The general format of user-oriented product file names is the same for all
VLT/VLTI instruments.
On the archive interface, the master calibrations can be associated to science files and downloaded. Then they carry
technical filenames (the archive filename ARCFILE). In order to rename them to the
original filenames, search for the fits header key ORIGFILE. The naming scheme
of ORIGFILE is described here.
All product names start with two letters which are specific for the
instrument. For instance: UVES product names start with 'UV', VISIR names with
The full value of the product category is coded in the FITS header
key HIERARCH.ESO.PRO.CATG. A short form of this tag is encoded in four
characters being unique per instrument:
Calibration products come in two flavours: dynamic ones (being updated
regularly, short validity), and static ones (never or rarely updated). The
static ones are also called 'general' because they often are not derived from
raw data (like e.g. a line catalogue).
product types are stored in the archive and are available for download through
the calSelector service.
All XSHOOTER products start with XS_. During the first year of operations
(P84/P85) a different renaming scheme was used. Not all products listed
below are delivered to the users, as some are needed only during early
steps of the calibration cascade (i.e. not for the processing of science
data) or even only needed for quality checks.
Code | description,comment | PRO.CATG | Structure (*) |
MBIA | master bias | MASTER_BIAS_<arm> | XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<clock>_<arm>_<ccd> (UVB,VIS) |
PCPB | cold pixel map (until version 1.3.13) | BP_MAP_CP_<arm> | |
PHPB | hot pixel map (until version 1.3.13) | BP_MAP_HP_<arm> | |
MBPB | master bad pixel map from bias (version 1.3.10 - 1.3.13) | MASTER_BP_MAP_BIAS_<arm> | |
MDRK | master dark | MASTER_DARK_<arm> | XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<clock>_<arm>_<ccd> (UVB, VIS) XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<dit>_<ndit>_<arm>_<det> (NIR) |
PBPD | bad pixel map (up to version 1.3.8) | MASTER_BP_MAP_<arm> | |
MBPD | master bad pixel map from dark (since version 1.3.10) | MASTER_BP_MAP_DARK_<arm> | |
PCRD | cosmic ray hit map | CRH_MAP_<arm> | |
POGF | guess table with order position | ORDER_TAB_GUESS_<arm> XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<binx>x<biny>_<arm>_<ccd> (UVB, VIS) XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<arm>_<det> (NIR) | |
PACF | arc line list updated by xsh_predict | ARC_LINE_LIST_PREDICT_<arm> | |
PMCF | model config file update by xsh_predict | XSH_MOD_CFG_OPT_FMT_<arm> | |
PRLF | table with residuals of fit by xsh_predict to format check data | FMTCHK_RESID_TAB_LINES_<arm> | |
POCO | table with positions of order centers (xsh_orderpos) | ORDER_TAB_CENTR_<arm> | |
PRTO | table with residuals of fit by xsh_orderpos | ORDERPOS_RESID_TAB_<arm> | |
PAC2 | arc line list updated by xsh_2dmap | ARC_LINE_LIST_2DMAP_<arm> | |
PMC2 | model config file update by xsh_2dmap | XSH_MOD_CFG_OPT_2D_<arm> | |
PRL2 | table with residuals of fit by xsh_2dmap | WAVE_RESID_TAB_LINES_<arm> | |
PMCA | config table updated with results of fit by xsh_flexcomp | XSH_MOD_CFG_OPT_AFC_<arm> | XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<slit>_<binx>x_<biny>_<arm>_<ccd> (UVB, VIS) XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<slit>_<arm>_<det> (NIR) |
POTA | order edge table updated with results of fit by xsh_flexcomp | ORDER_TAB_AFC_IFU/SLIT_<arm> | |
MFSL | master slit flat | MASTER_FLAT_SLIT_<arm> | XS_<CODE>_<date>#_S<slit>_<clock>_<arm>_<ccd> (UVB, VIS) XS_<CODE>_<date>#_S<slit>_<arm>_<det> (NIR) |
MBPF | master bad pixel map from flat (since version 1.3.10) | MASTER_BP_MAP_FLAT_<arm> | |
PBSL | fitted background of master slit flats | MFLAT_BACK_SLIT_<arm> | |
PGSL | grid of background positions for master slit flats | MFLAT_GRID_BACK_SLIT_<arm> | |
POES | table with positions of order edges (slit) | ORDER_TAB_EDGES_SLIT_<arm> | |
PWMS | wave map from xsh_wavecal (slit) | WAVE_MAP_<arm> | XS_<CODE>_<date>#_S<slit>_<binx>x<biny>_<arm>_<ccd> (UVB, VIS) XS_<CODE>_<date>#_S<slit>_<arm>_<det> (NIR) |
PRTS | table with residuals of fit by xsh_wavecal (slit) | RESID_TAB_GOOD_LINES_<arm> | |
PTTS | table with line tilts from xsh_wavecal (slit) | TILT_TAB_SLIT_<arm> | |
PSTS | table with line shifts relative to 9-pinhole positions (slit) | SHIFT_TAB_SLIT_<arm> | |
MFIF | master IFU flat | MASTER_FLAT_IFU_<arm> | XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<clock>_<arm>_<ccd> (UVB, VIS) XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<arm>_<det> (NIR) |
PBIF | fitted background of master IFU flats | MFLAT_BACK_IFU_<arm> | |
PGIF | grid of background positions for master IFU flats | MFLAT_GRID_BACK_IFU_<arm> | |
POEI | table with positions of order edges (IFU) | ORDER_TAB_EDGES_IFU_<arm> | |
PRTU | table with residuals of fit by xsh_wavecal (IFU, upper part) | RESID_TAB_UP_IFU_<arm> | XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<binx>x<biny>_<arm>_<ccd> (UVB, VIS) XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<arm>_<det> (NIR) |
PRTC | table with residuals of fit by xsh_wavecal (IFU, central part) | RESID_TAB_CEN_IFU_<arm> | |
PRTD | table with residuals of fit by xsh_wavecal (IFU, lower part) | RESID_TAB_DOWN_IFU_<arm> | |
PWMC | wave map by xsh_wavecal (IFU, central part) | WAVE_MAP_<arm>_IFU_CEN | |
PWMD | wave map by xsh_wavecal (IFU, lower part) | WAVE_MAP_<arm>_IFU_DOWN | |
PWMU | wave map by xsh_wavecal (IFU, upper part) | WAVE_MAP_<arm>_IFU_UP | |
PTTC | table with line tilts from xsh_wavecal (IFU, central part) | TILT_TAB_CEN_IFU_<arm> | |
PTTD | table with line tilts from xsh_wavecal (IFU, lower part) | TILT_TAB_DOWN_IFU_<arm> | |
PTTU | table with line tilts from xsh_wavecal (IFU, upper part) | TILT_TAB_UP_IFU_<arm> | |
PSTI | table with line shifts relative to 9-pinhole (IFU) | SHIFT_TAB_IFU_<arm> | |
PM1F | merged 1D spectrum of flux standard (slit) | FLUX_SLIT_MERGE1D_<arm> | XS_<CODE>_<date>#_S<slit>_<binx>x<biny>_<arm>_<ccd>_<mode> (UVB, VIS) XS_<CODE>_<date>#_S<slit>_<arm>_<det>_<mode> (NIR) |
PM2F | merged 2D spectrum of flux standard (slit) | FLUX_SLIT_MERGE2D_<arm> | |
PO1F | averaged orders of flux standard (slit) | FLUX_SLIT_ORDER1D_<arm> | |
PO2F | 2D orders of flux standard (slit) | FLUX_SLIT_ORDER2D_<arm> | |
PESF | efficiency from flux standard (slit) | EFFICIENCY_SLIT_<arm> | |
PNCF | flux standard after cosmic ray rejection (slit, echelle format) | FLUX_SLIT_NOCRH_<arm> | |
PSBF | background subtracted flux standard (slit, echelle format) | FLUX_SLIT_SUB_BACK_SLIT_<arm> | |
PSMF | slit map for flux standard (slit, echelle, format) | FLUX_SLIT_SLIT_MAP_<arm> | |
PSSF | sky-subtracted flux standard (slit, echelle format) | FLUX_SLIT_SUB_SKY_<arm> | |
PWMF | wave map for flux standard (slit, echelle format) | FLUX_SLIT_WAVE_MAP_<arm> | |
PRMF | response from flux standard (merged) | RESPONSE_MERGE1D_SLIT_<arm> | |
PROF | response from flux standard (order by order) | RESPONSE_ORDER1D_SLIT_<arm> | |
PM1T | merged 1D spectrum of telluric standard (slit) | TELL_SLIT_MERGE1D_<arm> | |
PM2T | merged 2D spectrum of telluric standard (slit) | TELL_SLIT_MERGE2D_<arm> | |
PNCT | telluric standard after cosmic ray rejection (slit, echelle format) | TELL_SLIT_NOCRH_<arm> | |
PO1T | averaged orders of telluric standard (slit) | TELL_SLIT_ORDER1D_<arm> | |
PO2T | 2D orders of telluric standard (slit) | TELL_SLIT_ORDER2D_<arm> | |
PSKT | fitted sky for telluric standard (slit, echelle format) | TELL_SLIT_SKY_<arm> | |
PSST | sky-subtracted telluric standard (slit, echelle format) | TELL_SLIT_SUB_SKY_<arm> | |
PWMT | wave map for telluric standard (slit, echelle format) | TELL_SLIT_WAVE_MAP_<arm> | |
PM3F | 3D cube with merged spectrum of flux standard (IFU) | FLUX_IFU_MERGE3D_DATA_OBJ_<arm> | XS_<CODE>_<date>#_I<slit>_<binx>x<biny>_<arm>_<ccd>_<mode> (UVB, VIS) XS_<CODE>_<date>#_I<slit>_<arm>_<det>_<mode> (NIR) |
PT3F | traces of flux standard spectrum in 3D cube (IFU) | FLUX_IFU_MERGE3D_TRACE_OBJ_<arm> | |
PO3F | 3D cube with orders of flux standard (IFU) | FLUX_IFU_ORDER3D_DATA_OBJ_<arm> | |
PE3F | 3D cube with error spectrum of flux standard (IFU) | FLUX_IFU_ORDER3D_ERRS_OBJ_<arm> | |
PQ3F | 3D cube with quality spectrum of flux standard (IFU) | FLUX_IFU_ORDER3D_QUAL_OBJ_<arm> | |
PM3T | 3D cube with merged spectrum of telluric standard (IFU) | TELL_IFU_MERGE3D_DATA_OBJ_<arm> | |
PT3T | traces of telluric standard spectrum in 3D cube (IFU) | TELL_IFU_MERGE3D_TRACE_OBJ_<arm> | |
PO3T | 3D cube with orders of telluric standard (IFU) | TELL_IFU_ORDER3D_DATA_OBJ_<arm> | |
PE3T | 3D cube with error spectrum of telluric standard (IFU) | TELL_IFU_ORDER3D_ERRS_OBJ_<arm> | |
PQ3T | 3D cube with quality spectrum of telluric standard (IFU) | TELL_IFU_ORDER3D_QUAL_OBJ_<arm> | |
*: Only given in cases where the naming scheme of the optical UVB and VIS differs from the near infrared NIR products.
<date>=Observing date as YYMMDD, e.g. 091101
#=sequential counter, e.g. A, B ...
<binx>=Binning along x-axis, e.g. 1
<biny>=Binning along y-axis, e.g. 2
<slit>=slit width and length, e.g. 0.5x11
<clock>=readout mode, e.g. 100k_hg_2x2 for DET.READ.CLOCK=100k/1pt/hg/2x2
<arm>=arm, e.g. VIS
<ccd>=CCD, e.g. Ct for Catherine
<det>=NIR detector, e.g. H2 for ESO-Hawaii2RG