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Output Table

The output table contains the results and therefore it is necessary to know in what columns different quantities are stored. Table 4.1 gives a list of columns together with their numbers and labels. Column :CLASS is filled with data by the CLASSIFY command.

Table 4.1: Inventory Output Table
Column Name Description
#1 :IDENT Identification.
#2 :X Physical X-coordinate.
#3 :Y Physical Y-coordinate.
#4 :MAG_CNV Convolved magnitude. Applicable to stars.
#5 :MAG_AP_1 Aperture magnitude no.1.
#6 :MAG_AP_2 Aperture magnitude no.2.
#7 :REL_GRAD Relative gradient. Should be 0.0 for stars.
#8 :SIGMA_GR Sigma of profile deviations from P.S.F.
#9 :BG Local sky background.
#10 :INT Average intensity of 9 central pixels.
#11 :RADIUS_1 Intensity weighted average radius in pixels.
#12 :RADIUS_2 Intensity weighted average root square radius in pixels.
#13 :ELONG Image elongation.
#14 :POS_ANG Position angle of an image major axis.
#15 :RAD_ISO Isophotal radius in pixels.
#16 :MAG_PET Petrosian magnitude.
#17 :RAD_PET Petrosian radius.
#18 :RAD_KRON Intensity weighted average inverse root square radius.
#19 :ALPHA Alpha gradient at the edge of aperture magnitude no.1.
#20 :MAG_ISO Isophotal Magnitude.
#21 :CLASS Object's classification: 2=Galaxies, 1=Stars, 0=Defects.
#22 :NR_OTH_OBJ Distance to nearest other object.
#23 :AR Active radius.
#24 :SIGMA_X r.m.s. in computed x coordinate.
#25 :SIGMA_Y r.m.s. in computed y coordinate.
#26 :SIGMA_MAG r.m.s. in computed magnitude

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