussian distribution.

  • sig_y (int, float) – sigma in y for the gaussian distribution.


New Image containing the gaussian function.

Return type:



cpl.core.InvalidTypeError – If self is not of a supported image type.

See also


Generate an image from a 2d gaussian function with width, height and type matching another image.

static create_gaussian_like(other: cpl.core.Image, xcen: float, ycen: float, norm: float, sig_x: float, sig_y: float) cpl.core.Image

Generate an image from a 2d gaussian function with width, height and type matching another image.

This function generates an image of a 2d gaussian. The gaussian is defined by the position of its centre, given in pixel coordinates inside the image with the FITS convention (x from 0 to nx-1, y from 0 to ny-1), its norm and the value of sigma in x and y.

\[f(x, y) = (norm/(2*pi*sig_x*sig_y)) * exp(-(x-xcen)^2/(2*sig_x^2)) * exp(-(y-ycen)^2/(2*sig_y^2))\]
  • other (cpl.core.Image) – Other Image with the desired width, height and data type.

  • xcen (int, float) – x position of the center

  • ycen (int, float) – y position of the center

  • norm (int, float) – norm of the gaussian.

  • sig_x (int, float) – sigma in x for the gaussian distribution.

  • sig_y (int, float) – sigma in y for the gaussian distribution.


New Image containing the gaussian function.

Return type:


See also


Generate an image from a 2d gaussian function.

static create_jacobian(deltax: cpl.core.Image, deltay: cpl.core.Image) cpl.core.Image

Compute area change ratio for a transformation map.


New Image containing the are change ratios

Return type:



The shifts Images deltax and deltay, describing the transformation, must be of type cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE. For each pixel (u, v) of the output image, the deltax and deltay code the following transformation:

u - deltax(u,v) = x v - deltay(u,v) = y

This function writes the density of the (u, v) coordinate system relative to the (x, y) coordinates for each (u, v) pixel of image out.

This is trivially obtained by computing the absolute value of the determinant of the Jacobian of the transformation for each pixel of the (u, v) image self.

The partial derivatives are estimated at the position (u, v) in the following way:

dx/du = 1 + 1/2 ( deltax(u-1, v) - deltax(u+1, v) ) dx/dv = 1/2 ( deltax(u, v-1) - deltax(u, v+1) ) dy/du = 1/2 ( deltay(u-1, v) - deltay(u+1, v) ) dy/dv = 1 + 1/2 ( deltay(u, v-1) - deltay(u, v+1) )

Typically this function would be used to determine a flux-conservation factor map for the target image specified in function warp().

The map produced by this function is not applicable for flux conservation in case the transformation implies severe undersampling of the original signal.

static create_jacobian_polynomial(width: int, height: int, dtype: cpl.core.Type, poly_x: cpl::core::Polynomial, poly_y: cpl::core::Polynomial) cpl.core.Image

Compute area change ratio for a 2D polynomial transformation.

  • width (int) – width of the new image

  • height (int) – height of the new image

  • dtype (cpl.core.Type) – type of the new image, must be cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE

  • poly_x (cpl.core.Polynomial) – defines source x-pos corresponding to destination (u,v).

  • poly_y (cpl.core.Polynomial) – defines source y-pos corresponding to destination (u,v).


New Image containing the computed area change ratios.

Return type:



For an image with pixel coordinates (x, y) which is mapped into an output image with pixel coordinates (u, v), and the polynomial inverse transformation (u, v) to (x, y) as in warp_polynomial(), this function writes the density of the (u, v) coordinate system relative to the (x, y) coordinates for each (u, v) pixel of the output image.

This is trivially obtained by computing the absolute value of the determinant of the Jacobian of the transformation for each pixel of the (u, v) self.

Typically this function would be used to determine a flux-conservation factor map for the target image specified in function warp_polynomial().

The map produced by this function is not applicable for flux conservation in case the transformation implies severe undersampling of the original signal.


See also


Compute area change ratio for a 2D polynomial transformation with width, height and type matching another image.

static create_jacobian_polynomial_like(other: cpl.core.Image, poly_x: cpl::core::Polynomial, poly_y: cpl::core::Polynomial) cpl.core.Image

Compute area change ratio for a 2D polynomial transformation with width, height and type matching another image.

  • other (cpl.core.Image) – other Image with the desired width, height and data type. The type of other must be cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE

  • poly_x (cpl.core.Polynomial) – defines source x-pos corresponding to destination (u,v).

  • poly_y (cpl.core.Polynomial) – defines source y-pos corresponding to destination (u,v).


New Image containing the computed area change ratios.

Return type:



For an image with pixel coordinates (x, y) which is mapped into an output image with pixel coordinates (u, v), and the polynomial inverse transformation (u, v) to (x, y) as in warp_polynomial(), this function writes the density of the (u, v) coordinate system relative to the (x, y) coordinates for each (u, v) pixel of the output image.

This is trivially obtained by computing the absolute value of the determinant of the Jacobian of the transformation for each pixel of the (u, v) self.

Typically this function would be used to determine a flux-conservation factor map for the target image specified in function warp_polynomial().

The map produced by this function is not applicable for flux conservation in case the transformation implies severe undersampling of the original signal.


See also


Compute area change ratio for a 2D polynomial transformation.

static create_noise_uniform(width: int, height: int, type: cpl.core.Type, min_pix: float, max_pix: float) cpl.core.Image

Create an image with uniform random noise distribution.

Pixel values are within the provided bounds.

  • width (int) – width of the new image

  • height (int) – height of the new image

  • dtype (cpl.core.Type) – type of the new image, must be cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE

  • min_pix (float) – minimum output pixel value.

  • max_pix (float) – maximum output pixel value.


New image containing random noise.

Return type:



See also


Create an image with uniform random noise distribution with width, height and type matching another image.

static create_noise_uniform_like(other: cpl.core.Image, min_pix: float, max_pix: float) cpl.core.Image

Create an image with uniform random noise distribution with width, height and type matching another image.

Pixel values are within the provided bounds.

  • other (cpl.core.Image) – other Image with the desired width, height and data type. The type of other must be cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE

  • min_pix (float) – minimum output pixel value.

  • max_pix (float) – maximum output pixel value.


New image containing random noise.

Return type:



See also


Create an image with uniform random noise distribution.

divide(self: cpl.core.Image, other: cpl.core.Image) None

Divide self by another image


other (cpl.core.Image) – image to divide with



The result of division with a zero-valued pixel is marked as a bad pixel.

divide_scalar(self: cpl.core.Image, scalar: float) None

Elementwise division of an image with a scalar

Modifies the image by dividing each of its pixels with a number.


scalar (float) – Non-zero number to divide with


cpl.core.DivsionByZeroError – scalar is 0.0

dump(self: cpl.core.Image, filename: str | None = '', mode: str | None = 'w', window: tuple | None = None, show: bool | None = True) str

Dump the image contents to a file, stdout or a string.

This function is intended just for debugging. It prints the contents of an image to the file path specified by filename. If a filename is not specified, output goes to stdout (unless show is False). In both cases the contents are also returned as a string.

  • filename (str, optional) – File to dump image contents to

  • mode (str, optional) – Mode to open the file with. Defaults to “w” (write, overwriting the contents of the file if it already exists), but can also be set to “a” (append, creating the file if it does not already exist or appending to the end of it if it does).

  • window (tuple(int,int,int,int), optional) – Window to dump with value in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate - lly Lower left Y coordinate - urx Upper right X coordinate - ury Upper right Y coordinate

  • show (bool, optional) – Send image contents to stdout. Defaults to True.


Multiline string containing the dump of the image contents.

Return type:


duplicate(self: cpl.core.Image) cpl.core.Image

Copy the image.

Copy the image into a new image object. The pixels and the bad pixel map are also copied.

This method is also used when performing a deepcopy on an image.


New image object that is a copy of the original image.

Return type:


equals(self: cpl.core.Image, other: cpl.core.Image) bool

Check if one image is equivalent to another.

Two images are considered equal if they share the same dimensions, type, and values (in the same positions as each other).

Can also be called using the equality operator i.e. self`==`other


other (-) – Image to compare to self.


True if self is equal to other. False otherwise.

Return type:



In comparison to numpy array equality, this function is more strict in that the properties of the array (type and dimensions) need to be equal, contrary to numpy which does elementwise comparisons and does not require the arrays to be of the same data type. Numpy functions are still however compatible with images as input arguments for numpy and thus equality functions can be used with the images (e.g. np.array_equals(im1, im2))

exponential(self: cpl.core.Image, base: float) None

Compute the elementwise exponential of the image.

Modifies the image by computing the base-scalar exponential of each of its pixels.

Images can be of type cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.

Pixels for which the power of the given base is not defined are rejected and set to zero.


base (float) – Base of the exponential.

extract(self: cpl.core.Image, window: tuple) cpl.core.Image

Extract a rectangular zone from an image into another image.

The input coordinates define the extracted region by giving the coordinates of the lower left and upper right corners (inclusive).

Coordinates must be provided in the FITS convention: lower left corner of the image is at (1,1), x increasing from left to right, y increasing from bottom to top. Images can be of type cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.

If the input image has a bad pixel map and if the extracted rectangle has bad pixel(s), then the extracted image will have a bad pixel map, otherwise it will not.


window (tuple(int,int,int,int)) – Window in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate - lly Lower left Y coordinate - urx Upper right X coordinate - ury Upper right Y coordinate


New image instance of the extracted area.

Return type:



cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if the window coordinates are not valid

extract_subsample(self: cpl.core.Image, xstep: int, ystep: int) cpl.core.Image

Sub-sample an image

step represents the sampling step in x and y: both steps = 2 will create an image with a quarter of the pixels of the input image.

image type can be cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT and cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE. If the image has bad pixels, they will be resampled in the same way.

The flux of the sampled pixels will be preserved, while the flux of the pixels not sampled will be lost. Using steps = 2 in each direction on a uniform image will thus create an image with a quarter of the flux.

  • ystep (int) – Take every xstep pixel in y

  • xstep (int) – Take every ystep pixel in x


New sub-sampled image

Return type:


fft(self: cpl.core.Image, imag: cpl.core.Image | None = None, inverse: bool = False, unnormalized: bool = False, swap_halves: bool = False) cpl.core.Image

Fast Fourier Transform a square, power-of-two sized image. Modified in place.

self must be either of type cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE_COMPLEX or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE. If self is passed as cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE, the imaginary component can be passed via imag, which must also be cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE. imag is unused otherwise.

Any rejected pixel is used as if it were a good pixel.

The image must be square with a size that is a power of two.

Different FFT options can be set via the kwargs (see Parameters).

  • imag (cpl.core.Image, optional) – The imaginary part of the image. Only used when the image’s type is cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE If not given, a 0 value image will be set in its place.

  • inverse (bool, optional) – True to perform Inverse FFT transform

  • unnormalized (bool, optional) – True to not normalize (with N*N for N-by-N image) on inverse = False. Has no effect on forward transform (inverse = True).

  • swap_halves (bool, optional) – Swap the four quadrants of the result image.



When comparing to cpl.drs.fft.fft_image and numpy’s fft, with any image dimensions greater than or equal to 4x4 the values of the imaginary component of the resulting image is sign flipped. This is due to the differing implementation of the fft algorithm which is being looked into.

If possible is recommended to use cpl.drs.fft.fft_image as its a more up to date and well more maintained implementation of fft using fftw.

fill_rejected(self: cpl.core.Image, value: float) None

Set the bad pixels in an image to a fixed value.

Images can be of type cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.INT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE


value (int, float) – Value to replace bad pixels


cpl.core.InvalidTypeError – If the image’s type is not supported, i.e. cpl.core.Type.FLOAT_COMPLEX or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE_COMPLEX

fill_window(self: cpl.core.Image, window: tuple, value: float) None

Fill an image window with a constant

Any bad pixels in the window are accepted.

Upper boundaries are inclusive and will also be filled with value.

Images can be of type cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.INT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE

  • window (tuple(int,int,int,int)) – Window to fill with value in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate - lly Lower left Y coordinate - urx Upper right X coordinate (inclusive) - ury Upper right Y coordinate (inclusive)

  • value (float) – Value to fill with


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – The specified window is not valid

filter(self: cpl.core.Image, kernel: cpl::core::Matrix, filter: cpl.core.Filter, border: cpl.core.Border = <Border.FILTER: 0>, dtype: cpl.core.Type) cpl.core.Image

Filter the image using a floating-point kernel

The kernel must have an odd number of rows and an odd number of columns and at least one non-zero element.

For scaling filters (cpl.core.Filter.LINEAR_SCALE and cpl.core.Filter.MORPHO_SCALE) the flux of the filtered image will be scaled with the sum of the weights of the kernel. If for a given input pixel location the kernel covers only bad pixels, the filtered pixel value is flagged as bad and set to zero.

For flux-preserving filters (cpl.core.Filter.LINEAR and cpl.core.Filter.MORPHO) the filtered pixel must have at least one input pixel with a non-zero weight available. Output pixels where this is not the case are set to zero and flagged as bad.

Supported pixel types are: cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT and cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.

Supported filters: cpl.core.Filter.LINEAR, cpl.core.Filter.MORPHO, cpl.core.Filter.LINEAR_SCALE and cpl.core.Filter.MORPHO_SCALE

The result is returned in a new Image.

  • kernel (cpl.core.Matrix) – Pixel weights

  • filter (cpl.core.Filter) – cpl.core.Filter.LINEAR or cpl.core.Filter.MORPHO, cpl.core.Filter.LINEAR_SCALE and cpl.core.Filter.MORPHO_SCALE

  • border (cpl.core.Border, optional) – Filtering border mode. Currently only supports cpl.core.Border.FILTER and thus is set to that by default

  • dtype (cpl.core.Type) – Data type to use for the output image, can be cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.


The filtered image.

Return type:



See also


For filtering using a binary kernel (cpl.core.Mask)

filter_mask(self: cpl.core.Image, kernel: object, filter: cpl.core.Filter, border: cpl.core.Border, dtype: cpl.core.Type) cpl.core.Image

Filter an image using a binary kernel

  • kernel (cpl.core.Mask) – Mask of Pixels to use

  • filter (cpl.core.Filter) – Filter to use, can be: cpl.core.Filter.MEDIAN, cpl.core.Filter.AVERAGE and more, see notes

  • border – border to use, can be cpl.core.Border.FILTER and more, see Notes

  • dtype (cpl.core.Type) – Data type to use for the output image. Can be cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE but see Notes for restrictions.


The filtered image.

Return type:



The kernel must have an odd number of rows and an odd number of columns.

The output image will have equal dimensions to the original image, except for the border mode CPL_BORDER_CROP, where the output image must have 2 * hx columns fewer and 2 * hy rows fewer than the original image, where the kernel has size (1 + 2 * hx, 1 + 2 * hy).

In standard deviation filtering the kernel must have at least two elements set to True, for others at least one element must be set to True.

Supported pixel types are: cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT and cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.

In median filtering the two images must have the same pixel type.

In standard deviation filtering a filtered pixel must be computed from at least two input pixels, for other filters at least one input pixel must be available. Output pixels where this is not the case are set to zero and flagged as rejected.

In-place filtering is not supported.

Supported modes:

cpl.core.Filter.MEDIAN: cpl.core.Border.FILTER, cpl.core.Border.ZERO, cpl.core.Border.COPY, cpl.core.Border.CROP.

cpl.core.Filter.AVERAGE: cpl.core.Border.FILTER

cpl.core.Filter.AVERAGE_FAST: cpl.core.Border.FILTER

cpl.core.Filter.STDEV: cpl.core.Border.FILTER

cpl.core.Filter.STDEV_FAST: cpl.core.Border.FILTER

Note that in PyCPL the supported border modes for median filtering includes ZERO but not NOP as in CPL’s cpl_image_filter_mask. This is because the NOP mode preserves pixel values from the border regions of a pre-allocated results Image, but this method uses a new Image to store the results so there are no pre-existing pixel values to preserve. See PIPE-11042 for more details.

To shift an image 1 pixel up and 1 pixel right with the cpl.core.Filter.MEDIAN filter and a 3 by 3 kernel, one should set to CPL_BINARY_1 the bottom leftmost kernel element - at row 3, column 1, i.e.

kernel[0][0] = True

The kernel required to do a 5 x 5 median filtering is created like this:

flip(self: cpl.core.Image, angle: int) None

Flip an image on a given mirror line.

This function operates locally on the pixel buffer.

angle can take one of the following values: - 0 (theta=0) to flip the image around the horizontal - 1 (theta=pi/4) to flip the image around y=x - 2 (theta=pi/2) to flip the image around the vertical - 3 (theta=3pi/4) to flip the image around y=-x

Images can be of type cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.


angle (int) – mirror line in polar coord. is theta = (PI/4) * angle

static from_accepted(image_list: cpl::core::ImageList) cpl.core.Image

Create a contribution map from the bad pixel maps of the images.

The returned map counts for each pixel the number of good pixels in the list.


imlist (cpl.core.ImageList) – Images to generate a contribution map from.


Output contribution map with the pixel type cpl.core.Type.INT

Return type:



cpl.core.IllegalInputError – If the input image list is not valid

get_absflux(self: cpl.core.Image, window: tuple | None = None) float

Computes the sum of absolute values over an entire image or sub window.

Images can be cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.INT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.


window (tuple(int,int,int,int), optional) – Window to operate on in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate (0 for leftmost) - lly Lower left Y coordinate (0 for lowest) - urx Upper right X coordinate - ury Upper right Y coordinate


the absolute flux (sum of pixels) value

Return type:


get_centroid_x(self: cpl.core.Image, window: tuple | None = None) float

Computes the x centroid value over the whole image or sub-window.

Images can be cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.INT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.


window (tuple(int,int,int,int), optional) – Window to operate on in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate (0 for leftmost) - lly Lower left Y coordinate (0 for lowest) - urx Upper right X coordinate - ury Upper right Y coordinate


the x centroid value

Return type:



See also


Compute the y centroid value over the whole image or sub-window.

get_centroid_y(self: cpl.core.Image, window: tuple | None = None) float

Computes the y centroid value over the whole image or sub-window.

Images can be cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.INT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.


window (tuple(int,int,int,int), optional) – Window to operate on in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate (0 for leftmost) - lly Lower left Y coordinate (0 for lowest) - urx Upper right X coordinate - ury Upper right Y coordinate


the y centroid value

Return type:



See also


Compute the x centroid value over the whole image or sub-window.

get_flux(self: cpl.core.Image, window: tuple | None = None) float

Computes the sum of pixel values over an entire image or sub window

Images can be cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.INT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.


window (tuple(int,int,int,int), optional) – Window to operate on in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate (0 for leftmost) - lly Lower left Y coordinate (0 for lowest) - urx Upper right X coordinate - ury Upper right Y coordinate


the flux (sum of pixels) value

Return type:



cpl.core.IllegalInputError – If the specified window is illegal


Does not work on complex images.

get_fwhm(self: cpl.core.Image, ypos: int, xpos: int) tuple

Compute the FWHM of an object in a cpl.core.Vector

For the FWHM in x (resp. y) to be computed, the image size in the x (resp. y) direction should be at least of 5 pixels.

If for any reason, one of the FHWMs cannot be computed, its returned value is None with no exception raised. For example, if a 4 column image is passed, the x component of the return tuple would be None, while the y component would be correctly computed, and no exception would be raised.

  • ypos (int) – the y position of the object (0 for the first pixel)

  • xpos (int) – the x position of the object (0 for the first pixel)


fwhm y, x, which are the computed FWHM in y or x directions

Return type:

tuple(float, float)



The return value may be None with no error condition

This function uses a basic method: start from the center of the object and go away until the half maximum value is reached in x and y.

get_interpolated(self: cpl.core.Image, ypos: float, xpos: float, yprofile: cpl::core::Vector, yradius: float, xprofile: cpl::core::Vector, xradius: float) Tuple[float, float]

Interpolate a pixel

  • ypos (int) – Pixel y floating-point position (FITS convention)

  • xpos (int) – Pixel x floating-point position (FITS convention)

  • yprofile (cpl.core.Vector) – Interpolation weight vector as a function of the distance in Y

  • yradius (float) – Positive inclusion radius in the Y-dimension

  • xprofile (cpl.core.Vector) – Interpolation weight as a function of the distance in X

  • xradius (float) – Positive inclusion radius in the X-dimension


Tuple of (interpolated, confidence), where interpolated represents the interpolated pixel value and confidence represents the confidence level of the interpolated value (range 0 to 1)

Return type:

tuple(float, float)



If the X- and Y-radii are identical the area of inclusion is a circle, otherwise it is an ellipse, with the larger of the two radii as the semimajor axis and the other as the semiminor axis.

A good profile length is 2001, using radius 2.0.

The radii are only required to be positive. However, for small radii, especially radii less than 1/sqrt(2), (xpos, ypos) may be located such that no source pixels are included in the interpolation, causing the interpolated pixel value to be undefined.

The X- and Y-profiles can be generated with cpl.core.Vector.fill_kernel_profile(profile, radius). For profiles generated with cpl_vector_fill_kernel_profile() it is important to use the same radius both there and in cpl.core.Image.get_interpolated().

On error pconfid is negative (unless pconfid is NULL). Otherwise, if pconfid is zero, the interpolated pixel-value is undefined. Otherwise, if pconfid is less than 1, the area of inclusion is close to the image border or contains rejected pixels.

The input image type can be cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT and cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.

get_mad(self: cpl.core.Image, window: tuple | None = None) Tuple[float, float]

Computes median and median absolute deviation (MAD) on an image or sub-window.

Images can be cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.INT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.


window (tuple(int,int,int,int), optional) – Window to operate on in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate (0 for leftmost) - lly Lower left Y coordinate (0 for lowest) - urx Upper right X coordinate - ury Upper right Y coordinate


The median of the non-bad pixels and the median absolute deviation of the good pixels in the format (median, MAD)

Return type:



See also


for calculating median and mean absolute median deviation on an image or sub-window.


for calculating median on all pixels or sub-window.

get_max(self: cpl.core.Image, window: tuple | None = None) float

Computes the maximum pixel value over an entire image or image sub window

Images can be cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.INT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.


window (tuple(int,int,int,int), optional) – Window to operate on in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate (0 for leftmost) - lly Lower left Y coordinate (0 for lowest) - urx Upper right X coordinate (inclusive) - ury Upper right Y coordinate (inclusive)


the maximum value

Return type:



Does not work on complex images.


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – If the specified window is illegal

See also


Get the minimum pixel value over the entire image or image sub window.

get_maxpos(self: cpl.core.Image, window: tuple | None = None) Tuple[int, int]

Computes maximum pixel value and position over an image or sub-window.

Images can be cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.INT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.


window (tuple(int,int,int,int), optional) – Window to operate on in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate (0 for leftmost) - lly Lower left Y coordinate (0 for lowest) - urx Upper right X coordinate - ury Upper right Y coordinate


the x coordinate and y coordinate of the maximum position in the format (x,y)

Return type:

tuple(int, int)


See also


get the position of the minimum value in the image

get_mean(self: cpl.core.Image, window: tuple | None = None) float

Computes the mean pixel value over an entire image or sub-window.

Images can be cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.INT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.


window (tuple(int,int,int,int), optional) – Window to operate on in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate (0 for leftmost) - lly Lower left Y coordinate (0 for lowest) - urx Upper right X coordinate - ury Upper right Y coordinate


the mean value

Return type:



Does not work on complex images.


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – If the specified window is illegal

get_median(self: cpl.core.Image, window: tuple | None = None) float

Computes the median pixel value over an entire image or sub-window.

Images can be cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.INT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.


window (tuple(int,int,int,int), optional) – Window to operate on in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate (0 for leftmost) - lly Lower left Y coordinate (0 for lowest) - urx Upper right X coordinate - ury Upper right Y coordinate


the median value

Return type:



cpl.core.IllegalInputError – If the specified window is illegal


The median value is calculated using integer arithmetic if the image has integer data type, in which case the median value may differ from some other Python libraries such as numpy. For integer images the behaviour of get_median is equivalent to np.floor(np.median(int_image)).

get_median_dev(self: cpl.core.Image, window: tuple | None = None) Tuple[float, float]

Computes median and mean absolute median deviation on an image or sub-window.

For each non-bad pixel in the window the absolute deviation from the median is computed. The mean absolute median deviation is however still sensitive to outliers. Images can be cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.INT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.


window (tuple(int,int,int,int), optional) – Window to operate on in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate (0 for leftmost) - lly Lower left Y coordinate (0 for lowest) - urx Upper right X coordinate - ury Upper right Y coordinate


The median of the non-bad pixels and the mean absolute median deviation

Return type:



See also


for calculating median and median absolute median deviation (MAD) on the image


for calculating median on all pixels

get_min(self: cpl.core.Image, window: tuple | None = None) float

Computes the minimum pixel value over an entire image or image sub window.

Images can be cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.INT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.


window (tuple(int,int,int,int), optional) – Window to operate on in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate (0 for leftmost) - lly Lower left Y coordinate (0 for lowest) - urx Upper right X coordinate (inclusive) - ury Upper right Y coordinate (inclusive)


the minimum value

Return type:



Does not work on complex images.


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – If the specified window is illegal

See also


Get the maximum pixel value over an image or image sub window.

get_minpos(self: cpl.core.Image, window: tuple | None = None) Tuple[int, int]

Computes minimum pixel value position over an image or sub-window.

Images can be cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.INT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.


window (tuple(int,int,int,int), optional) – Window to operate on in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate (0 for leftmost) - lly Lower left Y coordinate (0 for lowest) - urx Upper right X coordinate - ury Upper right Y coordinate


the x coordinate and y coordinate of the minimum position in the format (x,y)

Return type:

tuple(int, int)


See also


get the position of the maximum value in the image

get_pixel(self: cpl.core.Image, y: int, x: int) float | int | float | complex | complex | None

Get a pixel at the specified coordinates.

This is equivalent to getting the pixel via image index using im[y][x]

  • y (int) – Row to extract value, 0 being the BOTTOMmost row of the image

  • x (int) – Column to extract value. 0 being the leftmost column of image


Value at the specified index. - None if the value is invalid. - float if the image if the image is of a numerical type (cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE). - complex if the image is of a complex type (cpl.core.Type.FLOAT_COMPLEX or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE_COMPLEX)

Return type:

None, float, or complex


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – Coordinates are invalid

get_pixels(self: cpl.core.Image, index: int, length: int) List[float | int | float | complex | complex | None]

Get a list of pixel data from the image from a given index along the image.

Indices are in reference to a 1D representation of the image starting from 0. When converting from 2D coordinates this is equal to (row*width+column)

  • index (int) – Zero-based index along the Image data to begin extracting pixel data. When converting from 2D coordinates this is equal to (row*width+column)

  • length (int) – Number of values to extract starting from index


length number of values in the image starting from pixel index

Return type:



cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeError – If the range specified using index and length is outside of the image.

get_sqflux(self: cpl.core.Image, window: tuple | None = None) float

Computes the sum of squared values over an entire image or sub-window

Images can be cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.INT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.


window (tuple(int,int,int,int), optional) – Window to operate on in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate (0 for leftmost) - lly Lower left Y coordinate (0 for lowest) - urx Upper right X coordinate - ury Upper right Y coordinate


the square flux

Return type:


get_stdev(self: cpl.core.Image, window: tuple | None = None) float

Computes the pixel standard deviation over an image or sub window.

Images can be cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.INT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.


window (tuple(int,int,int,int), optional) – Window to operate on in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate (0 for leftmost) - lly Lower left Y coordinate (0 for lowest) - urx Upper right X coordinate - ury Upper right Y coordinate


the standard deviation value

Return type:



cpl.core.IllegalInputError – If the specified window is illegal


get_stdev calculates the “sample standard deviation” rather than the “ensemble standard deviation”, i.e. the divisor in calculations is N - 1, where N is the number of pixels. This is equivalent to np.std(image, ddof=1) in numpy.

static hypot(first: cpl.core.Image, second: cpl.core.Image) cpl.core.Image

The pixel-wise Euclidean distance between two images.

The Euclidean distance function is useful for gaussian error propagation on addition/subtraction operations.

For pixel values a and b the Euclidean distance c is defined as: :math:’c = sqrt{a^2 + b^2}’

If both input operands are of type cpl.core.Type.FLOAT the distance is computed in single precision, otherwise in double precision.

  • first (cpl.core.Image) – First input image. Must be type cpl.core.Type.CPL_TYPE_FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.

  • second (cpl.core.Image) – Second input image. Must be type cpl.core.Type.CPL_TYPE_FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE.


A new Image containing the Euclidean distance between first and second.

Return type:


  • cpl.core.IncompatibleInputError – if the images have different sizes

  • cpl.core.InvalidType – if the images are not both CPL_TYPE_FLOAT or CPL_TYPE_DOUBLE type.

image_quality_est(self: cpl.core.Image, window: tuple) cpl::core::Bivector

Compute an image quality estimation for an object


window (tuple(int, int, int, int)) – The zone window in the format (x1, y1, x2, y2)


The IQE result, which contains in the first vector (x) the computed values, and in the second one (y), the associated errors.

The computed values are: - x position of the object - y position of the object - FWHM along the major axis - FWHM along the minor axis - the angle of the major axis with the horizontal in degrees - the peak value of the object - the background computed

Return type:




This function makes internal use of the iqe() MIDAS function (called here cpl_iqe()) written by P. Grosbol. Refer to the MIDAS documentation for more details. This function has proven to give good results over the years when called from RTD. The goal is to provide the exact same functionality in CPL as the one provided in RTD. The code is simply copied from the MIDAS package, it is not maintained by the CPL team.

The bad pixels map of the image is not taken into account. The input image must be of type float.

is_rejected(self: cpl.core.Image, y: int, x: int) bool

Test if a pixel is good or bad

  • y (int) – the y pixel position in the image (first pixel is 0)

  • x (int) – the x pixel position in the image (first pixel is 0)


True if the pixel is bad, False if the pixel is good

Return type:



cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeError – if the specified position is outside of image self

static labelise_create(mask: object) Tuple[cpl.core.Image, int]

Labelise a mask to differentiate different objects

Separate the given mask into contiguous regions, labelling each region a different number. 0 Doesn’t count as a region.

Labelises all blobs: 4-neighbor connected zones set to 1 in this mask will end up in the image as zones where all pixels are the same, unique integer.


mask (cpl.core.Mask) – mask to labelise


The image making up the labelled regions, and the amount of regions.

Return type:

tuple(cpl.core.Image, int)


Non-recursive flood-fill is applied to label the zones, dimensioned by the number of lines in the image, and the maximal number of lines possibly covered by a blob.

static load(filename: str, dtype: cpl.core.Type = <Type.DOUBLE: 131072>, extension: int = 0, plane: int = 0, area: tuple = None) cpl.core.Image

Load an image from a file.

Load image data from the extension extension of the FITS file filename. The FITS extenstion may be an image (NAXIS = 2) or a data cube (NAXIS = 3). By default the image is read from the primary HDU of the FITS file.

When the specified extension is a data cube, the slice of the data cube to load may be given by plane. By default the first plane is loaded.

By default the whole image is loaded. If a particular region of an image should be loaded, the region to load may be provided by the argument area.

The argument dtype specifies the pixel data type of the result image. When the image is loaded the pixel data type in the input FITS file is converted into dtype. By default the image data of the input file is converted to cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE. To load the image without converting the pixel data type use cpl.core.Type.UNSPECIFIED.

Valid pixel data types which may be used for dtype are:

  • cpl.core.Type.INT (32-bit integer)

  • cpl.core.Type.FLOAT

  • cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE

  • filename (str) – Name of the input file

  • dtype (cpl.core.Type, default=cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE) – Data type of the pixels of the returned image

  • extension (int, default=0) – Index of the FITS extension to load (the primary data unit has index 0)

  • plane (int, default=0) – Index of the plane of a data cube to load (counting starts from 0)

  • area (Tuple, default=None) – Region of interest to load given as a tuple specifying the lower left x, the lower left y, the upper right x (inclusive) and the upper right y coordinate (inclusive) in this order. Numbering of the pixel x and y positions starts at 0 (pycpl convention). If None then the entire image will be loaded.


New image instance of loaded data

Return type:


logarithm(self: cpl.core.Image, base: float) None

Compute the elementwise logarithm of the image. Modified in place.

Modifies the image by computing the base-scalar logarithm of each of its pixels.

Images can be of type cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.

Pixels for which the logarithm is not defined are rejected and set to zero.


base (float) – Base of the logarithm.

move(self: cpl.core.Image, nb_cut: int, new_pos: List[int]) None

Permute tiles in an image

nb_cut^2 defines in how many tiles the images will be permuted. Each tile will then be moved to another place defined in new_pos. nb_cut equal 1 will leave the image unchanged, 2 is used to permute the four image quadrants, etc.. new_pos contains nb_cut^2 values between 1 and nb_cut^2, i.e. a permutation of the values from 1 to nb_cut^2. The zone positions are counted from the lower left part of the image. It is not allowed to move two tiles to the same position (the relation between th new tiles positions and the initial position is bijective !). The array with the permuted positions must contain nb_cut^2 values, the function is unable to verify this.

The image x and y sizes have to be multiples of nb_cut.

16 17 18 6 5 4 13 14 15 3 2 1

10 11 12 —-> 12 11 10 7 8 9 9 8 7

4 5 6 18 17 16 1 2 3 15 14 13

image 3x6 image.move(3, new_pos); with new_pos = [9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1];

The bad pixels are moved in the same way.

  • nb_cut (int) – The number of cuts in x and y

  • new_pos (list of ints) – Array with the nb_cut^2 permuted positions



The permutation array _must_ contain nb_cut-squared elements

multiply(self: cpl.core.Image, other: cpl.core.Image) None

Multiply self by another image


other (cpl.core.Image) – Image to multiply with self

multiply_scalar(self: cpl.core.Image, scalar: float) None

Elementwise multiplication of an image with a scalar. Modified in place.


scalar (float) – Number to multiply with

negate(self: cpl.core.Image) None

Takes the bit-wise complement (NOT) of the image, pixel by pixel.

The image must be integer type. The NOT is doen in place, overwriting the original image.


cpl.core.InvalidTypeError – If the image’s type is not cpl.core.Type.INT

normalise(self: cpl.core.Image, mode: cpl.core.Image.Normalise) None

Normalise pixels in an image. Modified in place.

Normalises an image according to a given criterion.

Possible normalisations are: - cpl.core.Image.Normalise.SCALE sets the pixel interval to [0,1]. - cpl.core.Image.Normalise.MEAN sets the mean value to 1. - cpl.core.Image.Normalise.FLUX sets the flux to 1. - cpl.core.Image.Normalise.ABSFLUX sets the absolute flux to 1.


mode (cpl.core.Image.Normalise) – Normalisation mode.

or_scalar(self: cpl.core.Image, value: int) None

The bit-wise OR of a scalar and an image with integer pixels. Modified in place.


value (int) – scalar value to bit-wise OR with the pixels


cpl.core.Type.INT is required

or_with(self: cpl.core.Image, other: cpl.core.Image) None

Takes the bit-wise OR of the image with another image, pixel by pixel.

Both images must be integer type. The OR is done in place, overwriting the original image.


other (cpl.core.Image) – Second operand

power(self: cpl.core.Image, exponent: float) None

Compute the elementwise power of the image.

Modifies the image by lifting each of its pixels to exponent.

Images can be of type cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.

Pixels for which the power to the given exponent is not defined are rejected and set to zero.


exponent (float) – Scalar exponent.

rebin(self: cpl.core.Image, ystart: int, xstart: int, ystep: int, xstep: int) cpl.core.Image

Rebin an image

If both bin sizes in x and y are = 2, an image with (about) a quarter of the pixels of the input image will be created. Each new pixel will be the sum of the values of all contributing input pixels. If a bin is incomplete (i.e., the input image size is not a multiple of the bin sizes), it is not computed.

xstep and ystep must not be greater than the sizes of the rebinned region.

The input image type can be cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT and cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE. If the image has bad pixels, they will be propagated to the rebinned image “pessimistically”, i.e., if at least one of the contributing input pixels is bad, then the corresponding output pixel will also be flagged “bad”. If you need an image of “weights” for each rebinned pixel, just cast the input image bpm into a cpl.core.Type.INT image, and apply cpl.core.Image.rebin() to it too.

  • ystart (int) – start y position of binning (starting from 0…)

  • xstart (int) – start x position of binning (starting from 0…)

  • ystep (int) – Bin size in y.

  • xstep (int) – Bin size in x.


New rebinned image

Return type:


reject(self: cpl.core.Image, y: int, x: int) None

Set a pixel as bad in an image

  • y (int) – the y pixel position in the image (first pixel is 0)

  • x (int) – the x pixel position in the image (first pixel is 0)


cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeError – if the specified position is outside of the image

reject_from_mask(self: cpl.core.Image, map: object) None

Set the bad pixels in an image as defined in a mask

If the input image has a bad pixel map prior to the call, it is overwritten.


map (cpl.core.Mask) – the mask defining the bad pixels


cpl.core.IncompatibleInputError – if the image and the map have different sizes

reject_value(self: cpl.core.Image, values: set) None

Reject pixels with the specified special value(s)


values (set) – The set of special values that should be marked as rejected pixels. The supported special values are 0, math.inf, -math.inf, math.nan and their numpy equivalents, and any combination is allowed.

save(self: cpl.core.Image, filename: str, pl: cpl::core::PropertyList, mode: int, dtype: cpl.core.Type = <Type.UNSPECIFIED: 1048576>) None

Save an image to a FITS file

This function saves an image to a FITS file. If a property list is provided, it is written to the header where the image is written.

Supported image types are cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.INT.

The type used in the file can be one of: cpl.core.Type.UCHAR (8 bit unsigned), cpl.core.Type.SHORT (16 bit signed), cpl.core.Type.USHORT (16 bit unsigned), cpl.core.Type.INT (32 bit signed), cpl.core.Type.FLOAT (32 bit floating point), or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE (64 bit floating point). By default the saved type is cpl.core.Type.UNSPECIFIED. This value means that the type used for saving is the pixel type of the input image. Using the image pixel type as saving type ensures that the saving incurs no loss of information.

Supported output modes are cpl.core.io.CREATE (create a new file) and cpl.core.io.EXTEND (append a new extension to an existing file)

Note that in append mode the file must be writable (and do not take for granted that a file is writable just because it was created by the same application, as this depends from the system umask).

The output mode cpl.core.io.EXTEND can be combined (via bit-wise OR) with an option for tile-compression. This compression is lossless. The options are: cpl.core.io.COMPRESS_GZIP, cpl.core.io.COMPRESS_RICE, cpl.core.io.COMPRESS_HCOMPRESS, cpl.core.io.COMPRESS_PLIO.

Upon success the image will reside in a FITS data unit with NAXIS = 2. Is it possible to save a single image in a FITS data unit with NAXIS = 3

  • filename (str) – Name of the file to write

  • pl (cpl.core.PropertyList, optional) – Property list for the output header. None by default.

  • mode (unsigned int) – Desired output options, determined by bit-wise OR of cpl.core.io enums

  • dtype (cpl.core.Type, optional) – The type used to represent the data in the file. By default it saves using the image’s current dtype


See also


for saving imagelists to a fits file

set_pixel(self: cpl.core.Image, y: int, x: int, value: float | int | float | complex | complex) None

Set a pixel at the specified coordinates.

This is equivalent to setting the pixel via image index using im[y][x] = value

  • y (int) – Row to extract value, 0 being the BOTTOMmost row of the image

  • x (int) – Column to extract value. 0 being the leftmost column of image

  • value (int, float, complex) – Value to set. Must be compatible with the image type (int, float for numerical, complex for complex)

set_pixels(self: cpl.core.Image, pixels: List[float | int | float | complex | complex | None], index: int) None

Set a list of pixel data from the image from a given index along the image.

Indices are in reference to a 1D representation of the image starting from 0. When converting from 2D coordinates this is equal to (row*width+column)

Some input pixels can be set to None to set as bad instead of setting a value. This will be reflected in the corresponding location in the bad pixel map.

  • pixels (int) – length number of values to set in the image starting from pixel index

  • index (int) – Zero-based index along the Image data to begin setting pixel data. When converting from 2D coordinates this is equal to (row*width+column)


cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeError – If the range specified using index and length is outside of the image.

shift(self: cpl.core.Image, dy: int, dx: int) None

Shift an image by integer offsets

The new zones (in the result image) where no new value is computed are set to 0 and flagged as bad pixels. The shift values have to be valid: -nx < dx < nx and -ny < dy < ny

  • dy (int) – The shift in Y

  • dx (int) – The shift in X


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if the requested shift is bigger than the

split_abs_arg(self: cpl.core.Image) Tuple[cpl.core.Image, cpl.core.Image]

Split this complex image into its absolute and argument part(s)

Any bad pixels are also processed.

The split creates new image instances and will not modify the original image


absolute and argument parts of the image in the format (absolute, argument)

Return type:

tuple(cpl.core.Image, cpl.core.Image)


cpl.core.InvalidTypeError – If the image is not of a complex type


This corresponds to the cpl_image_fill_abs_arg function in the CPL C API

split_real_imag(self: cpl.core.Image) Tuple[cpl.core.Image, cpl.core.Image]

Split this complex image into its real and/or imaginary part(s)

Any bad pixels are also processed.

The split creates new image instances and will not modify the original image


Real and Imaginary parts of the image in the format (real, imaginary). Images will be of type cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE if self is of type cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE_COMPLEX. Likewise images will be of type cpl.core.Type.FLOAT if self is of type cpl.core.Type.FLOAT_COMPLEX.

Return type:

tuple(cpl.core.Image, cpl.core.Image)


cpl.core.InvalidTypeError – If the image is not of a complex type


This corresponds to the cpl_image_fill_re_im function in the CPL C API

subtract(self: cpl.core.Image, other: cpl.core.Image) None

Subtract image values from self


other (cpl.core.Image) – Image to subtract from self

subtract_scalar(self: cpl.core.Image, scalar: float) None

Elementwise subtraction of a scalar from an image. Modified in place.


scalar (float) – Number to subtract

threshold(self: cpl.core.Image, assign_lo_cut: float, assign_hi_cut: float, lo_cut: float | None = None, hi_cut: float | None = None) None

Threshold an image to a given interval. Thresholding is performed inplace.

Pixels outside of the provided interval are assigned the given values.

By default lo_cut and hi_cut are set to the minimum and maximum value of the image data type. Therefore assign_lo_cut will not be applied to any pixels if lo_cut is also not set, and assign_hi_cut will not be applied to any pixels if hi_cut is also not set.

Images can be of type cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE. lo_cut must be smaller than or equal to hi_cut.

  • assign_lo_cut (float) – Value to assign to pixels below low bound.

  • assign_hi_cut (float) – Value to assign to pixels above high bound.

  • lo_cut (float, optional) – Lower bound.

  • hi_cut (float, optional) – Higher bound.


cpl.core.InvalidTypeError – if the image type is not supported

to_type(self: cpl.core.Image, dtype: cpl.core.Type) cpl.core.Image

Convert an image to a given type. Modified in place.

Casting to non-complex types is only supported for non-complex types.


dtype (cpl.core.Type) – The destination type


New image that is a copy of the original image converted to the given dtype

Return type:



See also


Get the minimum pixel value over the entire image

turn(self: cpl.core.Image, rot: int) None

Rotate an image by a multiple of 90 degrees clockwise.

Images can be of type cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.

The definition of the rotation relies on the PyCPL convention: The lower left corner of the image is at (0,0), x increasing from left to right, y increasing from bottom to top.

For rotations of +90 or -90 degrees on rectangular non-1D-images, the pixel buffer is temporarily duplicated.

rot may be any integer value, its modulo 4 determines the rotation:

-3 to turn 270 degrees counterclockwise. -2 to turn 180 degrees counterclockwise. -1 to turn 90 degrees counterclockwise. 0 to not turn +1 to turn 90 degrees clockwise (same as -3) +2 to turn 180 degrees clockwise (same as -2). +3 to turn 270 degrees clockwise (same as -1).


rot (int) – Number of clockwise rotations. -1 is a rotation of 90 deg counterclockwise.


cpl.core.InvalidTypeError – if the image type is not supported e

vector_from_column(self: cpl.core.Image, pos: int) cpl::core::Vector

Extract a column from an image.

Images can be of type cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.

The bad pixels map is not taken into account in this function.


pos (int) – Position of the column (0 for leftmost column)


Vector of values from column pos of the image

Return type:


vector_from_row(self: cpl.core.Image, pos: int) cpl::core::Vector

Extract a row from an image.

Images can be of type cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.

The bad pixels map is not taken into account in this function.


pos (int) – Position of the row (0 for bottom row)


Vector of values from row pos of the image

Return type:


warp(self: cpl.core.Image, deltay: cpl.core.Image, deltax: cpl.core.Image, yprofile: cpl::core::Vector, yradius: float, xprofile: cpl::core::Vector, xradius: float) cpl.core.Image

Generate a warped version of this image

  • deltax (int) – The x shift of each pixel, must be same size as deltay and type cplcore.Type.DOUBLE

  • deltay (int) – The y shift of each pixel, must be same size as deltax and type cplcore.Type.DOUBLE

  • xprofile (cpl.core.Vector) – Interpolation weight as a function of the distance in Y

  • xradius (float) – Positive inclusion radius in the X-dimension

  • yprofile (cpl.core.Vector) – Interpolation weight as a function of the distance in Y

  • yradius (float) – Positive inclusion radius in the Y-dimension

  • xprofile – Interpolation weight as a function of the in X

  • xradius – Positive inclusion radius in the X-dimension


new warped image, same size as deltax and deltay and same type as self

Return type:



See also


Compute area change ratio for a transformation map.


The pixel value at the (integer) position (u, v) in the destination image is interpolated from the (typically non-integer) pixel position (x, y) in the source image, where:

x = u - deltax(u, v), y = v - deltay(u, v).

The identity transform is thus given by deltax and deltay filled with zeros.

deltax and deltay may be a different size than self, but must be the same size as each other.

self may be of the type cplcore.Type.INT, cplcore.Type.FLOAT or cplcore.Type.DOUBLE

If case a correction for flux conservation is required please create a correction map using the function cpl.core.Image.create_jacobian().

warp_polynomial(self: cpl.core.Image, poly_y: cpl::core::Polynomial, poly_x: cpl::core::Polynomial, yprofile: cpl::core::Vector, yradius: float, xprofile: cpl::core::Vector, xradius: float, out_dim: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, out_type: Optional[cpl.core.Type] = None) cpl.core.Image

Warp an image according to a 2D polynomial transformation.

  • poly_y (cpl.dfs.Polynomial) – Polynomial defining source y-pos corresponding to destination (u,v).

  • poly_x (cpl.dfs.Polynomial) – Polynomial defining source x-pos corresponding to destination (u,v).

  • yprofile (cpl.dfs.Vector) – Interpolation weight vector as a function of the distance in Y

  • yradius (float) – Positive inclusion radius in the Y-dimension

  • xprofile (cpl.dfs.Vector) – Interpolation weight as a function of the distance in X

  • xradius (float) – Positive inclusion radius in the X-dimension

  • out_dim ((size, size)) – output dimensions. If not given then will default to the same dimensions of self

  • out_type (cpl.core.Type) – Output type. If not given then will default to the same type of self. Will cause errors if output type is not compatible with input


New warped image

Return type:



‘out’ and ‘in’ may have different dimensions and types.

The pair of 2D polynomials are used internally like this:

x = poly_x.eval(cpl.core.Vector([u,v]))
y = poly_y.eval(cpl.core.Vector([u,v]))

where (u,v) are (integer) pixel positions in the destination image and (x,y) are the corresponding pixel positions (typically non-integer) in the source image.

The identity transform (poly_x(u,v) = u, poly_y(u,v) = v) would thus overwrite the ‘out’ image with the ‘in’ image, starting from the lower left if the two images are of different sizes.

Beware that extreme transformations may lead to blank images.

The input image type can be cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT and cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.

In case a correction for flux conservation were required, please create a correction map using the function cpl.core.Image.create_jacobian_polynomial().

xor_scalar(self: cpl.core.Image, value: int) None

The bit-wise XOR of a scalar and an image with integer pixels. Modified in place.


value (int) – scalar value to bit-wise XOR with the pixels


cpl.core.Type.INT is required

xor_with(self: cpl.core.Image, other: cpl.core.Image) None

Takes the bit-wise XOR of the image with another image, pixel by pixel.

Both images must be integer type. The XOR is done in place, overwriting the original image.


other (cpl.core.Image) – Second operand

static zeros(width: int, height: int, dtype: cpl.core.Type) cpl.core.Image

Create an image of width × height dimensions, all 0’s, as type dtype

  • width (int) – width of the new image

  • height (int) – height of the new image

  • dtype (cpl.core.Type) – Type of the new image (see supported cpl.core.Types in class summary)


New width x height image of dtype initialised with all 0’s

Return type:



cpl.core.InvalidTypeError – dtype is not a supported image type.

static zeros_like(other: cpl.core.Image) cpl.core.Image

Create an image filled with 0’s with width, height and type matching another image.


other (cpl.core.Image) – Other Image with the desired width, height and data type.


New Image initialised with all 0’s

Return type:


property bpm

Bad Pixel Mask of this image to mark locations of bad pixels often used during filtering



property height

height of the image



property is_complex

True if the image is of type cpl.core.Type.FLOAT_COMPLEX or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE_COMPLEX



property shape

tuple detailing the shape of the image in the format (height, width)


tuple(int, int)

property size

Total number of pixels in the image (width*height)



property type

Pixel type of the image



property width

width of the image



class cpl.core.ImageList

This module provides functions to create and use a cpl_imagelist.

A CPL ImageList is an ordered list of CPL Images. All images in a list must have the same pixel-type and the same dimensions.

It is allowed to insert the same image into different positions in the list. Different images in the list are allowed to share the same bad pixel map.


from (iterable of cpl.core.Image, optional) – Images to store in self on init. If not given the ImageList is initialised withou any images.

class Collapse





property name
class SwapAxis




property name
add(self: cpl.core.ImageList, other: cpl.core.ImageList) None

Add this ImageList with another. Modified in place.

The two input lists must have the same size, the image number n in the list other is added to the image number n in this list.


other (cpl.core.ImageList) – ImageList to add

add_image(self: cpl.core.ImageList, img: cpl.core.Image) None

Add an image list by an image.


img (cpl.core.Image) – image to add

add_scalar(self: cpl.core.ImageList, value: float) None

Elementwise addition of a scalar to each image in the imlist. Modified in place


value (float) – Number to add

Return type:


append(self: cpl.core.ImageList, to_append: cpl.core.Image) None

Append an image to the end of self

It is allowed to insert the same image into two different positions in a list.

To insert an image a specific position then set via index (e.g. self[i] = new_image)

It is not allowed to insert images of different sizes or types into a list.


to_append (cpl.core.Image) – The image to append

astype(self: cpl.core.ImageList, dtype: cpl.core.Type) cpl.core.ImageList

Cast an imagelist to a different CPL type


dtype (cpl.core.Type) – Type to cast the imagelist to

Return type:

New ImageList, containing images cast to the specified type

collapse_create(self: cpl.core.ImageList) cpl.core.Image

Average an imagelist to a single image.

The bad pixel maps of the images in the input list are taken into account, the result image pixels are flagged as rejected for those where there were no good pixel at the same position in the input image list.

For integer pixel types, the averaging is performed using integer division.


The average Image

Return type:


collapse_median_create(self: cpl.core.ImageList) cpl.core.Image

Create a median image from the Imagelist

The image list can be of type cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT and cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.

On success each pixel in the created image is the median of the values on the same pixel position in the images in the list. If for a given pixel all values in the input image list are rejected the resulting pixel is set to zero and flagged as rejected.

The median is defined here as the middle value of an odd number of sorted samples and for an even number of samples as the mean of the two central values. Note that with an even number of samples the median may not be among the input samples.

Also note that in the case of an even number of integer images the mean value will be computed using integer arithmetic. Cast your integer data to a floating point pixel type if that is not the desired behavior.


The median image of the input pixel type

Return type:



cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if the image list is not valid

collapse_minmax_create(self: cpl.core.ImageList, nlow: int, nhigh: int) cpl.core.Image

Average with rejection an imagelist to a single image

The input images are averaged, for each pixel position the nlow lowest pixels and the nhigh highest pixels are discarded for the average computation.

The input image list can be of type cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT and cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE. The created image will be of the same type.

On success each pixel in the created image is the mean of the non-rejected values on the pixel position in the input image list.

For a given pixel position any bad pixels (i.e. values) are handled as follows: Given n bad values on a given pixel position, n/2 of those values are assumed to be low outliers and n/2 of those values are assumed to be high outliers. Any low or high rejection will first reject up to n/2 bad values and if more values need to be rejected that rejection will take place on the good values. This rationale behind this is to allow the rejection of outliers to include bad pixels without introducing a bias. If for a given pixel all values in the input image list are rejected, the resulting pixel is set to zero and flagged as rejected.

  • nlow (int) – Number of low rejected values

  • nhigh (int) – Number of high rejected values


The average image

Return type:


collapse_sigclip_create(self: cpl.core.ImageList, kappalow: float, kappahigh: float, keepfrac: float, mode: cpl.core.ImageList.Collapse) Tuple[cpl.core.Image, cpl.core.Image]

Collapse an imagelist with kappa-sigma-clipping rejection

The collapsing is an iterative process which will stop when it converges (i.e. an iteration did not reject any values for a given pixel) or when the next iteration would reduce the fraction of values to keep to less than or equal to keepfrac.

A call with keepfrac == 1.0 will thus perform no clipping.

Supported modes: cpl.core.ImageList.Collapse.MEAN: The center value of the acceptance range will be the mean. cpl.core.ImageList.Collapse.MEDIAN: The center value of the acceptance range will be the median. cpl.core.ImageList.Collapse.MEDIAN_MEAN: The center value of the acceptance range will be the median in the first iteration and in subsequent iterations it will be the mean.

For each pixel position the pixels whose value is higher than center + kappahigh * stdev or lower than center - kappalow * stdev are discarded for the subsequent center and stdev computation, where center is defined according to the clipping mode, and stdev is the standard deviation of the values at that pixel position. Since the acceptance interval must be non-empty, the sum of kappalow and kappahigh must be positive. A typical call has both kappalow and kappahigh positive.

The minimum number of values that the clipping can select is 2. This is because the clipping criterion is based on the sample standard deviation, which needs at least two values to be defined. This means that all calls with (positive) values of keepfrac less than 2/n will behave the same. To ensure that the values in (at least) i planes out of n are kept, keepfrac can be set to (i - 0.5) / n, e.g. to keep at least 50 out of 100 values, keepfrac can be set to 0.495.

The output pixel is set to the mean of the non-clipped values, regardless of which clipping mode is used. Regardless of the input pixel type, the mean is computed in double precision. The result is then cast to the output-pixel type, which is identical to the input pixel type.

Bad pixels are ignored from the start. This means that with a sufficient number of bad pixels, the fraction of good values will be less than keepfrac. In this case no iteration is performed at all. If there is at least one good value available, then the mean will be based on the good value(s). If for a given pixel position there are no good values, then that pixel is set to zero, rejected as bad and if available the value in the contribution map is set to zero.

The input imagelist can be of type cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT and cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE.

  • kappalow (float) – kappa-factor for lower clipping threshold

  • kappahigh (float) – kappa-factor for upper clipping threshold

  • keepfrac (float) – The fraction of values to keep (0.0 < keepfrac <= 1.0)

  • mode (cpl.core.ImageList.Collapse) – Clipping mode, cpl.core.ImageList.Collapse.MEAN or cpl.core.ImageList.Collapse.MEDIAN


The collapsed image and the contribution map as an integer image, i.e. the number of kept (non-clipped) values after the iterative process on every pixel. In the format (collapsed, contribution)

Return type:

tuple(cpl.core.Image, cpl.core.Image)

divide(self: cpl.core.ImageList, other: cpl.core.ImageList) None

Divide this ImageList with another. Modified in place.

The two input lists must have the same size, the image number n in the list other is divides the image number n in this list.


other (cpl.core.ImageList) – ImageList to divide with

divide_image(self: cpl.core.ImageList, img: cpl.core.Image) None

Divide an image list by an image.


img (cpl.core.Image) – image to divide

divide_scalar(self: cpl.core.ImageList, value: float) None

Elementwise division of each image in the imlist with a scalar.


value (float) – Non-zero number to divide with

dump(self: cpl.core.ImageList, filename: str | None = '', mode: str | None = 'w', window: tuple | None = None, show: bool | None = True) str

Dump the contents of each image in the ImageList to a file, stdout or a string.

This function is intended just for debugging. It prints the contents of an image to the file path specified by filename. If a filename is not specified, output goes to stdout (unless show is False). In both cases the contents are also returned as a string.

  • filename (str, optional) – File to dump file image contents to

  • mode (str, optional) – Mode to open the file with. Defaults to “w” (write, overwriting the contents of the file if it already exists), but can also be set to “a” (append, creating the file if it does not already exist or appending to the end of it if it does).

  • window (tuple(int,int,int,int), optional) – Window to dump with value in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate - lly Lower left Y coordinate - urx Upper right X coordinate - ury Upper right Y coordinate

  • show (bool, optional) – Send image contents to stdout. Defaults to True.


Multiline string containing the dump of the image contents in the ImageList.

Return type:


empty(self: cpl.core.ImageList) None

Empty an imagelist and deallocate all its images

After the call the image list can be populated again.

exponential(self: cpl.core.ImageList, base: float) None

Compute the elementwise exponential of each image in self. Modified in place.


base (float) – Base of the exponential.

insert(self: cpl.core.ImageList, position: int, item: cpl.core.Image) None

Insert an image into the index position. This will increase the imagelist size by 1

  • position (int) – index to insert Image

  • item (cpl.core.Image) – Image to insert

is_uniform(self: cpl.core.ImageList) bool

Determine if an imagelist contains images of equal size and type

The function raises an error if the imagelist is empty (see Raises)


True if uniform, otherwise false

Return type:



cpl.core.IllegalInputError – If the imagelist is empty

static load(filename: str, dtype: cpl.core.Type = <Type.DOUBLE: 131072>, extension: int = 0, area: tuple = None) cpl.core.ImageList

Load an image list from a file.

Load data from the extension extension of the FITS file filename into a list of images. The FITS extension may be an image (NAXIS = 2) or a data cube (NAXIS = 3). Each image plane in the input data is loaded as a separate image. By default the data is read from the primary HDU of the FITS file.

By default the full area (extent in x and y) of the data is loaded. This may be restricted to a particular region of the data by providing an appropriate argument area.

The argument dtype specifies the pixel data type of the result image list. When the data is loaded the pixel data type in the input FITS file is converted into dtype. By default the data in the input extension is converted to cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE. To load the data without converting the pixel data type use cpl.core.Type.UNSPECIFIED.

Valid pixel data types which may be used for dtype are:

  • cpl.core.Type.INT (32-bit integer)

  • cpl.core.Type.FLOAT

  • cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE

  • filename (str) – Name of the input file

  • dtype (cpl.core.Type, optional) – Data type of the pixels in the returend list of images. Is cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE by default.

  • extension (int, default=0) – Index of the FITS extension to load (the primary data unit has index 0)

  • Area (Tuple, default=(-1891, -1891, -9012, -9012)) – Region of interest to load given as a tuple specifying the lower left x, the lower left y, the upper right x (inclusive) and the upper right y coordinate (inclusive) in this order. Numbering of the pixel x and y positions starts at 1 (FITS convention)


New image list instance of loaded data

Return type:


multiply(self: cpl.core.ImageList, other: cpl.core.ImageList) None

Elementwise multiply this ImageList with another. Modified in place.

The two input lists must have the same size, the image number n in the list other is multiplyed with the image number n in this list.


other (cpl.core.ImageList) – ImageList to multiply

multiply_image(self: cpl.core.ImageList, img: cpl.core.Image) None

Multiply an image list by an image.


img (cpl.core.Image) – image to multiply

multiply_scalar(self: cpl.core.ImageList, value: float) None

Elementwise multiplication of a scalar to each image in the imlist.


value (float) – Number to multiply with

Return type:


normalise(self: cpl.core.ImageList, mode: cpl.core.Image.Normalise) None

Normalize each image in the list. Modified in place.

The list may be partly modified if an error occurs.

Possible normalisations are: - cpl.core.Image.Normalise.SCALE sets the pixel interval to [0,1]. - cpl.core.Image.Normalise.MEAN sets the mean value to 1. - cpl.core.Image.Normalise.FLUX sets the flux to 1. - cpl.core.Image.Normalise.ABSFLUX sets the absolute flux to 1.


mode (cpl.core.Image.Normalise) – Normalization mode.

pop(self: cpl.core.ImageList, position: int | None = None) cpl.core.Image

Remove and return the image at position


position (int, optional) – Index to pop image from the image list. Defaults to the last image.


IndexError – If position is out of range

power(self: cpl.core.ImageList, exponent: float) None

Compute the elementwise power of each image in the imlist.


exponent (float) – Scalar exponent

save(self: cpl.core.ImageList, filename: str, pl: cpl::core::PropertyList, mode: int, dtype: cpl.core.Type = <Type.UNSPECIFIED: 1048576>) None

Save an imagelist to a FITS file

This function saves an image list to a FITS file. If a property list is provided, it is written to the named file before the pixels are written.

Image lists are saved as a 3 dimensional data cube.

Supported image types are cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, cpl.core.Type.INT.

The type used in the file can be one of: cpl.core.Type.UCHAR (8 bit unsigned), cpl.core.Type.SHORT (16 bit signed), cpl.core.Type.USHORT (16 bit unsigned), cpl.core.Type.INT (32 bit signed), cpl.core.Type.FLOAT (32 bit floating point), or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE (64 bit floating point). By default the saved type is cpl.core.Type.UNSPECIFIED. This value means that the type used for saving is the pixel type of the input image. Using the image pixel type as saving type ensures that the saving incurs no loss of information.

Supported output modes are cpl.core.io.CREATE (create a new file) and cpl.core.io.EXTEND (append a new extension to an existing file)

Note that in append mode the file must be writable (and do not take for granted that a file is writable just because it was created by the same application, as this depends from the system umask).

The output mode cpl.core.io.EXTEND can be combined (via bit-wise OR) with an option for tile-compression. This compression is lossless. The options are: cpl.core.io.COMPRESS_GZIP, cpl.core.io.COMPRESS_RICE, cpl.core.io.COMPRESS_HCOMPRESS, cpl.core.io.COMPRESS_PLIO. With compression the type must be cpl.core.Type.UNSPECIFIED or cpl.core.Type.INT.

In extend and append mode, make sure that the file has write permissions. You may have problems if you create a file in your application and append something to it with the umask set to 222. In this case, the file created by your application would not be writable, and the append would fail.

  • filename (str) – Name of the file to write

  • pl (cpl.core.PropertyList, optional) – Property list for the output header. None by default.

  • mode (unsigned int) – Desired output options, determined by bit-wise OR of cpl.core.io enums

  • dtype (cpl.core.Type, optional) – The type used to represent the data in the file. By default it saves using the image’s current dtype


See also


for saving individual images to a fits file

subtract(self: cpl.core.ImageList, other: cpl.core.ImageList) None

Elementwise subtract this ImageList with another. Modified in place.

The two input lists must have the same size, the image number n in the list other is subtracted from the image number n in this list.


other (cpl.core.ImageList) – ImageList to subtract with

subtract_image(self: cpl.core.ImageList, img: cpl.core.Image) None

Subtract an image list by an image.


img (cpl.core.Image) – image to subtract

subtract_scalar(self: cpl.core.ImageList, value: float) None

Elementwise subtraction of a scalar to each image in the imlist. Modified in place.


value (float) – Number to subtract

swap_axis_create(self: cpl.core.ImageList, mode: cpl.core.ImageList.SwapAxis) cpl.core.ImageList

This function is intended for users that want to use the ImageList object as a cube.

Swapping the axis would give them access to the usual functions in the 3 dimensions. This has the cost that it duplicates the memory consumption, which can be a problem for big amounts of data.

Image list can be cpl.core.Type.INT, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE


mode (cpl.core.ImageList.SwapAxis) – The swapping mode. The mode can be either cpl.core.ImageList.SwapAxis.XZ or cpl.core.ImageList.SwapAxis.YZ

Return type:

New image list of the given axis

threshold(self: cpl.core.ImageList, lo_cut: float, hi_cut: float, assign_lo_cut: float, assign_hi_cut: float) None

Threshold all pixel values to an interval.

Threshold the images of the list using cpl_image_threshold() The input image list is modified.

Pixels outside of the provided interval are assigned the given values.

  • lo_cut (float) – Lower bound.

  • hi_cut (float) – Higher bound.

  • assign_lo_cut (float) – Value to assign to pixels below low bound.

  • assign_hi_cut (float) – Value to assign to pixels above high bound.

class cpl.core.ImageRow

Returned from a Image’s __getitem__ method or iterator. Used to access specific rows of the image.

Not instantiatable on its own.

class cpl.core.Kernel


DEFAULT : default kernel, currently cpl.core.Kernel.TANH

TANH : Hyperbolic tangent

SINC : Sinus cardinal

SINC2 : Square sinus cardinal

LANCZOS : Lanczos2 kernel

HAMMING : Hamming kernel

HANN : Hann kernel

NEAREST : Nearest neighbor kernel (1 when dist < 0.5, else 0)

property name
class cpl.core.Mask(*args)

These masks are useful for object detection routines or bad pixel map handling.

Morphological routines (erosion, dilation, closing and opening) and logical operations are provided.

CPL masks are like a 2d binary array, with each pixel representing True or False, and can be set as such:

m = cpl.core.Mask(3,3)
m[0][0] = True

PyCPL uses 0 indexing, in the sense that the lower left element in a CPL mask has index (0, 0).


Create a 1-column mask, all elements are the logical AND of each cell in its corresponding column. Height is kept the same.


Create a 1-row mask, all elements are the logical AND of each cell in its corresponding column. Width is kept the same


Duplicate the mask


Determines number of occurrences of ‘1’ bit in the given window of this bitmask


window (int) – Rectangle to count bits in the format (x1,y1,x2,y2)

dump(filename='', mode='w', window=None, show=True)

Dump the mask contents to a file, stdout or a string.

This function is intended just for debugging. It prints the contents of a mask to the file path specified by filename. If a filename is not specified, output goes to stdout (unless show is False). In both cases the contents are also returned as a string.

  • filename (str, optional) – File to dump mask contents to

  • mode (str, optional) – Mode to open the file with. Defaults to “w” (write, overwriting the contents of the file if it already exists), but can also be set to “a” (append, creating the file if it does not already exist or appending to the end of it if it does).

  • window (tuple(int,int,int,int), optional) – Window to dump with value in the format (llx, lly, urx, ury) where: - llx Lower left X coordinate - lly Lower left Y coordinate - urx Upper right X coordinate - ury Upper right Y coordinate Defaults to entire image.

  • show (bool, optional) – Send mask contents to stdout. Defaults to True.


Multiline string containing the dump of the mask contents.

Return type:



Copies out a window of this mask to a new mask.


window (tuple(int, int, int, int)) – rectangle to extract from this mask in the format (x1,y1, x2, y2)


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if the zone falls outside the mask

filter(kernel, filter, border)

Filter the mask using a binary kernel.

The kernel must have an odd number of rows and an odd number of columns, with at least one pixel set to 1

  • kernel (cpl.core.Mask) – Mask of elements to use (for each pixel set to 1)

  • filter (cpl.core.Filter) – cpl.core.Filter.EROSION, cpl.core.Filter.DILATION, cpl.core.Filter.OPENING, cpl.core.Filter.CLOSING

  • border (cpl.core.Border) – cpl.core.Border.NOP, cpl.core.Border.ZERO or cpl.core.Border.COPY


filter_output mask same size as input

Return type:

Mask(self._mask.filter(kernel._mask, filter, border))


For erosion and dilation: In-place filtering is not supported, but the input buffer may overlap all but the 1+h first rows of the output buffer, where 1+2*h is the number of rows in the kernel.

For opening and closing: Opening is implemented as an erosion followed by a dilation, and closing is implemented as a dilation followed by an erosion. As such a temporary, internal buffer the size of self is allocated and used. Consequently, in-place opening and closing is supported with no additional overhead, it is achieved by passing the same mask as both self and other.

Duality and idempotency: Erosion and Dilation have the duality relations: not(dil(A,B)) = er(not(A), B) and not(er(A,B)) = dil(not(A), B).

Opening and closing have similar duality relations: not(open(A,B)) = close(not(A), B) and not(close(A,B)) = open(not(A), B).

Opening and closing are both idempotent, i.e. open(A,B) = open(open(A,B),B) and close(A,B) = close(close(A,B),B).

The above duality and idempotency relations do not hold on the mask border (with the currently supported border modes).

Unnecessary large kernels: Adding an empty border to a given kernel should not change the outcome of the filtering. However doing so widens the border of the mask to be filtered and therefore has an effect on the filtering of the mask border. Since an unnecessary large kernel is also more costly to apply, such kernels should be avoided.

1x3 erosion example:

kernel = ~cpl.core.Mask(1,3)

Flip a mask on a given mirror line.


axis (int) – angle to mirror line in polar coord. is theta = (PI/4) * angle - 0 (ϑ=0) to flip the image around the horizontal - 1 (ϑ=π∕4) to flip the image around y=x - 2 (ϑ=π∕2) to flip the image around the vertical - 3 (ϑ=3π∕4) to flip the image around y=-x


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if angle is not as specified

insert(to_insert, ypos, xpos)

insert a mask into self

  • to_insert (cpl.core.Mask) – mask to insert into self

  • ypos (int) – the y pixel position in self where the lower left pixel of to_insert should go (from 0 to the y size of self)

  • xpos (int) – the x pixel position in self where the lower left pixel of to_insert should go (from 0 to the x size of in self)


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if xpos or ypos is outside self

classmethod load(fitsfile, extension=0, plane=0, window=None)

Loads an bitmask from an INTEGER FITS file

  • fitsfile (str) – filename of fits file

  • extension (int) – Specifies the extension from which the image should be loaded (Default) 0 is for the main data section (Files without extension)

  • plane (int) – Specifies the plane to request from the data section. Default 0.

  • window (tuple(int, int, int, int)) – The rectangle in the format (x1,y1, x2, y2) specifying the subset of the image to load. If None, load the entire window

move(nb_cut, positions)

Reorganize the pixels in a mask.

nb_cut must be positive and divide the size of the input mask in x and y.

  • nb_cut (int) – the number of cut in x and y

  • new_pos (list of integers) – array with the nb_cut^2 new positions


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if nb_cut is not as requested.


Rotate this mask by a multiple of 90 degrees clockwise


turns (int) – Integral amount of 90 degree turns to execute.


turns can be any value, its modulo 4 determines rotation:

  • -3 to turn 270 degrees counterclockwise.

  • -2 to turn 180 degrees counterclockwise.

  • -1 to turn 90 degrees counterclockwise.

  • 0 to not turn

  • +1 to turn 90 degrees clockwise (same as -3)

  • +2 to turn 180 degrees clockwise (same as -2).

  • +3 to turn 270 degrees clockwise (same as -1).

The lower left corner of the image is at (0,0), x increasing from left to right, y increasing from bottom to top.

save(filename, pl, mode)

Save a mask to a FITS file.

  • filename (str) – Name of the file to write

  • pl (cpl.core.PropertyList) – Property list for the output header (Default None)

  • mode (unsigned int) – Desired output options, determined by bitwise or of cpl.core.io enums



This function saves a mask to a FITS file. If a property list is provided, it is written to the header where the mask is written.

The type used in the file is cpl.core.Type.UCHAR (8 bit unsigned).

Supported output modes are cpl.core.io.CREATE (create a new file) and cpl.core.io.EXTEND (append a new extension to an existing file)

The output mode cpl.core.io.EXTEND can be combined (via bit-wise or) with an option for tile-compression. This compression is lossless. The options are: cpl.core.io.COMPRESS_GZIP, cpl.core.io.COMPRESS_RICE, cpl.core.io.COMPRESS_HCOMPRESS, cpl.core.io.COMPRESS_PLIO.

Note that in append mode the file must be writable (and do not take for granted that a file is writable just because it was created by the same application, as this depends from the system umask)

shift(yshift, xshift)

shift a mask

The ‘empty zone’ in the shifted mask is set to True.

The shift values have to be valid: -nx < dx < nx and -ny < dy < ny

  • yshift (int) – shift in y

  • xshift (int) – shift in x


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if the offsets are too big

subsample(ystep, xstep)

Subsample a mask.

  • ystep (int) – Take every ystep pixel in y

  • xstep (int) – Take every xstep pixel in x


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if xstep and ystep are not greater than zero

classmethod threshold_image(image, lo_cut, hi_cut, inval)

Create a new Mask by applying the given thresholds to a cpl.core.Image.

  • image (cpl.core.Image) – Image to threshold

  • lo_cut (float) – Lower bound for threshold

  • hi_cut (float) – Uppper bound for threshold

  • inval (bool) – This value (0 or 1, False or True) is assigned where the pixel value is not marked as rejected and is strictly inside the provided interval. The other positions are assigned the other value.



The input image type can be cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE, cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.INT.

If lo_cut is greater than or equal to hi_cut, then the mask is filled with outval (opposite of inval).

property height

Number of rows high this mask is

property width

Number of columns wide this mask is

class cpl.core.Matrix

This class provides the ability to create and interface with cpl_matrix. The elements of a cpl_matrix with M rows and N columns are counted from 0,0 to M-1,N-1. The matrix element 0,0 is the one at the upper left corner of a matrix.

The CPL matrix functions work properly only in the case the matrices elements do not contain garbage (such as NaN or infinity).

  • data (iterable of floats) – A 1d or 2d iterable containing matrix data to copy from. Any iterable should be compatible as long as it implements python’s buffer protocol and only contains values of type float If a 1d iterable is given, rows must also be given to properly split the data into matrix rows.

  • rows (int, optional) – Width of the new matrix. This will split data into rows number of rows to initialise the the new matrix. Should only be given if data is 1d, otherwise a ValueError exception is thrown.

class ThresholdMode


EPSILON : use machine DBL_EPSILON as the cutoff factor

SIZE : compute the cutoff factor as 10*DBL_EPSILON*max(N, M)

USER : use user-defined value as the cutoff factor

property name
add(self: cpl.core.Matrix, other: cpl.core.Matrix) None

Perform matrix addition with other and self

Add matrices self and other element by element. The two matrices must have identical sizes. The result is written to the self.


other (cpl.core.Matrix) – matrix to add with


cpl.core.IncompatibleInputError – if other does not have the same size as self

add_scalar(self: cpl.core.Matrix, value: float) None

Add a scalar to self.

Add the same value to each matrix element.


value (float) – Value to add.

append(self: cpl.core.Matrix, other: cpl.core.Matrix, mode: int) None

Append a matrix to another.

If mode is set to 0, the matrices must have the same number of rows, and are connected horizontally with the self on the left. If mode is set to 1, the matrices must have the same number of columns, and are connected vertically with self on top. The self is expanded to include the values from the other, while other is left untouched.

  • other (cpl.core.Matrix) – matrix to append to self

  • mode (int) – Matrices connected horizontally (0) or vertically (1).

copy_values_from(self: cpl.core.Matrix, submatrix: cpl.core.Matrix, row: int, col: int) None

Copy the values from another matrix into self

The values of submatrix are written to self starting at the indicated row and column. There are no restrictions on the sizes of submatrix: just the parts of submatrix overlapping matrix are copied. There are no restrictions on row and col either, that can also be negative. If the two matrices do not overlap, nothing is done, but an error is raised.

  • submatrix (cpl.core.Matrix) – Pointer to matrix to get the values from.

  • row (int) – Position of row 0 of submatrix in self.

  • col (int) – Position of column 0 of submatrix in self.


cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeError – No overlap exists between the two matrices.

decomp_chol(self: cpl.core.Matrix) None

Replace a matrix by its Cholesky-decomposition, L * transpose(L) = A


Only the upper triangle of self is read, L is written in the lower triangle If the matrix is singular the elements of self become undefined

decomp_lu(self: cpl.core.Matrix) Tuple[List[int], bool]

Replace a matrix by its LU-decomposition

self must be a n X n non-singular matrix to decompose. self will be modified inplace in which its values will be replaced with it’s LU-decomposed values.

The resulting LU decomposition can be solved with cpl.core.Matrix.solve_lu.


The pair of n-integer list filled with row permutations (perm) and True/False for even number of permutations (psig). In the format (perm, psig).

Return type:

tuple(List[int], bool)



Algorithm reference: Golub & Van Loan, Matrix Computations, Algorithms 3.2.1 (Outer Product Gaussian Elimination) and 3.4.1 (Gauss Elimination with Partial Pivoting).

See also


Used to solve the LU-decomposition

determinant(self: cpl.core.Matrix) float

Compute the determinant of a matrix.

self must be a square matrix. In case of a 1x1 matrix, the matrix single element value is returned.


Matrix determinant

Return type:


divide(self: cpl.core.Matrix, other: cpl.core.Matrix) None

Divide self by other, element by element.

Divide each element of self by the corresponding element of the second one. The two matrices must have the same number of rows and columns. The result is written to the first matrix. No check is made against a division by zero.


other (cpl.core.Matrix) – matrix to divide with


cpl.core.IncompatibleInputError – if other does not have the same size as self

divide_scalar(self: cpl.core.Matrix, value: float) None

Divide self by a scalar.

Divide each matrix element by the same value.


value (float) – Divisor.


cpl.core.DivisionByZeroErrorvalue is 0.0

dump(self: cpl.core.Matrix, filename: str | None = '', mode: str | None = 'w', show: bool | None = True) str

Dump the matrix contents to a file, stdout or a string.

This function is intended just for debugging. It just prints the elements of a matrix, ordered in rows and columns to the file path specified by filename. If a filename is not specified, output goes to stdout (unless show is False).

  • filename (str, optional) – File to dump matrix contents to

  • mode (str, optional) – Mode to open the file with. Defaults to “w” (write, overwriting the contents of the file if it already exists), but can also be set to “a” (append, creating the file if it does not already exist or appending to the end of it if it does).

  • show (bool, optional) – Send matrix contents to stdout. Defaults to True.


Multiline string containing the dump of the matrix contents.

Return type:


erase_columns(self: cpl.core.Matrix, start: int, count: int) None

Delete columns from a matrix.

A portion of the matrix data is removed. The specified segment can extend beyond the end of the matrix, but an attempt to remove all matrix columns will raise an exception because zero length matrices are illegal. Columns are counted starting from 0.

  • start (int) – First column to delete.

  • count (int) – Number of columns to delete.

erase_rows(self: cpl.core.Matrix, start: int, count: int) None

Delete rows from a matrix.

A select number of rows will be completely removed from the object, reducing the total number of rows by 1. The specified segment can extend beyond the end of the matrix, but an attempt to remove all matrix rows will raise an exception because zero length matrices are illegal. Rows are counted starting from 0.

  • start (int) – First row to delete.

  • count (int) – Number of rows to delete.

exponential(self: cpl.core.Matrix, base: float) None

Compute the exponential of matrix elements.

Each matrix element is replaced by its exponential in the specified base. The base must be positive.


base (float) – Exponential base.


cpl.core.IllegalInputErrorbase is not positive

extract_column(self: cpl.core.Matrix, column: int) cpl.core.Matrix

Copy a matrix column.

If a MxN matrix is given in input, the extracted row is a new Mx1 matrix. The column number is counted from 0.


column (int) – Sequence number of column to copy.


Mx1 Matrix containing the extracted column values.

Return type:



cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeError – The column is outside the matrix boundaries.

extract_diagonal(self: cpl.core.Matrix, diagonal: int) cpl.core.Matrix

Extract a matrix diagonal.

If a MxN matrix is given in input, the extracted diagonal is a Mx1 matrix if \(N >= M\), or a 1xN matrix if \(N < M\). The diagonal number is counted from 0, corresponding to the matrix diagonal starting at element (0,0). A square matrix has just one diagonal; if M != N, the number of diagonals in the matrix is \(|M - N|\) + 1. To specify a diagonal sequence number outside this range raises a cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeError


diagonal (int) – Sequence number of the diagonal to copy.


matrix with either 1xN or Mx1 dimensions containing the extracted diagonal.

Return type:



cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeError: – If the diagonal is outside the matrix boundaries

extract_row(self: cpl.core.Matrix, row: int) cpl.core.Matrix

Extract a matrix row.

If a MxN matrix is given in input, the extracted row is a new 1xN matrix. The row number is counted from 0.


row (int) – Sequence number of row to copy.


New matrix representing the row.

Return type:



cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeError – The row is outside the matrix boundaries.

fill(self: cpl.core.Matrix, value: float) None

Write the same value to all matrix elements.


value (float) – Value to write

fill_column(self: cpl.core.Matrix, value: float, column: int) None

Write the same value to a matrix column.

Write the same value to a matrix column. Columns are counted starting from 0.

  • value (float) – Value to write

  • column (int) – Sequence number of column to overwrite


cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeError – The specified column is outside the matrix boundaries.

fill_diagonal(self: cpl.core.Matrix, value: float, diagonal: int) None

Write a given value to all elements of a given matrix diagonal.

  • value (float) – Value to write to diagonal

  • diagonal (int) – Number of diagonal to overwrite, 0 for main, positive for above main, negative for below main. main is the diagonal starting from (0, 0) on the matrix.


cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeError – The specified diagonal is outside the matrix boundaries.

fill_row(self: cpl.core.Matrix, value: float, row: int) None

Write the same value to a matrix row.

Write the same value to a matrix row. Rows are counted starting from 0.

  • value (float) – Value to write

  • row (int) – Sequence number of row to overwrite.


cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeError – The specified row is outside the matrix boundaries.

fill_window(self: cpl.core.Matrix, value: float, row: int, col: int, nrow: int, ncol: int) None

Write the same value into a submatrix of a matrix.

The specified value is written to self starting at the indicated row and column; nrow and ncol can exceed self boundaries, just the range overlapping the self is used in that case.

  • value (float) – Value to write.

  • row (int) – Start row of matrix submatrix.

  • col (int) – Start column of matrix submatrix.

  • nrow (int) – Number of rows of matrix submatrix.

  • ncol (int) – Number of columns of matrix submatrix.

flip_columns(self: cpl.core.Matrix) None

Reverse order of columns in matrix.

The order of the columns in the matrix is reversed in place.

flip_rows(self: cpl.core.Matrix) None

Reverse order of rows in matrix.

The order of the rows in the matrix is reversed in place.

invert_create(self: cpl.core.Matrix) cpl.core.Matrix

Find a matrix inverse of self

self must be a square matrix.


Inverse matrix.

Return type:



When calling invert_create() with a nearly singular matrix, it is possible to get a result containin NaN values without any error code being set.

is_diagonal(self: cpl.core.Matrix, tolerance: float | None = None) None

Check if a matrix is diagonal.

A threshold may be specified to consider zero any number that is close enough to zero. If the specified tolerance is negative (default), the default value is used, equal to the machine double epsilon. A zero tolerance may also be specified.

No error is raised if the self is not square.


tolerance (float) – Max tolerated rounding to zero. If not given the machine double epsilon is used.


True if self is a diagonal matrix. False otherwise

Return type:



cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if the matrix is not square


If tolerance is given a negative value, the default value for tolerance will be used (machine double epsilon).

is_identity(self: cpl.core.Matrix, tolerance: float | None = None) None

Check for identity matrix.

A threshold may be specified to consider zero any number that is close enough to zero, and 1 any number that is close enough to 1. If tolerance is not given, the default value is used, equal to the machine double epsilon. A zero tolerance may also be specified.

No error is raised if the self is not square.


tolerance (float, optional) – Max tolerated rounding to zero, or to one. If not given the machine double epsilon is used.


True if self is a identity matrix. False otherwise

Return type:



cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if the matrix is not square


If tolerance is given a negative value, the default value for tolerance will be used (machine double epsilon).

is_zero(self: cpl.core.Matrix, tolerance: float | None = None) None

Check for zero matrix.

After specific manipulations of a matrix some of its elements may theoretically be expected to be zero. However, because of numerical noise, such elements may turn out not to be exactly zero. In this specific case, if any of the matrix element is not exactly zero, the matrix would not be classified as a null matrix. A threshold may be specified to consider zero any number that is close enough to zero.

If no tolerance is given then the default value is used, equal to the machine double epsilon.


tolerance (float) – Max tolerated rounding to zero. If not given the machine double epsilon is used.


True if self is a zero matrix. False otherwise

Return type:



If tolerance is given a negative value, the default value for tolerance will be used (machine double epsilon).

logarithm(self: cpl.core.Matrix, base: float) None

Compute the logarithm of matrix elements.

Each matrix element is replaced by its logarithm in the specified base. The base and all matrix elements must be positive.


base (float) – Logarithm base.


cpl.core.IllegalInputErrorbase or any element of self is not positive

max(self: cpl.core.Matrix) float

Find the maximum value of all matrix elements.

The maximum value of matrix elements is found.


Maximum value in the matrix

Return type:


maxpos(self: cpl.core.Matrix) Tuple[int, int]

Find position of maximum value of matrix elements.

The position of the maximum value of all matrix elements is found. If more than one matrix element have a value corresponding to the maximum, the lowest element row number is returned in row. If more than one maximum matrix elements have the same row number, the lowest element column number is returned in column.


tuple in the format (row, column), where: - row is the returned row position of maximum. - column is the returned column position of maximum

Return type:

tuple(int, int)

mean(self: cpl.core.Matrix) float

Find the mean of all matrix elements.

The mean of all matrix elements is calculated


Mean of all matrix elements

Return type:



This function works properly only if all elements of the matrix have finite values (not NaN or Infinity).

median(self: cpl.core.Matrix) float

Find the median of all matrix elements.

The median of all matrix elements is calculated


Median of all matrix elements

Return type:


min(self: cpl.core.Matrix) float

Find the minimum value of all matrix elements.

The minimum value of matrix elements is found.


Minimum value in the matrix

Return type:


minpos(self: cpl.core.Matrix) Tuple[int, int]

Find position of minimum value of matrix elements.

The position of the minimum value of all matrix elements is found. If more than one matrix element have a value corresponding to the minimum, the lowest element row number is returned in row. If more than one minimum matrix elements have the same row number, the lowest element column number is returned in column.


tuple in the format (row, column), where: - row is the returned row position of minimum. - column is the returned column position of minimum

Return type:

tuple(int, int)

multiply(self: cpl.core.Matrix, other: cpl.core.Matrix) None

Multiply self by other, element by element. The two matrices must have identical sizes. The result is written to self.


other (cpl.core.Matrix) – matrix to multiply with


cpl.core.IncompatibleInputError – if other does not have the same size as self


To obtain the rows-by-columns product between two matrices, use product_create()

See also


Rows-by-columns product of two matrices


Multiply self by a scalar.

multiply_scalar(self: cpl.core.Matrix, value: float) None

Multiply self by a scalar.

Multiply each matrix element by the same factor.


value (float) – Multiplication factor.

See also


Multiply self by other, element by element.


Rows-by-columns product of two matrices.

power(self: cpl.core.Matrix, exponent: float) None

Compute a power of matrix elements.

Each matrix element is replaced by its power to the specified exponent. If the specified exponent is not negative, all matrix elements must be not negative; if the specified exponent is negative, all matrix elements must be positive; otherwise, an error condition is set and the matrix will be left unchanged. If the exponent is exactly 0.5 the (faster) sqrt() will be applied instead of pow(). If the exponent is zero, then any (non negative) matrix element would be assigned the value 1.0.


exponent (float) – Constant exponent.


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – Any element of self is not compatible with exponent (see extended summary)

product_create(self: cpl.core.Matrix, rhs: cpl.core.Matrix) cpl.core.Matrix

Rows-by-columns product of two matrices.

The number of columns of the first matrix must be equal to the number of rows of the second matrix.

Can also use the @ operator to call this function for example with lhs as the calling object:

product = lhs @ rhs

rhs (cpl.core.Matrix) – Right side matrix to get the product with the calling object


The rows-by-columns product of calling matrix and rhs matrix

Return type:



cpl.core.IncompatibleInputError – The number of columns of the calling matrix is not equal to the number of rows of the rhs matrix.

See also


Multiply self by other, element by element.


Multiply self by a scalar.


Compute A = B * transpose(B)

product_normal(self: cpl.core.Matrix) cpl.core.Matrix

Compute A = B * transpose(B)

self * transpose(self) Matrix multiplication results in a matrix of the size [rows of left] * [columns of right] Here, left = self, right = transpose(self) and the rows/columns of a transpose(self) are flipped from a self so the result of the multiplication is [rows of self] * [columns of transpose(self)], simplifies into [rows of self] * [rows of self]


other (cpl.core.Matrix) – M x N Matrix to multiply with its transpose


Resulting matrix

Return type:



Only the upper triangle of A is computed, while the elements below the main diagonal have undefined values.

See also


Rows-by-columns product of two matrices.


Multiply self by other, element by element.


Multiply self by a scalar.

product_transpose(self: cpl.core.Matrix, ma: cpl.core.Matrix, mb: cpl.core.Matrix) None

Fill a matrix with the product of A * B’



The use of the transpose of B causes a more efficient memory access Changing the order of A and B is allowed, it transposes the result

resize(self: cpl.core.Matrix, top: int, bottom: int, left: int, right: int) None

Resize a matrix by adding or removing rows and/or columns from the edges.

self is reframed according to specifications. Extra rows and column on the sides might also be negative, as long as they are compatible with the matrix sizes: self would be reduced in size accordingly, but an attempt to remove all matrix columns and/or rows raises an exception because zero length matrices are illegal. The old matrix elements contained in the new shape are left unchanged, and new matrix elements added by the reshaping are initialised to zero. No reshaping (i.e., all the extra rows set to zero) would not raise an exception.

  • top (int) – Extra rows on top.

  • bottom (int) – Extra rows on bottom.

  • left (int) – Extra columns on left.

  • right (int) – Extra columns on right.


cpl.core.IllegalOutputError – Attempt to shrink self to zero size (or less).

set_size(self: cpl.core.Matrix, rows: int, columns: int) None

Resize a matrix.

self is resized according to specifications. The old matrix elements contained in the resized matrix are left unchanged, and new matrix elements will be added by an increase of the matrix number of rows and/or columns are initialised to zero. New rows and/or columns will be added to the right/bottom of self. Likewise when shrinking the matrix by one of the dimensions, the rows/columns will be removed from the right/bottom of self.

  • rows (int) – New number of rows.

  • columns (int) – New number of columns.


cpl.core.IllegalOutputError – Attempt to shrink matrix to zero size (or less).

shift(self: cpl.core.Matrix, rshift: int, cshift: int) None

Shift matrix elements.

The performed shift operation is cyclical (toroidal), i.e., matrix elements shifted out of one side of the matrix get shifted in from its opposite side. There are no restrictions on the values of the shift. Positive shifts are always in the direction of increasing row/column indexes.

  • rshift (int) – Shift in the vertical direction.

  • cshift (int) – Shift in the horizontal direction.

static solve(coefficients: cpl.core.Matrix, rhs: cpl.core.Matrix) cpl.core.Matrix

Solution of a linear system.

Compute the solution of a system of N equations with N unknowns:

coefficients * X = rhs

coefficients must be an NxN matrix, and rhs a NxM matrix. M greater than 1 means that multiple independent right-hand-sides are solved for.

rhs must have N rows and may contain more than one column, which each represent an independent right-hand-side.

  • coefficients (cpl.core.Matrix) – The N x N matrix of coefficients

  • rhs (cpl.core.Matrix) – An N by M matrix containing one or more right-hand sides


New solution cpl.core.Matrix with the same size as rhs

Return type:


solve_chol(self: cpl.core.Matrix, rhs: cpl.core.Matrix) None

Solve a L*transpose(L)-system


rhs (cpl.core.Matrix) – M right-hand-sides to be replaced by their solution


Only the lower triangle of self is accessed

solve_lu(self: cpl.core.Matrix, rhs: cpl.core.Matrix, perm: List[int] | None = None) cpl.core.Matrix

Solve a LU-system

self should be a n x n LU-matrix that has been decomposed using self.decomp_lu()

  • rhs (cpl.core.Matrix) – m right-hand-sides. This is duplicated and replaced by the solution of self to generate the return matrix.

  • perm (list of ints) – n-integer array filled with the row permutations


The solution of self as applied to rhs

Return type:



See also


Used to generate an LU-system which can then be solved using this method.

static solve_normal(coefficients: cpl.core.Matrix, rhs: cpl.core.Matrix) cpl.core.Matrix

Solution of overdetermined linear equations in a least squares sense.

rhs may contain more than one column, which each represent an independent right-hand-side.

  • coefficients (cpl.core.Matrix) – The N by M matrix of coefficients, where N >= M.

  • rhs (cpl.core.Matrix) – An N by K matrix containing K right-hand-sides.


A newly allocated M by K solution matrix

Return type:




The following linear system of N equations and M unknowns is given:

coeff * X = rhs

where coeff is the NxM matrix of the coefficients, X is the MxK matrix of the unknowns, and rhs the NxK matrix containing the K right hand side(s).

The solution to the normal equations is known to be a least-squares solution, i.e. the 2-norm of coeff * X - rhs is minimized by the solution to transpose(coeff) * coeff * X = transpose(coeff) * rhs.

In the case that coeff is square (N is equal to M) it gives a faster and more accurate result to use cpl.core.Matrix.solve().

static solve_svd(coefficients: cpl.core.Matrix, rhs: cpl.core.Matrix, threshold_mode: int | None = None, threshold_tol: float = 0) cpl.core.Matrix

Solve a linear system in a least square sense using an SVD factorization, optionally discarding singular values below a given threshold.

The function solves a linear system of the form Ax = b for the solution vector x, where A is represented by the argument coefficients and b by the argument rhs.

If threshold_mode and threshold_tol are passed, singular values which are less or equal than a given cutoff value are treated as zero. Otherwise all singular values are taken into account, regardless of their magnitude. This latter case is equivalent to setting threshold_mode to cpl.core.Matrix.ThresholdMode.USER and threshold_tol to 0.

The argument threshold_mode is used to select the computation of the cutoff value for small singular values. If threshold_mode is set to cpl.core.Matrix.ThresholdMode.EPSILON the machine precision DBL_EPSILON is used as the cutoff factor. If threshold_mode is cpl.core.Matrix.ThresholdMode.SIZE, the cutoff factor is computed as 10*DBL_EPSILON*max(N, M), and if threshold_mode is cpl.core.Matrix.ThresholdMode.USER the argument threshold_tol, a value in the range [0,1] is used as the cutoff factor. The actual cutoff value, is then given by the cutoff factor times the biggest singular value obtained from the SVD of the matrix coefficients of`self`.

  • coefficients (cpl.core.Matrix) – An N by M matrix of linear system coefficients, where N >= M

  • rhs (cpl.core.Matrix) – An N by 1 matrix with the right hand side of the system

  • threshold_mode (cpl.core.Matrix.ThresholdMode, optional) – Optional cutoff mode selector. used to select the computation of the cutoff value for small singular values. Options: - cpl.core.Matrix.ThresholdMode.EPSILON to use machine DBL_EPSILON as the cutoff factor - cpl.core.Matrix.ThresholdMode.SIZE, where the cutoff factor is computed as 10*DBL_EPSILON*max(N, M) - cpl.core.Matrix.ThresholdMode.USER, where the cutoff factor is set as the value passed to threshold_tol For consistency with CPL, the integer values 0, 1 or 2 can also be passed instead of the symbolic contants.

  • threshold_tol (float, optional) – Factor used to compute the cutoff value if threshold_mode is set to cpl.core.Matrix.ThresholdMode.USER. Must be a value between 0. and 1. Defaults to 0. if not set, but is not used unless threshold_mode is set to cpl.core.Matrix.ThresholdMode.USER. See Notes for more details.


A newly allocated M by 1 solution matrix

Return type:


  • cpl.core.IncompatibleInputError – if coefficients and rhs do not have the same number of rows

  • cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if matrix rhs has more than one column, an illegal mode (not one of cpl.core.Matrix.ThresholdMode.EPSILON, cpl.core.Matrix.ThresholdMode.SIZE or cpl.core.Matrix.ThresholdMode.USER, or their integer equivalents 0, 1, or 2), or an illegal tolerance (not between 0. and 1.) was given.


The linear system is solved using the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the coefficient matrix, based on a one-sided Jacobi orthogonalization.

sort_columns(self: cpl.core.Matrix, by_absolute: bool = False) None

Sort matrix by columns.

The matrix elements of the top row are used as reference for the column sorting, if there are identical the values of the second row are considered, etc. Columns with the greater values go to left.


by_absolute (bool, optional) – True to sort by absolute value. Default False.

sort_rows(self: cpl.core.Matrix, by_absolute: bool = False) None

Sort matrix by rows.

The matrix elements of the leftmost column are used as reference for the row sorting, if there are identical the values of the second column are considered, etc. Rows with the greater values go on top.


by_absolute (bool, optional) – True to sort by absolute value. Default False.

stdev(self: cpl.core.Matrix) float

Find the standard deviation of all matrix elements.

The standard deviation of all matrix elements is calculated


Standard deviation of all matrix elements

Return type:



This function works properly only if all elements of the matrix have finite values (not NaN or Infinity).

subtract(self: cpl.core.Matrix, other: cpl.core.Matrix) None

Subtract matrix other from self

Subtract other from self element by element. The two matrices must have identical sizes. The result is written to self.


other (cpl.core.Matrix) – matrix to subtract with


cpl.core.IncompatibleInputError – if other does not have the same size as self

subtract_scalar(self: cpl.core.Matrix, value: float) None

Subtract a scalar to self.

Subtract the same value to each matrix element.


value (float) – Value to subtract.

swap_columns(self: cpl.core.Matrix, column1: int, column2: int) None

Swap two matrix columns.

The values of two given matrix columns are exchanged. Columns are counted starting from 0. If the same column number is given twice, nothing is done and no exception is raised.

  • column1 (int) – One matrix column.

  • column2 (int) – Another matrix column.


cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeError – Either of the specified columns is outside the matrix boundaries.

swap_rowcolumn(self: cpl.core.Matrix, row: int) None

Swap a matrix column with a matrix row.

The values of the indicated row are exchanged with the column having the same sequence number. Rows and columns are counted starting from 0.


row (int) – Matrix row.

swap_rows(self: cpl.core.Matrix, row1: int, row2: int) None

Swap two matrix rows.

The values of two given matrix rows are exchanged. Rows are counted starting from 0. If the same row number is given twice, nothing is done and no exception is raised.

  • row1 (int) – One matrix row.

  • row2 (int) – Another matrix row.


cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeError – Either of the specified rows is outside the matrix boundaries.

threshold_small(self: cpl.core.Matrix, tolerance: float | None = None) None

Rounding to zero very small numbers in matrix.

After specific manipulations of a matrix some of its elements may theoretically be expected to be zero (for instance, as a result of multiplying a matrix by its inverse). However, because of numerical noise, such elements may turn out not to be exactly zero. With this function any very small number in the matrix is turned to exactly zero.

If no tolerance is given then the default value is used, equal to the machine double epsilon.


tolerance (float, optional) – Max tolerated rounding to zero. If not given the machine double epsilon is used.


If tolerance is given a negative value, the default value for tolerance will be used (machine double epsilon).

transpose_create(self: cpl.core.Matrix) cpl.core.Matrix

Returns the transpose of the matrix in a new matrix.


New transposed matrix.

Return type:


static zeros(rows: int, columns: int) cpl.core.Matrix

Create an matrix of columns x rows dimensions, all 0’s

  • rows (int) – number of rows in the new matrix

  • columns (int) – number of columns in the new matrix


New columns x rows matrix initialised with all 0’s

Return type:


class cpl.core.MatrixRow

Returned from a Matrix’s __getitem__ method or iterator. Used to access specific rows of the matrix.

Not instantiatable on its own.

index(self: cpl.core.MatrixRow, arg0: float) int
class cpl.core.Msg

This module provides functions to display and log messages. The following operations are supported:

  • Enable messages output to terminal or to log file.

  • Optionally adding informative tags to messages.

  • Setting width for message line wrapping.

  • Control the message indentation level.

  • Filtering messages according to their severity level.

This module is configured via the set_config method and controls how messages are output.

class SeverityLevel







property name
static debug(component: str, message: str) None

Display a debug message.

  • component (str) – Name of the function generating the message.

  • message (str) – Message to output


The show_component option in the config must be set to True for the component to be visible.

static error(component: str, message: str) None

Display an error message.

  • component (str) – Name of the function generating the message.

  • message (str) – Message to output


The show_component option in the config must be set to True for the component to be visible.

static get_config() dict

Gets current CPL Messaging configuration

static info(component: str, message: str) None

Display an information message.

  • component (str) – Name of the function generating the message.

  • message (str) – Message to output


The show_component option in the config must be set to True for the component to be visible.

static set_config(**kwargs) None

Set CPL Messaging configuration via kwargs as seen in the parameters below

  • level (cpl.core.Msg.SeverityLevel, optional) – Verbosity level, message below said verbosity level are not printed

  • domain (str, optional) – The domain name, also known as a task identifier, typically a pipeline recipe name.

  • width (int, optional) – The maximum width of the displayed text.

  • indent (int, optional) – The indentation level. Messages are indented by a number of characters equal to the level. Specifying a negative indentation level would set the indentation level to zero.

  • show_threadid (bool, optional) – True to attach the threadid tag with the messages

  • show_domain (bool, optional) – True to attach the domain name tag with the messages

  • show_time (bool, optional) – True to attach the time tag with the messages

  • show_component (bool, optional) – True to attach the component tag with the messages

static start_file(verbosity: cpl.core.Msg.SeverityLevel, name: str = '.logfile') None

Begin log to file.

Typically called at the start of a script.

If this has already been called previously, the previous file log will stop and restart with the new logger.


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – If name is longer than 72 characters

static stop_file() None

Close the current log file if running. Will not throw an error if logging is not currently active. This routine may be called in case the logging should be terminated before the end of a program.

static warning(component: str, message: str) None

Display a warning message.

  • component (str) – Name of the function generating the message.

  • message (str) – Message to output


The show_component option in the config must be set to True for the component to be visible.

class cpl.core.Polynomial

This module provides functions to handle uni- and multivariate polynomials.

Comparing the two polynomials

P1(x) = p0 + p1.x + p4.x^2


P2(x,y) = p0 + p1.x + p2.y + p3.x.y + p4.x^2 + p5.y^2

P1(x) may evaluate to more accurate results than P2(x,0), especially around the roots. The base constructor creates a new polynomial with degree 0 and evaluates as 0.


dim (int) – The positive polynomial dimensions (number of variables)


Note that a polynomial like P3(z) = p0 + p1.z + p2.z^2 + p3.z^3, z=x^4 is preferable to p4(x) = p0 + p1.x^4 + p2.x^8 + p3.x^12. Polynomials are evaluated using Horner’s method. For multivariate polynomials the evaluation is performed one dimension at a time, starting with the lowest dimension and proceeding upwards through the higher dimensions.

add(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, other: cpl.core.Polynomial) None

Add a polynomial with the same dimension as self


other (cpl.core.Polynomial) – polynomial to add


cpl.core.IncompatibleInputError – if self and other do not have identical dimensions

compare(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, other: cpl.core.Polynomial, tol: float) int

Compare the coefficients of two polynomials

The two polynomials are considered equal if they have identical dimensions and the absolute difference between their coefficients does not exceed the given tolerance.

This means that the following two polynomials per definition are considered different:

P1(x1) = 3*x1 different from P2(x1,x2) = 3*x1.

If all input parameters are valid and self and other point to the same polynomial the function returns 0.

If two polynomials have different dimensions, the return value is this (positive) difference.

If two 1D-polynomials differ, the return value is 1 plus the degree of the lowest order differing coefficient.

If for a higher dimension they differ, it is 1 plus the degree of a differing coefficient.

  • other (cpl.core.Polynomial) – The 2nd polynomial

  • tol (float) – The absolute (non-negative) tolerance


0 when equal, positive when different, negative on error.

Return type:



cpl.core.IllegalInputError – If tol is negative

copy(self: cpl.core.Polynomial) cpl.core.Polynomial

Return a copy of the Polynomial.


A new Polynomial containing a copy of the coefficients of the original.

Return type:


derivative(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, dim: int) None

Compute a first order partial derivative

The dimension of the polynomial is preserved, even if the operation may cause the polynomial to become independent of the dimension dim variable.

self is modified to store the result


dim (int) – The dimension to differentiate (zero for first dimension)



The call requires n FLOPs, where n is the number of (non-zero) polynomial coefficients whose power in dimension dim is at least 1.

dump(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, filename: str | None = '', mode: str | None = 'w', show: bool | None = True) str

Dump the Polynomial contents to a file, stdout or a string.

This function is intended just for debugging. It just prints the elements of a polynomial, ordered in rows and columns to the file path specified by filename. If a filename is not specified, output goes to stdout (unless show is False).

  • filename (str, optional) – File to dump polynomial contents to

  • mode (str, optional) – Mode to open the file with. Defaults to “w” (write, overwriting the contents of the file if it already exists), but can also be set to “a” (append, creating the file if it does not already exist or appending to the end of it if it does).

  • show (bool, optional) – Send polynomial contents to stdout. Defaults to True.


Multiline string containing the dump of the polynomial contents.

Return type:


eval(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. eval(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, x: cpl.core.Vector) -> float

    Evaluate the polynomial at the given point using Horner’s rule.

    A polynomial with no non-zero coefficients evaluates as 0.

    The length of x must match the polynomial dimension.


    x (cpl.core.Vector) – Points of evaluation


    The computed value or undefined on error.

    Return type:



    cpl.core.IncompatibleInputError – if the length of x differs from the dimension


    With n coefficients the complexity is about 2n FLOPs.

  2. eval(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, x: Iterable) -> float

    Evaluate the polynomial at the given point using Horner’s rule.

    A polynomial with no non-zero coefficients evaluates as 0.

    The length of x must match the polynomial dimension.


    x (iterable of float) – Points of evaluation


    The computed value or undefined on error.

    Return type:



    cpl.core.IncompatibleInputError – if the length of x differs from the dimension


    With n coefficients the complexity is about 2n FLOPs.

eval_1d(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, x: float) Tuple[float, float]

Evaluate a univariate (1D) polynomial using Horner’s rule.

A polynomial with no non-zero coefficents evaluates to 0 with a derivative that does likewise.


x (float) – Point of evaluation


in the format (result, pd), where pd is the derivative evaluated at x

Return type:

tuple(float, float)


cpl.core.InvalidTypeError – if the polynomial is not (1D) univariate


The result is computed as \(p_0 + x * ( p_1 + x * ( p_2 + ... x * p_n ))\) and requires 2n FLOPs where n+1 is the number of coefficients.

The derivative is computed using a nested Horner rule.

eval_1d_diff(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, a: float, b: float) Tuple[float, float]

Evaluate p(a) - p(b) using Horner’s rule.

  • a (float) – The evaluation point of the minuend

  • b (float) – The evaluation point of the subtrahend


in the format (result, ppa), where ppa is the result of p(a)

Return type:

tuple(float, float)


cpl.core.InvalidTypeError – if the polynomial has the wrong dimension


The call requires about 4n FLOPs where n is the number of coefficients in self, which is the same as that required for two separate polynomial evaluations. cpl_polynomial_eval_1d_diff() is however more accurate.

The underlying algorithm is the same as that used in eval_1d() when the derivative is also requested.

eval_2d(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, x: float, y: float) Tuple[float, cpl.core.Vector]

Evaluate a bivariate (2D) polynomial using Horner’s rule and compute the derivatives.

A polynomial with no non-zero coefficents evaluates to 0 with a derivative that does likewise.

  • x (float) – x component of the evaluation point

  • y (float) – y component of the evaluation point


in the format (result, gradient), where gradient is a tuple of 2 floats containing the X and Y components of the gradient vector at the evaluated point

Return type:

tuple(float, tuple(float, float))


cpl.core.InvalidTypeError – if the polynomial is not 2D


The result is computed as \(p_0 + x * ( p_1 + x * ( p_2 + ... x * p_n ))\)

The derivative is computed using a nested Horner rule.

eval_3d(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, x: float, y: float, z: float) Tuple[float, cpl.core.Vector]

Evaluate a trivariate (3D) polynomial using Horner’s rule and compute the derivatives.

A polynomial with no non-zero coefficents evaluates to 0 with a derivative that does likewise.

  • x (float) – x component of the evaluation point

  • y (float) – y component of the evaluation point

  • z (float) – z component of the evaluation point


in the format (result, gradient), where gradient is a tuple of 3 floats containing the X, Y and Z components of the gradient vector at the evaluated point

Return type:

tuple(float, tuple(float, float, float))


cpl.core.InvalidTypeError – if the polynomial is not 3D


The result is computed as \(p_0 + x * ( p_1 + x * ( p_2 + ... x * p_n ))\)

If the derivative is requested it is computed using a nested Horner rule.

extract(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, dim: int, other: cpl.core.Polynomial) cpl.core.Polynomial

Collapse one dimension of a multi-variate polynomial by composition

The dimension of the polynomial self must be one greater than that of the other polynomial. Given these two polynomials the dimension dim of self is collapsed by creating a new polynomial from:

self(x0, x1, ..., x{dim-1}, other(x0, x1, ..., x{dim-1}, x{dim+1}, x{dim+2}, ..., x{n-1}), x{dim+1}, x{dim+2}, ..., x{n-1}).

The created polynomial thus has a dimension which is one less than the polynomial self and which is equal to that of the other polynomial. Collapsing one dimension of a 1D-polynomial is equivalent to evaluating it, which can be done with eval_1d().

other polynomial must currently have a degree of zero, i.e. it must be a constant.

  • dim (int) – The dimension to collapse (zero for first dimension)

  • other (cpl.core.Polynomial) – The polynomial to replace dimension dim of self


The collapsed polynomial or NULL on error

Return type:




other only allowed to be a constant is to be fixed by CPL

The collapse uses Horner’s rule and requires for n coefficients requires about 2n FLOPs.

fill_polynomial(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, p: int, x0: float, d: float) cpl.core.Vector

Evaluate a 1D-polynomial on equidistant points using Horner’s rule

The evaluation points are x_i = x0 + i * d, i=0, 1, …, n-1, where n is the length of the vector.

  • out_size (int) – How many points to evaluate (size of returned vector)

  • x0 (float) – The first point of evaluation

  • d (float) – The increment between points of evaluation


The evaluated points

Return type:



cpl.core.InvalidTypeError – If the polynomial self is not 1D


The call requires about 2nm FLOPs, where m+1 is the number of coefficients in p.

fit(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, samppos: cpl.core.Matrix, fitvals: cpl.core.Vector, dimdeg: bool, maxdeg: List[int], sampsym: List[bool] | None = None, fitsigm: cpl.core.Vector | None = None, mindeg: List[int] | None = None) None

Fit a polynomial to a set of samples in a least squares sense

Any pre-set non-zero coefficients in self are overwritten or reset by the fit.

For 1D-polynomials N = 1 + maxdeg - mindeg coefficients are fitted. A non-zero mindeg ensures that the fitted polynomial has a fix-point at zero.

The number of distinct samples should exceed the number of coefficients to fit. The number of distinct samples may also equal the number of coefficients to fit, but in this case the fit has another meaning (any non-zero residual is due to rounding errors, not a fitting error). It is an error to try to fit more coefficients than there are distinct samples.

In 1D the sampling points as pairs average u_0 (with an odd number of samples one sample must equal u_0).

In 2D the sampling points are symmetric in the 2D-plane. For the first dimension sampling symmetry means that the sampling is line- symmetric around y = u_1, while for the second dimension, sampling symmetry implies line-symmetry around x = u_2. Point symmetry around (x,y) = (u_1, u_2) means that both sampsym[0] and sampsym[1] may be set to true. For Chebyshev nodes sampsym can be set to True.

  • samppos (cpl.core.Matrix) – Matrix of p sample positions, with d rows and p columns

  • fitvals (cpl.core.Vector) – Vector of the p values to fit

  • dimdeg (cpl_boolean) – True iff there is a fitting degree per dimension. If dimdeg is false, an n-degree coefficient is fitted iff mindeg <= n <= maxdeg. If dimdeg is true, nci = 1 + maxdeg[i] - mindeg[i] coefficients are fitted for dimension i

  • maxdeg (list of ints) – Pointer to 1 or d maximum fitting degree(s), at least mindeg

  • sampsym (list of bools, optional) – d booleans, true iff the sampling is symmetric. sampsym is ignored if mindeg is nonzero, otherwise the caller may use sampsym to indicate an a priori knowledge that the sampling positions are symmetric

  • fitsigm (cpl.core.Vector, optional) – Uncertainties of the sampled values, or None for all ones. If relative uncertainties of the sampled values are known, they may be passed via fitsigm. Not passing means that all uncertaintiesequals one.

  • mindeg (cpl.core.Size, optional) – Pointer to 1 or d minimum fitting degree(s)



fit1d = cpl.core.Polynomial(1) samppos1d = my_sampling_points_1d() # 1-row matrix fitvals = my_sampling_values() sampsym = [True] maxdeg1d = 4 # Fit 5 coefficients fit1d.fit(sappos1d,fitsvals, False, [maxdeg1d], sampsym=sampsym)

fit2d = cpl.core.Polynomial(2) samppos2d = my_sampling_points_2d() # 2-row matrix fitvals = my_sampling_values() maxdeg2d = [2, 1] # Fit 6 coefficients fit2d.fit(sappos2d,fitsvals, False, [maxdeg2d])

fit3d = cpl.core.Polynomial(3) samppos3d = my_sampling_points_3d() # 2-row matrix fitvals = my_sampling_values() maxdeg3d = [2, 1, 2] # Fit 6 coefficients fit3d.fit(sappos3d,fitsvals, False, [maxdeg3d])


Currently only 1D (uni-variate), 2D (bi-variate) and 3D (tri-variate) polynomials are supported. For all but uni-variate polynomials mindeg must be zero.

For a univariate (1D) fit the call requires 6MN + N^3/3 + 7/2N^2 + O(M) FLOPs where M is the number of data points and where N is the number of polynomial coefficients to fit, N = 1 + maxdeg - mindeg.

For a bivariate fit the call requires MN^2 + N^3/3 + O(MN) FLOPs where M is the number of data points and where N is the number of polynomial coefficients to fit.

The fit is done in the following steps: 1) If fitsigm is not None. The factors are applied to the values. 2) If mindeg is zero, the sampling positions are first transformed into Xhat_i = X_i - mean(X_i), i=1, .., dimension. 3) The Vandermonde matrix is formed from Xhat. If fitsigm is not None, the weights are also taken into account. 4) The normal equations of the Vandermonde matrix is solved. 5) If mindeg is zero, the resulting polynomial in Xhat is transformed back to X. Warning: An increase in the polynomial degree will normally reduce the fitting error. However, due to rounding errors and the limited accuracy of the solver of the normal equations, an increase in the polynomial degree may at some point cause the fitting error to _increase_. In some cases this happens with an increase of the polynomial degree from 8 to 9.

fit_residual(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, fitvals: cpl.core.Vector, samppos: cpl.core.Matrix, fitsigm: cpl.core.Vector = None) Tuple[cpl.core.Vector, float]

Compute the residual of a polynomial fit using self as the fitted polynomial

If the relative uncertainties of the sampled values are known, they may be passed via fitsigm. Passing None means that all uncertainties equal one. The uncertainties are taken into account when computing the reduced chi square value.

  • fitvals (cpl.core.Vector) – Vector of the p fitted values

  • samppos (cpl.core.Matrix) – Matrix of p sample positions, with d rows and p columns

  • fitsigm (cpl.core.Vector, optional) – Uncertainties of the sampled values or passed None for a uniform uncertainty


tuple in the format (result, rechisq) where: - result is the vector of the fitting residuals, same size as fitvals - redchisq is the reduced chi square of the fit

Return type:

tuple(cpl.core.Vector, double)

static from_numpy(data: object) cpl.core.Polynomial

Construct a CPL polynomial from a numpy polynomial


data (np.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial) – Input polynomial

get_coeff(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, pows: List[int]) float

Get a coefficient of the polynomial.

Requesting the value of a coefficient that has not been set is allowed, in this case zero is returned.


pows (list of ints) – The non-negative power(s) of the variable(s)


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if pows contains negative values


For an N-dimensional polynomial the complexity is O(N)


coeff = poly1d.get_coeff([3])

Requesting the value of a coefficient that has not been set is allowed, in this case zero is returned.

multiply(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, other: cpl.core.Polynomial) None

Multiply with a polynomial with the same dimension as self


other (cpl.core.Polynomial) – polynomial to multiply with


cpl.core.IncompatibleInputError – if self and other do not have identical dimensions

multiply_scalar(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, factor: float) None

Multiply polynomial self with a scalar


factor (float) – factor to multiply with


If factor is zero, all coefficients are reset, if it is 1 all are copied

set_coeff(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, pows: List[int], value: float) None

Set a coefficient of the polynomial

pows is assumed to have the size of the polynomial dimension.

If the coefficient is already there, it is overwritten, if not, a new coefficient is added to the polynomial. This may cause the degree of the polynomial to be increased, or if the new coefficient is zero, to decrease.

  • pows (list of ints) – The non-negative power(s) of the variable(s)

  • value (float) – the coefficient


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if pows contains negative values


For an N-dimensional polynomial the complexity is O(N)

shift_1d(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, i: int, u: float) None

Modify p, p(x0, x1, …, xi, …) := (x0, x1, …, xi+u, …)

Shifting the polynomial p(x) = x^n with u = 1 will generate the binomial coefficients for n.

Shifting the coordinate system to (x,y) for the 2D-polynomium poly2d:

  • i (int) – The dimension to shift (0 for first)

  • u (float) – The shift

solve_1d(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, x0: float, mul: int) float

A real solution to p(x) = 0 using Newton-Raphsons method

Even if a real solution exists, it may not be found if the first guess is too far from the solution. But a solution is guaranteed to be found if all roots of p are real (except in the case where the derivative at the first guess happens to be zero, see below - for an n-degree polynomial there are up to n-1 such guesses). If the constant term is zero, the solution 0 will be returned regardless of the first guess.

  • x0 (float) – First guess of the solution

  • mul (int) – The root multiplicity (or 1 if unknown)


The solution

Return type:




No solution is found when the iterative process stops because: 1) It can not proceed because p`(x) = 0 (cpl.core.DivisionByZeroError). 2) Only a finite number of iterations are allowed (cpl.core.ContinueError). Either can happen due to an an actual lack of a real solution or due to an insufficiently good first guess.

The accuracy and robustness deteriorates with increasing multiplicity of the solution. This is also the case with numerical multiplicity, i.e. when multiple solutions are located close together.

mul is assumed to be the multiplicity of the solution. Knowledge of the root multiplicity often improves the robustness and accuracy. If there is no knowledge of the root multiplicity mul should be 1. Setting mul to a too high value should be avoided.

subtract(self: cpl.core.Polynomial, other: cpl.core.Polynomial) None

Subtract a polynomial with the same dimension as self


other (cpl.core.Polynomial) – polynomial to subtract


cpl.core.IncompatibleInputError – if self and other do not have identical dimensions

property degree

The degree is the highest sum of exponents (with a non-zero coefficient). If there are no non-zero coefficients the degree is zero.

property dimension

The dimension of the polynomial.

class cpl.core.Property

Properties are basically a variable container which consists of a name, a type identifier and a specific value of that type.

The type identifier always determines the type of the associated value. A property is similar to an ordinary variable and its current value can be set or retrieved through its name. In addition a property may have a descriptive comment associated.

The following types are supported:
  • cpl.core.Type.BOOL

  • cpl.core.Type.FLOAT

  • cpl.core.Type.INT

  • cpl.core.Type.CHAR

  • cpl.core.Type.STRING

  • cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE

  • cpl.core.Type.LONG

  • cpl.core.Type.LONG_LONG

  • cpl.core.Type.FLOAT_COMPLEX

  • cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE_COMPLEX

Support for arrays in general is currently not available.

dump(self: cpl.core.Property, filename: str | None = '', mode: str | None = 'w', show: bool | None = True) str

Dump a property contents to a file, stdout or a string.

Comment lines start with the hash character.

  • filename (str, optional) – File to dump property contents to

  • mode (str, optional) – Mode to open the file with. Defaults to “w” (write, overwriting the contents of the file if it already exists), but can also be set to “a” (append, creating the file if it does not already exist or appending to the end of it if it does).

  • show (bool, optional) – Send property contents to stdout. Defaults to True.


Multiline string containing the dump of the property contents.

Return type:


property comment

property description

property name

name of property

property type

CPL type of property. See

class cpl.core.PropertyList

The opaque property list data type.

Was designed for supporting the FITS header information. Indeed, it is possible, using a single function, to load a header file into a property list, given the filename and the number of the extension using the load() function.

append(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. append(self: cpl.core.PropertyList, property: cpl.core.Property) -> None

    Append a property value to a property list.

    This function creates a new property and appends it to the end of a property list. It will not check if the property already exists.


    property (cpl.core.Property) – Property to append

  2. append(self: cpl.core.PropertyList, other: cpl.core.PropertyList) -> None

    Append a propertylist

    This function appends the properties from the property list other to self.


    other (cpl.core.PropertyList) – Propertylist to append

  3. append(self: cpl.core.PropertyList, name: str, value: Union[complex, float, bool, str, int, complex, int, int, str, float]) -> None

    Append a new property using a name and value

    This function appends a new property with name and inital value value. The type will be infered by value’ s type

    • name (str) – Name for the new property

    • value (str, char, float, complex, bool, int) – Initial value of the new property

del_regexp(self: cpl.core.PropertyList, regexp: str, invert: bool) int

Erase all properties with name matching a given regular expression.

The function searches for all the properties matching in the list.

The function expects POSIX 1003.2 compliant extended regular expressions.

  • regexp (str) – Regular expression.

  • invert (bool) – Flag inverting the sense of matching.


The number of erased entries

Return type:


dump(self: cpl.core.PropertyList, filename: str | None = '', mode: str | None = 'w', show: bool | None = True) str

Dump a property list contents to a file, stdout or a string.

Each element is preceded by its index number (starting with 1!) and written on a single line.

Comment lines start with the hash character.

  • filename (str, optional) – File to dump property list contents to

  • mode (str, optional) – Mode to open the file with. Defaults to “w” (write, overwriting the contents of the file if it already exists), but can also be set to “a” (append, creating the file if it does not already exist or appending to the end of it if it does).

  • show (bool, optional) – Send property list contents to stdout. Defaults to True.


Multiline string containing the dump of the property list contents.

Return type:


insert(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. insert(self: cpl.core.PropertyList, index: int, property: cpl.core.Property) -> None

Insert a property at index. PropertyList will increase in size by 1.

  1. insert(self: cpl.core.PropertyList, arg0: str, arg1: cpl.core.Property) -> None

static load(name: str, position: int) cpl.core.PropertyList

Create a filtered property list from a file.

  • name (str) – Name of the input file.

  • position (int) – Index of the data set to read.


The loaded propertylist from the input file at index position

Return type:



The function reads the properties of the data set with index position from the file name.

Currently only the FITS file format is supported. The property list is created by reading the FITS keywords from extension position. The numbering of the data sections starts from 0. When creating the property list from a FITS header, any keyword without a value such as undefined keywords, are not transformed into a property. In the case of float or double (complex) keywords, there is no way to identify the type returned by CFITSIO, therefore this function will always load them as double (complex).

static load_regexp(name: str, position: int, regexp: str, invert: bool) cpl.core.PropertyList

Create a filtered property list from a file.

  • name (str) – Name of the input file.

  • position (int) – Index of the data set to read.

  • regexp (str) – Regular expression used to filter properties.

  • invert (bool) – Flag inverting the sense of matching property names.


The loaded propertylist from the input file at index position, with properties matching the regexp filter

Return type:



The function reads all properties of the data set with index position with matching names from the file name. If the flag invert is False, all properties whose names match the regular expression regexp are read. If invert is set to True, all properties with names not matching regexp are read rather. The function expects POSIX 1003.2 compliant extended regular expressions.

Currently only the FITS file format is supported. The property list is created by reading the FITS keywords from extension position.

The numbering of the data sections starts from 0.

When creating the property list from a FITS header, any keyword without a value such as undefined keywords, are not transformed into a property. In the case of float or double (complex) keywords, there is no way to identify the type returned by CFITSIO, therefore this function will always load them as double (complex).

FITS format specific keyword prefixes (e.g. HIERARCH) must not be part of the given pattern string regexp, but only the actual FITS keyword name may be given.

save(self: cpl.core.PropertyList, name: str, mode: int) None

Save a property list to a FITS file.

  • name (str) – Name of the input file.

  • position (int) – Index of the data set to read.

  • mode (unsigned) – The desired output options (combined with bitwise or of cpl.core.io enums)


This function saves a property list to a FITS file, using cfitsio. The data unit is empty.

Supported output modes are cpl.core.io.CREATE (create a new file) and cpl.core.io.EXTEND (append to an existing file)

setup_product_header(self: cpl.core.PropertyList, product_frame: cpl.ui.Frame, framelist: cpl.ui.FrameSet, parlist: cpl.ui.ParameterList, recid: str, pipeline_id: str, dictionary_id: str, inherit_frame: object = None) None

Add product keywords to a pipeline product property list.

  • product_frame (cpl.ui.Frame) – Frame describing the product

  • framelist (cpl.ui.FrameSet) – List of frames including all input frames

  • parlist (cpl.ui.ParameterList) – Recipe parameter list

  • recid (str) – Recipe name

  • pipeline_id (str) – Pipeline package (unique) identifier

  • dictionary_id (str) – PRO dictionary identifier

  • inherit_frame (cpl.ui.Frame, optional) – Frame from which header information is inherited

Return type:


  • cpl.core.DataNotFoundError – If the input framelist contains no input frames or a frame in the input framelist does not specify a file. In the former case the string “Empty set-of-frames” is appended to the error message.

  • cpl.core.IllegalInputError – If the product frame is not tagged or not grouped as cpl.ui.Frame.FrameGroup.PRODUCT. A specified inherit_frame doesn’t belong to the input frame list, or it is not in FITS format.

  • cpl.core.FileNotFoundError – If a frame in the input framelist specifies a non-existing file.

  • cpl.core.BadFileFormatError – If a frame in the input framelist specifies an invalid file.


This function updates and validates that the property list self is DICB compliant. In particular, this function does the following:

  1. Selects a reference frame from which the primary and secondary keyword information is inherited. The primary information is contained in the FITS keywords ORIGIN, TELESCOPE, INSTRUME, OBJECT, RA, DEC, EPOCH, EQUINOX, RADESYS, DATE-OBS, MJD-OBS, UTC, LST, PI-COI, OBSERVER, while the secondary information is contained in all the other keywords. If the inherit_frame is None, both primary and secondary information is inherited from the first frame in the input framelist with group cpl.ui.Frame.FrameGroup.RAW, or if no such frames are present the first frame with group cpl.ui.Frame.FrameGroup.CALIB. If inherit_frame is not None, the secondary information is inherited from inherit_frame instead.

  2. Copy to self, if they are present, the following primary FITS keywords from the first input frame in the framelist: ORIGIN, TELESCOPE, INSTRUME, OBJECT, RA, DEC, EPOCH, EQUINOX, RADESYS, DATE-OBS, MJD-OBS, UTC, LST, PI-COI, OBSERVER. If those keywords are already present in the self property list, they are overwritten only in case they have the same type. If any of these keywords are present with an unexpected type, a warning is issued, but the keywords are copied anyway (provided that the above conditions are fulfilled), and no error is set.

  3. Copy all the HIERARCH ESO * keywords from the primary FITS header of the inherit_frame in framelist, with the exception of the HIERARCH ESO DPR *, and of the HIERARCH ESO PRO * and HIERARCH ESO DRS * keywords if the inherit_frame is a calibration. If those keywords are already present in self, they are overwritten.

  4. If found, remove the HIERARCH ESO DPR * keywords from self.

  5. If found, remove the ARCFILE and ORIGFILE keywords from self.

  6. Add to self the following mandatory keywords from the PRO dictionary: PIPEFILE, ESO PRO DID, ESO PRO REC1 ID, ESO PRO REC1 DRS ID, ESO PRO REC1 PIPE ID, and ESO PRO CATG. If those keywords are already present in self, they are overwritten. The keyword ESO PRO CATG is always set identical to the tag in product_frame.

  7. Only if missing, add to self the following mandatory keywords from the PRO dictionary: ESO PRO TYPE, ESO PRO TECH, and ESO PRO SCIENCE. The keyword ESO PRO TYPE will be set to REDUCED. If the keyword ESO DPR TECH is found in the header of the first frame, ESO PRO TECH is given its value, alternatively if the keyword ESO PRO TECH is found it is copied instead, and if all fails the value UNDEFINED is set. Finally, if the keyword ESO DPR CATG is found in the header of the first frame and is set to SCIENCE, the boolean keyword ESO PRO SCIENCE will be set to true, otherwise it will be copied from an existing ESO PRO SCIENCE keyword, while it will be set to false in all other cases.

  8. Check the existence of the keyword ESO PRO DATANCOM in self. If this keyword is missing, one is added, with the value of the total number of raw input frames.

  9. Add to self the keywords ESO PRO REC1 RAW1 NAME, ESO PRO REC1 RAW1 CATG, ESO PRO REC1 CAL1 NAME, ESO PRO REC1 CAL1 CATG, to describe the content of the input set-of-frames.

See the DICB PRO dictionary for details on the mentioned PRO keywords.

Non-FITS files are handled as files with an empty FITS header.

The pipeline identifier string pipe_id is composed of the pipeline package name and its version number in the form PACKAGE “/” PACKAGE_VERSION.

sort(self: cpl.core.PropertyList, compare: function) None

Sort a property list using a passed function.

Sort is done in place


compare (function(cpl.core.Property, cpl.core.Property) -> int) – The function used to compare two properties. This function compares to determine whether a property is less, equal or greater than another one.

Return type:


class cpl.core.Sort


DESCENDING : For use with cpl.core.Vector.sort() for descending order sort

ASCENDING : For use with cpl.core.Vector.sort() for ascending order sort

property name
class cpl.core.SortMode




property name
class cpl.core.Table

This module provides functions to create and user PyCPL tables.

A CPL table is made of columns, and a column consists of an array of elements of a given type.

The following types are supported, - cpl.core.Type.INT - cpl.core.Type.LONG_LONG - cpl.core.Type.FLOAT - cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE - cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE_COMPLEX - cpl.core.Type.FLOAT_COMPLEX - cpl.core.Type.STRING.

Moreover, it is possible to define columns of arrays, i.e. columns whose elements are arrays of all the basic types listed above. Within the same column all arrays must have the same type and the same length.

A table column is accessed by specifying its name. The ordering of the columns within a table is undefined: a CPL table is not an n-tuple of columns, but just a set of columns. The N elements of a column are counted from 0 to N-1, with element 0 on top. The set of all the table columns elements with the same index constitutes a table row, and table rows are counted according to the same convention.

It is possible to flag each table row as “selected” or “unselected”, and each column element as “valid” or “invalid”. Selecting table rows is mainly a way to extract just those table parts fulfilling any given condition, while invalidating column elements is a way to exclude such elements from any computation. A CPL table is created with all rows selected, and a column is created with all elements invalidated.

New columns can be allocated either by calling the appropriate function (new_column() for regular columns, new_column_array() for array columns) or setting directly via index (however the given array must be of the number of table rows). See __setitem__ docs for more info.

Array column elements must all be of the same length.

New CPL tables can be built from an existing table-like object, or via the empty static method. See the Parameters section for building from existing data


input (object) –

Data used to build the new CPL table object. This data source must only contain objects of types compatible with CPL tables

input can be the following types: - astropy.table.QTable - pandas.Dataframe - numpy.recarray


cpl.core.InvalidTypeError – If one of the columns in input is not a CPL compatible type

class Operator








property name
abs(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) None

Compute the absolute value of column values.

Each column element is replaced by its absolute value. Invalid elements are not modified by this operation. If the column is complex, its type will be turned to real (cpl.core.Type.FLOAT_COMPLEX will be changed into cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, and cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE_COMPLEX will be changed into cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE).


name (str) – Table column name.

add_columns(self: cpl.core.Table, to_name: str, from_name: str) None

Add the values of two numeric or complex table columns.

The columns are summed element by element, and the result of the sum is stored in the target column. The columns’ types may differ, and in that case the operation would be performed using the standard C upcasting rules, with a final cast of the result to the target column type. Invalid elements are propagated consistently: if either or both members of the sum are invalid, the result will be invalid too. Underflows and overflows are ignored.

  • to_name (str) – Name of target column.

  • from_name (str) – Name of source column.

add_scalar(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, value: float) None

Add a constant value to a numerical or complex column.

The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the target column type. Invalid elements are are not modified by this operation.

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • value (float) – Value to add.

add_scalar_complex(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, value: complex) None

Add a constant complex value to a numerical or complex column.

The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the target column type. Invalid elements are are not modified by this operation.

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • value (complex) – Value to add.

and_selected(self: cpl.core.Table, name1: str, operator: cpl.core.Table.Operator, name2: str) int

Select from selected table rows, by comparing the values of two columns.

Either both columns must be numerical, or they both must be strings. The comparison between strings is lexicographical. Neither can be a complex or array type.

For all the already selected table rows, the values of the specified column are compared. The table rows not fulfilling the comparison are unselected. Invalid elements from either columns never fulfill any comparison by definition.

For this function, the column is of a numerical type if its type is: * cpl.core.Type.INT * cpl.core.Type.FLOAT * cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE * cpl.core.Type.LONG_LONG

All table rows not fulfilling the comparison are unselected. An invalid element never fulfills any comparison by definition. Allowed relational operators are * cpl.core.Operator.EQUAL_TO * cpl.core.Operator.NOT_EQUAL_TO * cpl.core.Operator.GREATER_THAN * cpl.core.Operator.NOT_GREATER_THAN * cpl.core.Operator.LESS_THAN * cpl.core.Operator.NOT_LESS_THAN

  • name1 (str) – Name of the first table column

  • operator (cpl.core.Operator) – Relational Operator. See extended summary for allowed operators.

  • name2 (str) – Name of second table column.


New number of selected rows

Return type:



See also


To select from unselected rows using column comparison

and_selected_invalid(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) int

Select from selected table rows all rows with an invalid value in a specified column.

For all the already selected table rows, all the rows containing valid values at the specified column are unselected. See also the function


name (str) – Column name.


New number of selected rows

Return type:


and_selected_numerical(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, operator: cpl.core.Table.Operator, value: object) None

Select from already selected table rows, by comparing a column of numercal values to the reference value

For all the already selected table rows, the values of the specified column are compared with the reference value.

The column is of a numerical type if its type is: * cpl.core.Type.INT * cpl.core.Type.FLOAT * cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE * cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE_COMPLEX * cpl.core.Type.FLOAT_COMPLEX * cpl.core.Type.LONG_LONG

All table rows not fulfilling the comparison are unselected. An invalid element never fulfills any comparison by definition. Allowed relational operators are * cpl.core.Operator.EQUAL_TO * cpl.core.Operator.NOT_EQUAL_TO * cpl.core.Operator.GREATER_THAN * cpl.core.Operator.NOT_GREATER_THAN * cpl.core.Operator.LESS_THAN * cpl.core.Operator.NOT_LESS_THAN

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • operator (cpl.core.Operator) – Relational Operator. See extended summary for allowed operators.

  • value (int, float or complex) – Reference value


New number of selected rows

Return type:



See also


To select from unselected rows using numerical operator comparison

and_selected_string(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, operator: cpl.core.Table.Operator, string: str) int

Select from selected table rows, by comparing a column of string values to the given string.

For all the already selected table rows, the values of the specified column are compared with the reference string.

If operator is equal to cpl.core.Operator.EQUAL_TO or cpl.core.Operator.NOT_EQUAL_TO then the comparison string is treated as a regular expression.

All table rows not fulfilling the comparison are unselected. An invalid element never fulfills any comparison by definition. Allowed relational operators are * cpl.core.Operator.EQUAL_TO * cpl.core.Operator.NOT_EQUAL_TO * cpl.core.Operator.GREATER_THAN * cpl.core.Operator.NOT_GREATER_THAN * cpl.core.Operator.LESS_THAN * cpl.core.Operator.NOT_LESS_THAN

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • operator (cpl.core.Operator) – Relational Operator. See extended summary for allowed operators.

  • string (str) – Reference character string


New number of selected rows

Return type:



See also


To select from unselected rows using string comparison

and_selected_window(self: cpl.core.Table, start: int, count: int) int

Select from selected rows only those within a table segment.

All the selected table rows that are outside the specified interval are unselected. If the sum of start and count goes beyond the end of the input table, rows are checked up to the end of the table.

  • start (int) – First row of table segment.

  • count (int) – Length of segment


New number of selected rows

Return type:


  • cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeself has zero length, or start is outside self’s boundaries

  • cpl.core.IllegalInputErrorcount is negative

See also


To select from unselected rows using a specified segment

arg_column(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) None

Compute the phase angle value of table column elements.

Each column element is replaced by its phase angle value. The phase angle will be in the range of [-pi,pi]. Invalid elements are not modified by this operation. If the column is complex, its type will be turned to real (cpl.core.Type.FLOAT_COMPLEX will be changed into cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, and cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE_COMPLEX will be changed into cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE).


name (str) – Column name.

cast_column(self: cpl.core.Table, from_name: str, to_name: str, type: cpl.core.Type) None

Cast a numeric or complex column to a new numeric or complex type column.

A new column of the specified type is created, and the content of the given numeric column is cast to the new type. If the input column type is identical to the specified type the column is duplicated as is done by the function duplicate_column(). Note that a column of arrays is always cast to another column of arrays of the specified type, unless it has depth 1. Consistently, a column of numbers can be cast to a column of arrays of depth 1. Here is a complete summary of how any (legal) type specification would be interpreted, depending on the type of the input column:

from_name type = cpl.core.Type.XXX | cpl.core.Type.POINTER specified type = cpl.core.Type.XXX | cpl.core.Type.POINTER to_name type = cpl.core.Type.XXX | cpl.core.Type.POINTER

from_name type = cpl.core.Type.XXX | cpl.core.Type.POINTER (depth > 1) specified type = cpl.core.Type.XXX to_name type = cpl.core.Type.XXX | cpl.core.Type.POINTER

from_name type = cpl.core.Type.XXX | cpl.core.Type.POINTER (depth = 1) specified type = cpl.core.Type.XXX to_name type = cpl.core.Type.XXX

from_name type = cpl.core.Type.XXX specified type = cpl.core.Type.XXX | cpl.core.Type.POINTER to_name type = cpl.core.Type.XXX | cpl.core.Type.POINTER (depth = 1)

from_name type = cpl.core.Type.XXX specified type = cpl.core.Type.POINTER to_name type = cpl.core.Type.XXX | cpl.core.Type.POINTER (depth = 1)

from_name type = cpl.core.Type.XXX specified type = cpl.core.Type.YYY to_name type = cpl.core.Type.YYY

from_name type = cpl.core.Type.XXX | cpl.core.Type.POINTER specified type = cpl.core.Type.YYY | cpl.core.Type.POINTER to_name type = cpl.core.Type.YYY | cpl.core.Type.POINTER

from_name type = cpl.core.Type.XXX | cpl.core.Type.POINTER (depth > 1) specified type = cpl.core.Type.YYY to_name type = cpl.core.Type.YYY | cpl.core.Type.POINTER

from_name type = cpl.core.Type.XXX | cpl.core.Type.POINTER (depth = 1) specified type = cpl.core.Type.YYY to_name type = cpl.core.Type.YYY

from_name type = cpl.core.Type.XXX specified type = cpl.core.Type.YYY | cpl.core.Type.POINTER to_name type = cpl.core.Type.YYY | cpl.core.Type.POINTER (depth = 1)

  • from_name (str) – Name of table column to cast.

  • to_name (str) – Name of new table column.

  • type (cpl.core.Type) – Type of new table column.

column_array(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) object

Get column data in the form of a numpy.ndarray

The array will be returned with the corresponding type as the column, containing in order all the values contained within column name.

If the column is an array type, then the array returned will be 2d, with each nested array represents a value.


name (str) – column to extract values


array of values contained within column name in self.

Return type:


compare_structure(self: cpl.core.Table, other: cpl.core.Table) bool

Compare the structure of two tables.

Two tables have the same structure if they have the same number of columns, with the same names, the same types, and the same units. The order of the columns is not relevant.


other (cpl.core.Table) – Other table to compare with.


True if the tables have the same structure, otherwise False.

Return type:


conjugate_column(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) None

Compute the complex conjugate of column values.

Each column element is replaced by its complex conjugate. The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the target column type. Invalid elements are not modified by this operation.


name (str) – Column name.

copy_structure(self: cpl.core.Table, toCopy: cpl.core.Table) None

Copy the structure (column names, types and units) from another table

This function assignes to a columnless table the same column structure (names, types, units) of a given model table. All columns are physically created in the new table, and they are initialised to contain just invalid elements.


toCopy (cpl.core.Table) – table from which the structure is to be copied from.


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if self contains columns

count_invalid(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) int

Count number of invalid values in a table column.

Count number of invalid elements in a table column.


name (str) – Name of table column to examine.


Number of invalid elements in a table column.

Return type:



cpl.core.DataNotFoundError – A column with the given name is not found in self.

divide_columns(self: cpl.core.Table, to_name: str, from_name: str) None

Divide two numeric or complex table columns.

The columns are divided element by element, and the result of the division is stored in the target column. The columns’ types may differ, and in that case the operation would be performed using the standard C upcasting rules, with a final cast of the result to the target column type. Invalid elements are propagated consistently: if either or both members of the division are invalid, the result will be invalid too. Underflows and overflows are ignored, but a division by exactly zero will set an invalid column element.

  • to_name (str) – Name of target column.

  • from_name (str) – Name of column dividing the target column.

divide_scalar(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, value: float) None

Divide a numerical or complex column by a constant.

The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the target column type. Invalid elements are not modified by this operation.

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • value (float) – Divisor value.

divide_scalar_complex(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, value: complex) None

Divide a numerical or complex column by a complex constant.

The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the target column type. Invalid elements are not modified by this operation.

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • value (complex) – Divisor value.

dump(self: cpl.core.Table, filename: str | None = '', mode: str | None = 'w', start: int = 0, count: object = None, show: bool | None = True) str

Dump the Table contents to a file, stdout or a string.

This function is mainly intended for debug purposes. All column elements are printed according to the column formats, that may be specified for each table column with the function.

  • filename (str, optional) – file path to dump table contents to

  • mode (str, optional) – File mode to save the file, default ‘w’ overwrites contents.

  • start (int) – First row to print

  • count (int) – Number of rows to print

  • show (bool, optional) – Send table contents to stdout. Defaults to True.


Multiline string containing the dump of the table contents.

Return type:


duplicate_column(self: cpl.core.Table, to_name: str, from_table: cpl.core.Table, from_name: str) None

Copy a column from a table to self.

Copy a column from a table to self. The column is duplicated. A column may be duplicated also within the same table.

  • to_name (str) – New name of copied column.

  • from_table (cpl.core.Table) – Source table.

  • from_name (str) – Name of column to copy.

static empty(rows: int) cpl.core.Table

Construct empty table with a set number of rows


rows (int) – number of rows in the new table


New empty Table with rows number of rows

Return type:



cpl.core.IllegalInputErrorrows is negative

erase_column(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) None

Delete a column from a table.

Delete a column from a table. If the table is left without columns, also the selection flags are lost.


name (str) – Name of table column to delete.


cpl.core.DataNotFoundError – A column with the given name not found in table.

erase_invalid(self: cpl.core.Table) None

Remove from a table all columns just containing invalid elements, and then all rows containing at least one invalid element.

Firstly, all columns consisting just of invalid elements are deleted from the table. Next, the remaining table rows containing at least one invalid element are also deleted from the table.

The function is similar to the function erase_invalid_rows(), except for the criteria to remove rows containing invalid elements after all invalid columns have been removed. While erase_invalid_rows() requires all elements to be invalid in order to remove a row from the table, this function requires only one (or more) elements to be invalid.


If the input table just contains invalid elements, all columns are deleted.

erase_invalid_rows(self: cpl.core.Table) None

Remove from a table columns and rows just containing invalid elements.

Table columns and table rows just containing invalid elements are deleted from the table, i.e. a column or a row is deleted only if all of its elements are invalid. The selection flags are set back to “all selected” even if no rows or columns are removed.


If the input table just contains invalid elements, all columns are deleted.

erase_selected(self: cpl.core.Table) None

Delete the selected rows of a table.

A portion of the table data is physically removed, and the table selection flags are set back to “all selected”.

erase_window(self: cpl.core.Table, start: int, count: int) None

Delete a table segment.

A portion of the table data is physically removed.

  • start (int) – First row to delete.

  • count (int) – Number of rows to delete.

exponential_column(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, base: float) None

Compute the exponential of column values.

Each column element is replaced by its exponential in the specified base. The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the target column type. Invalid elements are not modified by this operation.

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • base (float) – Exponential base.

extract(self: cpl.core.Table, start: int, count: int) cpl.core.Table

Create a table from a section of another table.

A number of consecutive rows are copied from an input table to a newly created table. The new table will have the same structure of the original table (see function compare_structure()). If the sum of start and count goes beyond the end of the input table, rows are copied up to the end. All the rows of the new table are selected, i.e., existing selection flags are not transferred from the old table to the new one.

  • start (int) – First row to be copied to new table.

  • count (int) – Number of rows to be copied.


The new table.

Return type:


extract_selected(self: cpl.core.Table) cpl.core.Table

Create a new table from the selected rows of another table.

A new table is created, containing a copy of all the selected rows of the input table. In the output table all rows are selected.


New cpl.core.Table of selected rows

Return type:


fill_invalid(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, value: object) None

Write a numerical value to invalid elements.

The value will adapt to the column type

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • value (float, int, complex, or array) – Value to write to invalid column elements.


Assigning a value to an invalid numerical element will not make it valid, but assigning a value to an element consisting of an array of numbers will make the array element valid.

get(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, row: int) Tuple[float, int]

Read a value from a numerical column.

Rows are counted starting from 0.

  • name (str) – Name of table column to be accessed.

  • row (int) – Position of element to be read.


Value read. In case of invalid table element 0.0 is returned.

Return type:


get_column_depth(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) int

Get the depth of a table column.

Get the depth of a column. Columns of type array always have positive depth, while columns listing numbers or character strings have depth 0.


name (str) – Column name.


Column depth

Return type:



cpl.core.DataNotFoundError – A column with the given name not found in table.

get_column_dimension(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, indx: int) int

Get size of one dimension of a table column of arrays.

Get the size of one dimension of a column. If a column is not an array column, or if it has no dimensions, 1 is returned.

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • indx (int) – Indicate dimension to query (0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z, etc.).


Size of queried dimension of the column, or zero in case of error.

Return type:


get_column_dimensions(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) int

Get the number of dimensions of a table column of arrays.

Get the number of dimensions of a column. If a column is not an array column, or if it has no dimensions, 1 is returned.


name (str) – Column name.


Column number of dimensions, or 0 in case of failure.

Return type:



cpl.core.DataNotFoundError – A column with the given name not found in table.

get_column_format(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) str

Get the format of a table column.

Return the format of a column.


name (str) – Column name.


Format of column.

Return type:



cpl.core.DataNotFoundError – A column with the given name not found in table.

get_column_max(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) float

Get maximum value in a numerical column.

Invalid column values are excluded from the computation. The table selection flags have no influence on the result.


name (str) – Column name.


Maximum value. See documentation of get_column_mean().

Return type:


get_column_maxpos(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) int

Get position of maximum in a numerical column.

Invalid column values are excluded from the search. The return value is the position of the maximum value where rows are counted starting from 0.

If more than one column element correspond to the max value, the position with the lowest row number is returned.


name (str) – Column name.


Returned row position of maximum value in column name

Return type:


get_column_mean(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) float

Compute the mean value of a numerical column.

Invalid column values are excluded from the computation. The table selection flags have no influence on the result.


name (str) – Column name.


Mean value

Return type:


get_column_mean_complex(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) complex

Compute the mean value of a numerical or complex column.

Invalid column values are excluded from the computation. The table selection flags have no influence on the result.


name (str) – Column name.


Mean value. In case of error 0.0 is returned.

Return type:


get_column_median(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) float

Compute the median value of a numerical column.

Invalid column values are excluded from the computation. The table selection flags have no influence on the result.


name (str) – Column name.


Median value

Return type:


get_column_min(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) float

Get minimum value in a numerical column.

Invalid column values are excluded from the computation. The table selection flags have no influence on the result.


name (str) – Column name.


Minimum value. See documentation of get_column_mean().

Return type:


get_column_minpos(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) int

Get position of minimum in a numerical column.

Invalid column values are excluded from the search. The return value is the position of the minimum value where rows are counted starting from 0.

If more than one column element correspond to the minimum value, the position with the lowest row number is returned.


name (str) – Column name.


Returned row position of minimum value in column name

Return type:


get_column_stdev(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) float

Find the standard deviation of a table column.

Invalid column values are excluded from the computation of the standard deviation. If just one valid element is found, 0.0 is returned but no error is set. The table selection flags have no influence on the result.


name (str) – Column name.


Standard deviation

Return type:


get_column_type(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) cpl.core.Type

Get the type of a table column.

Get the type of a column.


name (str) – Column name.


The column type of name

Return type:



cpl.core.DataNotFoundError – A column with the given name not found in table.

get_column_unit(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) str | None

Get the unit of a table column.

Return the unit of a column if present, otherwise None is returned.


name (str) – Column name.


Unit of column.

Return type:



cpl.core.DataNotFoundError – A column with the given name not found in table.

has_invalid(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) bool

Check if a column contains at least one invalid value.

Check if there are invalid elements in a column. In case of columns of arrays, invalid values within an array are not considered.


name (str) – Name of table column to access.


True if the column contains at least one invalid element

Return type:



cpl.core.DataNotFoundError – A column with the given name is not found in self.

has_valid(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) bool

Check if a column contains at least one valid value.

Check if there are valid elements in a column. In case of columns of arrays, invalid values within an array are not considered.


name (str) – Name of table column to access.


True if the column contains at least one valid element

Return type:



cpl.core.DataNotFoundError – A column with the given name is not found in self.

imag_column(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) None

Compute the imaginary part value of table column elements.

Each column element is replaced by its imaginary party value only. Invalid elements are not modified by this operation. If the column is complex, its type will be turned to real (cpl.core.Type.FLOAT_COMPLEX will be changed into cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, and cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE_COMPLEX will be changed into cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE). Existing references to the column data should be considered as invalid after calling this method.


name (str) – Column name.

insert(self: cpl.core.Table, insert_table: cpl.core.Table, row: int) None

Insert a table into self

The input tables must have the same structure, as defined by the function

  • insert_table (cpl.core.Table) – Table to be inserted in the target table.

  • row (int) – Row where to insert the insert table.

insert_window(self: cpl.core.Table, start: int, count: int) None

Insert a segment of rows into table data.

Insert a segment of empty rows, just containing invalid elements. Setting start to a number greater than the column length is legal, and has the effect of appending extra rows at the end of the table: this is equivalent to expanding the table using set_size(). The input column may also have zero length.

The table selection flags are set back to “all selected”.

  • start (int) – Row where to insert the segment.

  • count (int) – Length of the segment.

is_selected(self: cpl.core.Table, row: int) bool

Determine whether a table row is selected or not.


row (int) – Table row to check.


True if row is selected. False if its not.

Return type:



See also


To select from already selected rows using column comparison

is_valid(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, row: int) bool

Check if a column element is valid.

Check if a column element is valid.

  • name (str) – Name of table column to access.

  • row (int) – Column element to examine.


True if the column element is valid, False if invalid

Return type:



cpl.core.DataNotFoundError – A column with the given name is not found in self.

static load(filename: str, xtnum: int, check_nulls: bool = True) cpl.core.Table

Load a FITS table extension to generate a new cpl.core.Table

The selected FITS file table extension is just read and converted into the cpl.core.Table object.

  • filename (str) – Name of FITS file with at least one table extension.

  • xtnum (int) – Number of extension to read, starting from 1.

  • check_nulls (bool, optional) – If set to False, identified invalid values are not marked.


New cpl.core.Table from loaded data.

Return type:



See also


Load part of the FITS table extension

static load_window(filename: str, xtnum: int, start: int, nrow: int, check_nulls: bool = True, cols: List[str] = []) cpl.core.Table

Load part of a FITS table extension to generate a new cpl.core.Table

The selected FITS file table extension is just read and converted into the cpl.core.Table object.

  • filename (str) – Name of FITS file with at least one table extension.

  • xtnum (int) – Number of extension to read, starting from 1.

  • start (int) – First table row to extract.

  • nrow (int) – Number of rows to extract.

  • check_nulls (bool, optional) – If set to False, identified invalid values are not marked.

  • cols (list of str, optional) – List of the names of the columns to extract. If not given all columns are selected.


New cpl.core.Table from loaded data.

Return type:



See also


Load the entire FITS table extension

logarithm_column(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, base: float) None

Compute the logarithm of column values.

Each column element is replaced by its logarithm in the specified base. The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the target column type. Invalid elements are not modified by this operation, but zero or negative elements are invalidated by this operation. In case of complex numbers, values very close to the origin may cause an overflow. The imaginary part of the result is chosen in the interval [-pi/ln(base),pi/ln(base)], so it should be kept in mind that doing the logarithm of exponential of a complex number will not always express the phase angle with the same number. For instance, the exponential in base 2 of (5.00, 5.00) is (-30.33, -10.19), and the logarithm in base 2 of the latter will be expressed as (5.00, -4.06).

  • name (str) – Table column name.

  • base (float) – Logarithm base.

move_column(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, from_table: cpl.core.Table) None

Move a column from a table to self.

Move a column from a table to self.

  • name (str) – Name of column to move.

  • from_table (cpl.core.Table) – Source table.

multiply_columns(self: cpl.core.Table, to_name: str, from_name: str) None

Multiply two numeric or complex table columns.

The columns are multiplied element by element, and the result of the multiplication is stored in the target column. See the documentation of the function add_columns() for further details.

  • to_name (str) – Name of target column.

  • from_name (str) – Name of column to be multiplied with target column.

multiply_scalar(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, value: float) None

Multiply a numerical or complex column by a constant.

The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the target column type. Invalid elements are are not modified by this operation.

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • value (float) – Multiplication factor.

multiply_scalar_complex(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, value: complex) None

Multiply a numerical or complex column by a complex constant.

The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the target column type. Invalid elements are are not modified by this operation.

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • value (complex) – Multiplication factor.

name_column(self: cpl.core.Table, from_name: str, to_name: str) None

Rename a table column.

This function is used to change the name of a column.

  • from_name (str) – Name of table column to rename.

  • to_name (str) – New name of column.

new_column(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, type: cpl.core.Type) None

Create an empty column in a table.

Creates a new column of specified type, excluding array types (for creating a column of arrays use the function new_column_array(), where the column depth must also be specified).

The new column name must be different from any other column name in the table. All the elements of the new column are marked as invalid.

  • name (str) – Name of the new column.

  • type (cpl.core.Type) – Type of the new column.

new_column_array(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, type: cpl.core.Type, depth: int) None

Create an empty column of arrays in a table.

This creates a new column of specified array length.

  • name (str) – Name of the new column.

  • type (cpl.core.Type) – Type of the new column.

  • depth (int) – Depth of the new column.

not_selected(self: cpl.core.Table) int

Select unselected table rows, and unselect selected ones.


New number of selected rows

Return type:


or_selected(self: cpl.core.Table, name1: str, operator: cpl.core.Table.Operator, name2: str) int

Select from unselected table rows, by comparing the values of two columns.

Either both columns must be numerical, or they both must be strings. The comparison between strings is lexicographical. Neither can be a complex or array type.

For all unselected table rows, the values of the specified column are compared. All the table rows fulfilling the comparison are selected. Invalid elements from either columns never fulfill any comparison by definition.

For this function, the column is of a numerical type if its type is: * cpl.core.Type.INT * cpl.core.Type.FLOAT * cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE * cpl.core.Type.LONG_LONG

Allowed relational operators are * cpl.core.Operator.EQUAL_TO * cpl.core.Operator.NOT_EQUAL_TO * cpl.core.Operator.GREATER_THAN * cpl.core.Operator.NOT_GREATER_THAN * cpl.core.Operator.LESS_THAN * cpl.core.Operator.NOT_LESS_THAN

  • name1 (str) – Name of the first table column

  • operator (cpl.core.Operator) – Relational Operator. See extended summary for allowed operators.

  • name2 (str) – Name of second table column.


New number of selected rows

Return type:



See also


To select from already selected rows using column comparison

or_selected_invalid(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) int

Select from unselected table rows all rows with an invalid value in a specified column.

For all the unselected table rows, all the rows containing invalid values at the specified column are selected.


name (str) – Column name.


New number of selected rows

Return type:


or_selected_numerical(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, operator: cpl.core.Table.Operator, value: object) None

Select from unselected table rows, by comparing a column of numerical values to the reference value

For all the unselected table rows, the values of the specified column are compared with the reference value.

The column is of a numerical type if its type is: * cpl.core.Type.INT * cpl.core.Type.FLOAT * cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE * cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE_COMPLEX * cpl.core.Type.FLOAT_COMPLEX * cpl.core.Type.LONG_LONG

All table rows fulfilling the comparison are selected. An invalid element never fulfills any comparison by definition. Allowed relational operators are * cpl.core.Operator.EQUAL_TO * cpl.core.Operator.NOT_EQUAL_TO * cpl.core.Operator.GREATER_THAN * cpl.core.Operator.NOT_GREATER_THAN * cpl.core.Operator.LESS_THAN * cpl.core.Operator.NOT_LESS_THAN

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • operator (cpl.core.Operator) – Relational Operator. See extended summary for allowed operators.

  • value (int, float or complex) – Reference value


New number of selected rows

Return type:



See also


To select from already selected rows using numerical operator comparison

or_selected_string(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, operator: cpl.core.Table.Operator, string: str) int

Select from unselected table rows, by comparing a column of string values to the given string.

For all the unselected table rows, the values of the specified column are compared with the reference string. The table rows fulfilling the comparison are selected. An invalid element never fulfills any comparison by definition.

If operator is equal to cpl.core.Operator.EQUAL_TO or cpl.core.Operator.NOT_EQUAL_TO then the comparison string is treated as a regular expression.

Allowed relational operators are * cpl.core.Operator.EQUAL_TO * cpl.core.Operator.NOT_EQUAL_TO * cpl.core.Operator.GREATER_THAN * cpl.core.Operator.NOT_GREATER_THAN * cpl.core.Operator.LESS_THAN * cpl.core.Operator.NOT_LESS_THAN

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • operator (cpl.core.Operator) – Relational Operator. See extended summary for allowed operators.

  • string (str) – Reference character string


New number of selected rows

Return type:



See also


To select from already selected rows using string comparison

or_selected_window(self: cpl.core.Table, start: int, count: int) int

Select from unselected rows only those within a table segment.

All the unselected table rows that are within the specified interval are selected. If the sum of start and count goes beyond the end of the input table, rows are checked up to the end of the table.

  • start (int) – First row of table segment.

  • count (int) – Length of segment


New number of selected rows

Return type:


  • cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeself has zero length, or start is outside self’s boundaries

  • cpl.core.IllegalInputErrorcount is negative

See also


To select from already selected rows using a specified segment

power_column(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, exponent: float) None

Compute the power of numerical column values.

Each column element is replaced by its power to the specified exponent. For float and float complex the operation is performed in single precision, otherwise it is performed in double precision and then rounded if the column is of an integer type. Results that would or do cause domain errors or overflow are marked as invalid.

  • name (str) – Name of column of numerical type

  • exponent (float) – Constant exponent.

real_column(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str) None

Compute the real part value of table column elements.

Each column element is replaced by its real party value only. Invalid elements are not modified by this operation. If the column is complex, its type will be turned to real (cpl.core.Type.FLOAT_COMPLEX will be changed into cpl.core.Type.FLOAT, and cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE_COMPLEX will be changed into cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE).


name (str) – Column name.

save(self: cpl.core.Table, pheader: cpl.core.PropertyList | None, header: cpl.core.PropertyList, filename: str, mode: int) None

Save a CPL table to a FITS file.

This function can be used to convert a CPL table into a binary FITS table extension. If the mode is set to cpl.core.IO.CREATE, a new FITS file will be created containing an empty primary array, with just one FITS table extension. An existing (and writable) FITS file with the same name would be overwritten. If the mode flag is set to cpl.core.IO.EXTEND, a new table extension would be appended to an existing FITS file. If mode is set to cpl.core.IO.APPEND it is possible to add rows to the last FITS table extension of the output FITS file.

Note that the modes cpl.core.IO.EXTEND and cpl.core.IO.APPEND require that the target file must be writable (and do not take for granted that a file is writable just because it was created by the same application, as this depends on the system umask).

When using the mode cpl.core.IO.APPEND additional requirements must be fulfilled, which are that the column properties like type, format, units, etc. must match as the properties of the FITS table extension to which the rows should be added exactly. In particular this means that both tables use the same null value representation for integral type columns!

Two property lists may be passed to this function, both optionally. The first property list, pheader, is just used if the mode is set to cpl.core.IO.CREATE, and it is assumed to contain entries for the FITS file primary header. In pheader any property name related to the FITS convention, as SIMPLE, BITPIX, NAXIS, EXTEND, BLOCKED, and END, are ignored: such entries would be written anyway to the primary header and set to some standard values.

If a no pheader is passed, the primary array would be created with just such entries, that are mandatory in any regular FITS file. The second property list, header, is assumed to contain entries for the FITS table extension header. In this property list any property name related to the FITS convention, as XTENSION, BITPIX, NAXIS, PCOUNT, GCOUNT, and END, and to the table structure, as TFIELDS, TTYPEi, TUNITi, TDISPi, TNULLi, TFORMi, would be ignored: such entries are always computed internally, to guarantee their consistency with the actual table structure. A DATE keyword containing the date of table creation in ISO8601 format is also added automatically.

Using the mode cpl.core.IO.APPEND requires that the column properties of the table to be appended are compared to the column properties of the target FITS extension for each call, which introduces a certain overhead. This means that appending a single table row at a time may not be efficient and is not recommended. Rather than writing one row at a time one should write table chunks containing a suitable number or rows.

  • pheader (cpl.core.Propertylist) – Primary header entries.

  • header (cpl.core.Propertylist) – Table header entries.

  • filename (str) – Name of output FITS file.

  • mode (unsigned) – Output mode.


Invalid strings in columns of type cpl.core.Type.STRING are written to FITS as blanks.

select_all(self: cpl.core.Table) None

Select all table rows.

The table selection flags are reset, meaning that they are all marked as selected. This is the initial state of any table.

select_row(self: cpl.core.Table, row: int) None

Flag a table row as selected.

Flag a table row as selected. Any previous selection is kept.


row (int) – Row to select.


cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeErrorself has a length of zero, or row is outside the table boundaries.

set_column_depth(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, depth: int) None

Modify depth of a column of arrays

This function is applicable just to columns of arrays. The contents of the arrays in the specified column will be unchanged up to the lesser of the new and old depths. If the depth is increased, the extra array elements would be flagged as invalid. Existing references to the array data should be considered invalid after calling this method.

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • depth (int) – New column depth.

set_column_dimensions(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, dimensions: List[int]) None

Set the dimensions of a table column of arrays.

Set the number of dimensions of a column. If the dimensions array has size less than 2, nothing is done and no error is returned.

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • dimensions (list of int) – the sizes of the column dimensions

set_column_format(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, format: str) None

Give a new format to a table column.

The input format string is duplicated before being used as the column format. If no format is set, “%s” will be used if the column is of type cpl.core.Type.STRING, “%1.5e” if the column is of type cpl.core.Type.FLOAT or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE, and “%7d” if it is of type cpl.core.Type.INT. The format associated to a column has no effect on any operation performed on columns, and it is used just while printing a table using the function dump().

This information is lost after saving the table in FITS format using save().

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • format (str) – New format.


cpl.core.DataNotFoundError – A column with the given name not found in table.

set_column_invalid(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, start: int, count: int) None

Invalidate a column segment.

All the column elements in the specified interval are invalidated. In the case of either a string or an rray column, the corresponding strings or arrays are set free. If the sum of start and count exceeds the number of rows in the table, the column is invalidated up to its end.

  • name (str) – Name of table column to access.

  • start (int) – Position where to begin invalidation.

  • count (int) – Number of column elements to invalidate.

set_column_unit(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, unit: str) None

Give a new unit to a table column.

The input unit string is duplicated before being used as the column unit.

The unit associated to a column has no effect on any operation performed on columns, and it must be considered just an optional description of the content of a column. It is however saved to a FITS file when using save().

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • unit (str) – New unit.


cpl.core.DataNotFoundError – A column with the given name not found in table.

set_invalid(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, row: int) None

Flag a column element as invalid.

The column element given by the column name name and the row number row is flagged as invalid. This also means that the data which was stored in this table cell becomes inaccessible. To reset an invalid column cell it must be updated with a new value.

  • name (str) – Name of table column to access.

  • row (int) – Table row to set to invalid.

set_size(self: cpl.core.Table, new_length: int) None

Resize a table to a new number of rows.

The contents of the columns will be unchanged up to the lesser of the new and old sizes. If the table is expanded, the extra table rows would just contain invalid elements. The table selection flags are set back to “all selected”. Existing eferences to the column data should be considered invalid after calling this method.


new_length (int) – New number of rows in table.

shift_column(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, shift: int) None

Shift the position of numeric or complex column values.

The position of all column values is shifted by the specified amount. If shift is positive, all values will be moved toward the bottom of the column, otherwise toward its top. In either case as many column elements as the amount of the shift will be left undefined, either at the top or at the bottom of the column according to the direction of the shift. These column elements will be marked as invalid. This function is applicable just to numeric and complex columns, and not to strings and or array types. The selection flags are always set back to “all selected” after this operation.

  • name (str) – Name of table column to shift.

  • shift (int) – Shift column values by so many rows.

sort(self: cpl.core.Table, reflist: cpl.core.PropertyList) None

Sort table rows according to columns values.

The table rows are sorted according to the values of the specified reference columns. The reference column names are listed in the input


reflist (cpl.core.Propertylist) – Names of reference columns with corresponding sorting mode.

subtract_columns(self: cpl.core.Table, to_name: str, from_name: str) None

Subtract two numeric or complex table columns.

The columns are subtracted element by element, and the result of the subtraction is stored in the target column. See the documentation of the function add_columns() for further details.

  • to_name (str) – Name of target column.

  • from_name (str) – Name of column to be subtracted from target column.

subtract_scalar(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, value: float) None

Subtract a constant value from a numerical or complex column.

See the description of the function add_scalar().

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • value (float) – Value to subtract.

subtract_scalar_complex(self: cpl.core.Table, name: str, value: complex) None

Subtract a constant complex value from a numerical or complex column.

The operation is always performed in double precision, with a final cast of the result to the target column type. Invalid elements are are not modified by this operation.

  • name (str) – Column name.

  • value (complex) – Value to subtract.

to_records(self: cpl.core.Table) object

Convert the cpl.core.Table to a numpy recarray


numpy recarray containing entries and values from the cpl.core.Table

Return type:


unselect_all(self: cpl.core.Table) None

Unselect all table rows.

The table selection flags are all unset, meaning that no table rows are selected.

unselect_row(self: cpl.core.Table, row: int) None

Flag a table row as unselected.

Flag a table row as unselected. Any previous selection is kept.


row (int) – Row to unselect.


cpl.core.AccessOutOfRangeErrorself has a length of zero, or row is outside the table boundaries.

where_selected(self: cpl.core.Table) numpy.ndarray

Get array of indexes to selected table rows

Get array of indexes to selected table rows. If no rows are selected, an array of size zero is returned.


Indexes to selected table rows

Return type:

list of int

property column_names

list of all column names

property selected

number of selected rows in given table.



property shape

Shape of the table in the format (rows, columns)

class cpl.core.Type




















property name
class cpl.core.Vector

Class for ordered sequences of numbers.

A cpl.core.Vector contains an ordered list of double precision floating point numbers. It has methods for sorting, statistics, and other simple operations. Two Vectors may be combined into a cpl.core.Bivector to represent sequences of x and y values.

A Vector can also be created using the zeros class method.


data (iterable of floats) – An iterable object which yields floating point values.

See also


Class for pairs of ordered sequences of numbers.


Create a Vector of given length, initialised with 0’s.


>>> vector_list = cpl.core.Vector([1, 2, 3])
... vector_tuple = cpl.core.Vector((4, 5, 6))
... vector_copy = cpl.core.Vector(vector_list)
... vector_zeros = cpl.core.Vector.zeros(5)
class LowPass

Filter type for cpl.core.Vector.filter_lowpass_create




property name
add(self: cpl.core.Vector, other: cpl.core.Vector) None

Add a cpl.core.Vector to self

The other vector must have the same size as the calling vector


other (cpl.core.Vector) – Vector to add

add_scalar(self: cpl.core.Vector, value: float) None

Elementwise addition of a scalar to a vector

Add a number to each element of the vector.


value (float) – Number to add

In a sorted (ascending) vector find the element closest to the given value

Bisection is used to find the element.

If two (neighboring) elements with different values both minimize fabs(sorted[index] - key) the index of the larger element is returned.

If the vector contains identical elements that minimize fabs(sorted[index] - key) then it is undefined which element has its index returned.

Use cpl.core.Vector.sort(cpl.core.Sort.ASCENDING) before calling this function to ensure the vector is sorted correctly


value (float) – Value to find


The index that minimizes fabs(sorted[index] - value)

Return type:



cpl.core.IllegalInputError – If the vector is not correctly sorted in ascending order.

copy(self: cpl.core.Vector) cpl.core.Vector

Copy the contents of the Vector into a new Vector objects.

Vectors can also be copied by passing a Vector to the Vector constructor.


New Vector containing a copy of the contents of the original.

Return type:


See also


Class for ordered sequences of numbers.

static correlate(v1: cpl.core.Vector, v2: cpl.core.Vector, max_shift: int) Tuple[cpl.core.Vector, int]

Return cross-correlation of two vectors.

The length of v2 may not exceed that of v1. If the difference in length between v1 and v2 is less than max_shift then this difference must be even (if the difference is odd resampling of v2 may be useful).

The cross-correlation is in fact the dot product of two unit vectors and therefore ranges from -1 to 1.

The cross-correlation is computed with shifts ranging from -max_shift to +max_shift.

On success, element i (starting with 0) of the returned cpl.core.Vector contains the cross-correlation at offset i - max_shift.

If v1 is longer than v2, the first element in v1 used for the resulting cross-correlation is max(0, shift + (len(v1) - len(v2)) / 2).

  • v1 (cpl.core.Vector) – 1st vector to correlate

  • v2 (cpl.core.Vector) – 2nd vector to correlate

  • max_shift (int) – Maximum size of shift to be used when calculating cross correlation.


  • cpl.core.Vector – New Vector of size 2 * max_shift + 1 containing the cross correlation of v1 and v2 for shifts ranging from -max_shift to +max_shift.

  • int – Index of output Vector at which the maximum cross correlation value occurs.


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if v1 and v2 have incompatible sizes.


The cross-correlation is, in absence of rounding errors, commutative only for equal-sized vectors, i.e. changing the order of v1 and v2 will move element j in the returned Vector to 2 * max_shift - j and thus change the index of maximum cross correlation from i to 2 * max_shift - i.

If, in absence of rounding errors, more than one shift would give the maximum cross-correlation, rounding errors may cause any one of those shifts to be returned. If rounding errors have no effect the index corresponding to the shift with the smallest absolute value is returned (with preference given to the smaller of two indices that correspond to the same absolute shift).

Cross-correlation with max_shift == 0 requires about 8n FLOPs, where n is the number of elements of v2.

Each increase of max_shift by 1 requires about 4n FLOPs more, when all elements of v2 can be cross-correlated, otherwise the extra cost is about 4m, where m is the number of elements in v2 that can be cross-correlated, n - max_shift <= m < n.

Example of 1D-wavelength calibration (error handling omitted for brevity):

# Dispersion is of type cpl.core.Polynomial
# The return type of mymodel() and myobservation() is cpl.core.Vector
model = mymodel(dispersion)
observed = myobservation()
vxc, max_index = cpl.core.Vector.correlate(model, observed, max_shift)
dispersion.shift_1d(0, max_index - max_shift)
cycle(self: cpl.core.Vector, shift: float) None

Perform a cyclic shift to the right of the elements of the vector

A shift of +1 will move the last element to the first, a shift of -1 will move the first element to the last, a zero-shift will perform a copy (or do nothing in case of an in-place operation).

A non-integer shift will perform the shift in the Fourier domain. Large discontinuities in the vector to shift will thus lead to FFT artifacts around each discontinuity.


shift (float) – The number of positions to cyclic right-shift


cpl.core.UnsupportedModeError – if the shift is non-integer and FFTW is unavailable

divide(self: cpl.core.Vector, other: cpl.core.Vector) None

Divide the calling vector by another vector, element-wise

If an element in vector other is zero, a cpl.core.DivisionByZeroError is thrown.


other (cpl.core.Vector) – Vector to divide by

divide_scalar(self: cpl.core.Vector, divisor: float) None

Elementwise division of a vector with a scalar

Divide each element of the vector with a number.


divisor (float) – Non-zero number to divide with

dump(self: cpl.core.Vector, filename: str | None = '', mode: str | None = 'w', show: bool | None = True) str

Dump a vector contents to a file, stdout or a string.

Each element is preceded by its index number (starting with 1!) and written on a single line.

Comment lines start with the hash character.

  • filename (str, optional) – File to dump vector contents to

  • mode (str, optional) – Mode to open the file with. Defaults to “w” (write, overwriting the contents of the file if it already exists), but can also be set to “a” (append, creating the file if it does not already exist or appending to the end of it if it does).

  • show (bool, optional) – Send vector contents to stdout. Defaults to True.


Multiline string containing the dump of the vector contents.

Return type:



In principle a vector can be saved using dump() re-read using read(). This will however introduce significant precision loss due to the limited accuracy of the ASCII representation.

exponential(self: cpl.core.Vector, base: float) None

Compute the exponential of all vector elements.

If the base is zero all vector elements must be positive and if the base is negative all vector elements must be integer.


base (float) – Exponential base.

extract(self: cpl.core.Vector, istart: int, istop: int, istep: int = 1) cpl.core.Vector

Extract a sub-vector from a vector

  • istart (int) – Start index (from 0 to number of elements - 1), must be less than istop

  • istop (int) – Stop index (from 0 to number of elements - 1), must be greater than istart

  • istep (int, optional) – Extract every step element (Currently does not support any value other than the default)


New sub-vector with the values of the requested range

Return type:




istep only supporting a value of 1 is to be fixed, as is allowing istop to be greater than istart.

fill(self: cpl.core.Vector, arg0: float) None

Fill the Vector with a given value


val (float) – Value used to fill the cpl_vector

filter_lowpass_create(self: cpl.core.Vector, filter_type: cpl.core.Vector.LowPass, hw: int) cpl.core.Vector

Apply a low-pass filter to a vector

This type of low-pass filtering consists in a convolution with a given kernel. The chosen filter type determines the kind of kernel to apply for convolution.

Supported kernels are cpl.core.Vector.LowPass.LINEAR and cpl.core.Vector.LowPass.GAUSSIAN.

In the case of cpl.core.Vector.LowPass.GAUSSIAN, the gaussian sigma used is 1/sqrt(2). As this function is not meant to be general and cover all possible cases, this sigma is hardcoded and cannot be changed.

The returned signal has exactly as many samples as the input signal.


The resulting signal

Return type:



cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if filter_type is not supported or if hw is bigger than half the vector size

filter_median_create(self: cpl.core.Vector, hw: int) cpl.core.Vector

Apply a 1D median filter of given half-width to a Vector

This function applies a median smoothing to the caller Vector and returns a new Vector containing a median-smoothed version of the input.

The returned Vector has exactly as many samples as the input one. The outermost hw values are copies of the input, each of the others is set to the median of its surrounding 1 + 2 * hw values.

For historical reasons twice the half-width is allowed to equal the Vector length, although in this case the returned Vector is simply a duplicate of the input one.

If different processing of the outer values is needed or if a more general kernel is needed, then cpl.core.Image.filter_mask() can be called instead with cpl.core.Filter.MEDIAN and the 1D-image input wrapped around self.


hw (int) – Filter half-width


The filtered vector.

Return type:



cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if hw is negative or bigger than half the vector

static fit_gaussian(x: object, y: object, y_sigma: object, fit_pars: int, x0: float | None = None, sigma: float | None = None, area: float | None = None, offset: float | None = None) object

Apply a 1d gaussian fit.

This function fits to the input vectors a 1d gaussian function of the form

\[f(x) = \mathrm{area} / \sqrt{2 \pi \sigma^2} * \exp(-(x - x0)^2 / (2 \sigma^2)) + \mathrm{offset}\]

where area > 0, by minimizing chi^2 using a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.

The values to fit are read from the input vector x.

The diagonal elements (the variances) are guaranteed to be positive.

Occasionally, the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm fails to converge to a set of sensible parameters. In this case (and only in this case), a cpl.core.ContinueError is set. To allow the caller to recover from this particular error.

  • x (cpl.core.Vector) – Positions to fit

  • y (cpl.core.Vector) – The N values to fit.

  • y_sigma (cpl.core.Vector) – Uncertainty (one sigma, gaussian errors assumed) associated with y

  • fit_pars (cpl.core.FitMode) – Specifies which parameters participate in the fit (any other parameters will be held constant). Possible values are cpl.core.FitMode.CENTROID, cpl.core.FitMode.STDEV, cpl.core.FitMode.AREA, cpl.core.FitMode.OFFSET and cpl.core.FitMode.ALL, and any bitwise combination of these (using bitwise OR).

  • x0 (double, optional) – Preset center of best fit gaussian if cpl.core.FitMode.CENTROID is not used in fit_pars. Value is unused otherwise.

  • sigma (doublee, optional) – Width of best fit gaussian if cpl.core.FitMode.STDEV is not used in fit_pars. Value is unused otherwise.

  • area (doublee, optional) – Area of gaussian if cpl.core.FitMode.AREA is not used in fit_pars. Value is unused otherwise.

  • offset (doublee, optional) – Fitted background level if cpl.core.FitMode.OFFSET is not used in fit_pars. Value is unused otherwise.


A FitGaussianResult NamedTuple with the following elements:

Center of best fit gaussian.


Width of best fit gaussian. A positive number on success.


Area of gaussian. A positive number on succes.


Fitted background level.


the mean squared error of the best fit


the reduced chi-squared of the best fit. None if y_sigma is not passed


The formal covariance matrix of the best fit, On success the diagonal terms of the covariance matrix are guaranteed to be positive. However, terms that involve a constant parameter (as defined by the input array evaluate_derivatives) are always set to zero. None if y_sigma is not passed

Return type:

NamedTuple(float, float, float, float, float, float, cpl.core.Matrix)

static kernel_profile(type: cpl.core.Kernel, radius: float, size: int) cpl.core.Vector

Return a Vector containing a kernel profile.

A number of predefined kernel profiles are available: - cpl.core.Kernel.DEFAULT: default kernel, currently cpl.core.Kernel.TANH - cpl.core.Kernel.TANH: Hyperbolic tangent - cpl.core.Kernel.SINC: Sinus cardinal - cpl.core.Kernel.SINC2: Square sinus cardinal - cpl.core.Kernel.LANCZOS: Lanczos2 kernel - cpl.core.Kernel.HAMMING: Hamming kernel - cpl.core.Kernel.HANN: Hann kernel - cpl.core.Kernel.NEAREST: Nearest neighbor kernel (1 when dist < 0.5, else 0)

  • type (cpl.core.Kernel) – Type of kernel profile.

  • radius (float) – Radius of the profile in pixels

  • size (int) – Size of the kernel profile in pixels.


Vector of length size containing the calculated kernel values.

Return type:



cpl.core.IllegalInputError – if radius is non-positive, or in case of the cpl.core.Kernel.TANH profile if size exceeds 32768

static load(filename: str, xtnum: int) cpl.core.Vector

Load a list of values from a FITS file

This function loads a vector from a FITS file (NAXIS = 1).

xtnum specifies from which extension the vector should be loaded. This could be 0 for the main data section or any number between 1 and N, where N is the number of extensions present in the file.

  • filename (str) – Name of the input file

  • xtnum (int) – Extension number in the file (0 for primary HDU)


The loaded vector from the file, at extension xtnum

Return type:


logarithm(self: cpl.core.Vector, base: float) None

Compute the element-wise logarithm.

The base and all the vector elements must be positive and the base must be different from 1.


base (float) – Logarithm base.

max(self: cpl.core.Vector) float

Get the maximum of the vector


The maximum value of the vector

Return type:


maxpos(self: cpl.core.Vector) int

Get the index of the maximum element of the vector


The index (0 for first) of the maximum value

Return type:


mean(self: cpl.core.Vector) float

Get the mean of the elements of the vector


The mean of the elements value of the vector

Return type:


median(self: cpl.core.Vector) float

Get the median of the elements of the vector


The median of the elements value of the vector

Return type:


min(self: cpl.core.Vector) float

Get the minimum of the vector


The minimum value of the vector

Return type:


minpos(self: cpl.core.Vector) int

Get the index of the minimum element of the vector


The index (0 for first) of the minimum value

Return type:


multiply(self: cpl.core.Vector, other: cpl.core.Vector) None

Multiply another vector with the calling vector, component-wise


other (cpl.core.Vector) – Vector to multiply with

multiply_scalar(self: cpl.core.Vector, factor: float) None

Elementwise multiplication of a vector with a scalar

Multiply each element of the vector with a number.


factor (float) – Number to multiply with

power(self: cpl.core.Vector, exponent: float) None

Compute the power of all vector elements.

If the exponent is negative all vector elements must be non-zero and if the exponent is non-integer all vector elements must be non-negative.


exponent (float) – Constant exponent.



Following the behaviour of C99 pow() function, this function sets 0^0 = 1.

product(self: cpl.core.Vector, other: cpl.core.Vector) float

Compute the vector dot product of the caller vector and other


other (cpl.core.Vector) – Another vector of the same size


The (non-negative) product

Return type:



cpl.core.IncompatibleInputError – if other has a different size from the calling vector

static read(filename: str) cpl.core.Vector

Read a list of values from an ASCII file and create a Vector

Parse an input ASCII file values and create a Vector from it Lines beginning with a hash are ignored, blank lines also. In valid lines the value is preceeded by an integer, which is ignored.

In addition to normal files, FIFO (see man mknod) are also supported.


filename (cpl.core.std::string) – Name of the input ASCII file


A new Vector with the parsed ASCII file values

Return type:


save(self: cpl.core.Vector, filename: str, type: cpl.core.Type, plist: cpl.core.PropertyList | None, mode: int) None

Save a vector to a FITS file

This function saves a vector to a FITS file (NAXIS = 1). If a property list is provided, it is written to the named file before the pixels are written.

If the image is not provided, the created file will only contain the primary header. This can be useful to create multiple extension files.

The type used in the file can be one of: cpl.core.Type.UCHAR (8 bit unsigned), cpl.core.Type.SHORT (16 bit signed), cpl.core.Type.USHORT (16 bit unsigned), cpl.core.Type.INT (32 bit signed), cpl.core.Type.FLOAT (32 bit floating point), or cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE (64 bit floating point). Use cpl.core.Type.DOUBLE when no loss of information is required.

Supported output modes are cpl.core.IO.CREATE (create a new file) and cpl.core.IO.EXTEND (append to an existing file)

If you are in append mode, make sure that the file has writing permissions. You may have problems if you create a file in your application and append something to it with the umask set to 222. In this case, the file created by your application would not be writable, and the append would fail.

  • filename (cpl.core.str) – Name of the file to write

  • type (cpl.core.Type) – The type used to represent the data in the file

  • plist (cpl.core.Propertylist) – Property list for the output header or NULL

  • mode (cpl.core.IO) – The desired output options. Can combine with bitwise or (e.g. cpl.core.IO.CREATE|cpl.core.IO.GZIP)

sort(self: cpl.core.Vector, reverse: bool = False) None

Sort the Vector in place.

The values are sorted in either ascending or descending order. The sorting is done in place, modifying the Vector.


reverse (bool, default False) – If True values will be sorted in descending order, otherwise they will be sorted in ascending order.

See also


Return a sorted copy of the Vector.


If two members compare as equal their order in the sorted Vector is undefined.

sorted(self: cpl.core.Vector, reverse: bool = False) cpl.core.Vector

Return a sorted copy of the Vector.

The values are sorted in either ascending of descending order. The result is returned in a new cpl.core.Vector, the original is not modified.


reverse (bool, default False) – If True values will be sorted in descending order, otherwise they will be sorted in ascending order.

See also


Sort the Vector in place.


If two members compare as equal their order in the sorted Vector is undefined.

sqrt(self: cpl.core.Vector) None

Compute the sqrt of a Vector

The sqrt of each data element is computed and modified.


cpl.core.IllegalInputError – An element is negative

stdev(self: cpl.core.Vector) float

Get the standard deviation of the elements of the vector


The standard deviation of the elements value of the vector

Return type:


subtract(self: cpl.core.Vector, other: cpl.core.Vector) None

Subtract a cpl.core.Vector from self

The other vector must have the same size as the calling vector


other (cpl.core.Vector) – Vector to subtract

subtract_scalar(self: cpl.core.Vector, value: float) None

Elementwise subtraction of a scalar to a vector

Subtract a number to each element of the vector.


value (float) – Number to subtract

sum(self: cpl.core.Vector) float

Get the sum of the elements of the vector


The sum of the elements value of the vector

Return type:


static zeros(size: int) cpl.core.Vector

Create a Vector of given length, initialised with 0’s.


size (int) – size of the new Vector


New cpl.core.Vector, length size, initialised with 0’s

Return type:



cpl.core.IllegalInputError – size is non-positive

property size

Number of elements in the vector. Is resizable

class cpl.core.io

I/O modes for file storage operations. See http://heasarc.nasa.gov/docs/software/fitsio/compression.html for compression mode details.


CREATE : Overwrite the file, if it already exists.

EXTEND : Append a new extension to the file.

APPEND : Append to the last data unit of the file.

COMPRESS_GZIP : Use FITS tiled-image compression with GZIP algorithm.

COMPRESS_RICE : Use FITS tiled-image compression with RICE algorithm.

COMPRESS_HCOMPRESS : Use FITS tiled-image compression with HCOMPRESS algorithm.

COMPRESS_PLIO : Use FITS tiled-image compression with PLIO algorithm.

property name