EU ARC CASA Tutorial for ALMA Cycle 2 PIs

took place 26 - 28 Nov 2014 at the ESO headquarters in Garching.

Thanks to everybody for a successful workshop!

Participants, please don't forget to fill in the feedback survey.

Pictures from the hands-on sessions:

Cycle 2 PI Tutorial Hands-on session 1a Cycle 2 PI Tutorial Hands-on session 1a


All lectures and the advanced hands-on sessions will take place in room Telescopium (a.k.a. "Old Auditorium").

The beginner's parallel hands-on sessions will take place in room Fornax (a.k.a. "Old Council Room").

Please note that for detailed help with the analysis of your own ALMA data, you have the opportunity to visit your ARC node for face-to-face support. Due to the limited number of tutors, we will not be able to provide extensive data reduction support for individual projects. However, short questions are of course welcome.

Day 1: Wednesday, 26 Nov 2014 (room Telescopium) pdf file
09:00 Intro - D.Petry/M.Zwaan intro-eso-1114.pdf
09:10 ALMA Status - R. Laing ALMA-status-rlaing-nov14.pdf
09:25 general CASA - DP casa-intro-dpetry-nov-2014.pdf
09:45 The MS and the ASDM - DP ms-asdm-dpetry-nov14.pdf
10:00 Science Archive Access and Data Package Structure - F.Stöhr piworkshop_2014_archive_and_data_package.pdf
10:15 coffee  
10:30 ALMA Data Quality Assurance (QA) and the "scriptForPI" - DP alma-qa-dpetry-nov14.pdf
11:00 Calibration and Flagging - MZ Calibration_CASA_PI_Workshop_Zwaan_Nov2014.pdf
12:00 Explanation of hands-on sessions  
12:30 Lunch (at MPP canteen)  
14:00 Hands-on sessions 1a and 1b in parallel  
  1a: basic calibration (in room Fornax) - DP hands-on-basic-intro-dpetry-nov14.pdf
  1b: Band 9 and low-SNR calibration (in room Telescopium) MZ band9_and_low_snr.pdf
16:00 Coffee (in room Fornax)  
16:30 Review and Q&A  
17:30 End of day 1  
Day 2: Thursday, 27 Nov 2014 (room Telescopium)  
09:00 A closer look at CASA - DP closer-look-at-casa-dpetry-nov14.pdf
09:30 Imaging and selfcal - MZ Imaging_CASA_PI_Workshop_Zwaan_Nov2014.key.pdf
10:30 Coffee  
10:45 Spectral regridding - DP spectral-regridding-dpetry-nov14.pdf
11:05 Mosaicing - Markus Schmalzl mosaicing_schmalzl_v3.pdf
11:40 Image analysis - Anita Richards amsr_ESO_PI_ImageAnalysis2014.pdf
12:15 Explanation of hands-on sessions  
12:30 Lunch (at MPP canteen)  
14:00 Hands-on sessions 2a and 2b in parallel  
  2a: basic imaging (in room Fornax) - DP analysis_scripts.tar, (if needed)
  2b: SelfCal (in room Telescopium) - MZ selfcal-Zwaan-CASA-PI-2014-short.pdf
16:00 Coffee (in room Fornax)  
16:30 Review and Q&A  
17:30 End of day 2  
Day 3: Friday, 28 Nov 2014 (room Telescopium)  
09:00 ASDM Import, weights handling and MS Concatenation - DP asdmimport-weights-msconcat-dpetry-nov14.pdf
09:30 Reading the Pipeline WebLog - Liz Humphreys pipeline_casaworkshop27Nov2014.pdf
10:00 Tweaking the casa_pipescript - LH included in above talk
10:30 Coffee  
10:50 Ephemeris object handling - DP ephemeris-handling-dpetry-nov14.pdf
11:10 Recovering extended emission using ALMA, ACA, and TP - T.Stanke 20141128_CASAtutorialC2_ALMA_ACA_SD_combi.pdf
12:10 casa_pipescript tweaking hands-on session - Introduction - LH pipeline_handsonintro27Nov2014.pdf
12:30 Lunch (at MPP canteen)  
13:30 3: casa_pipescript tweaking hands-on session pipeline_handson27Nov2014.pdf
14:30 Review and Q&A  
15:00 End of day 3  

Hardware needs

You will need to bring a reasonably powerful laptop to participate in the hands-on sessions:

Minimum requirements:

  • dual-core processor
  • 3 GB RAM
  • 150 GB free space on your hard disk (reduced from previously 300 GB)
    • External disks are too slow for data processing! You need to have the empty space on your internal hard disk.
    • If you don't have that much free space, use an external disk before you visit ESO to temporarily move out data which you don't need for the workshop. When you return home, you can move it back in.
  • CASA 4.2.2 with pipeline installed (and tested to work; refer to the CASA download page for details on what operating systems are supported)
    • CASA 4.2.2 with pipeline is available for Linux and OSX and is marked as "ALMA pipeline version" on the CASA download page
    • in order to test whether you have the right version of CASA installed, do the following
      • start casapy by typing
                      casapy --pipeline --nologger
      • in your terminal you should see among other startup messages
                      CASA Version 4.2.2 (r30986)        
      • once the startup is complete, type
                      inp hif_restoredata
      • That should result in the following output
               --------> inp(hif_restoredata)
               #  hif_restoredata :: Restore flagged and calibration interferometry data from a pipeline run
               vis                 =       ['']        #  List of input visibility data
               session             =       ['']        #  List of sessions one per visibility file
               products_dir        = '../products'     #  The archived pipeline data products directory
               copytoraw           =       True        #  Copy calibration and flagging tables to raw data directory
               rawdata_dir         = '../rawdata'      #  The rawdata directory
               pipelinemode        = 'automatic'       #  The pipeline operating mode
               async               =      False        #  If true the taskname must be started using hif_restoredata(...)
      • if you get an error message instead, you have installed the CASA version which does not contain the pipeline. In this case, please delete your installation and install the version with pipeline instead.

Data to download before you arrive at ESO

In this location we will enumerate all the data (as it becomes available) that you will need download if you want to participate in one or several of the hands-on sessions (see programme). Notifications on when new data is ready for download will be sent by email to all participants. The data will remain online for at least several months after the workshop.


  • casa_cookbook.pdf: The CASA 4.2.2 cookbook (needed as your reference since network access to online help may be slow).

(1a and 2a): the Beginner's hands-on sessions on days 1 and 2

(2014-11-25) All files needed for these two sessions is now available for download.

(1b): Band 9 and low-SNR calibration

(2014-11-25) All files needed for this session are now available for download.

(2b): SelfCal

(2014-11-24) The bulk data needed for this session is now available for download.

You will need the following dataset and script:

(3): casa_pipescript tweaking

(2014-11-25) The bulk data for this session is now available for download. A few additional small files will be made available shortly before the workshop.

Registered participants

Total number of participants: 60

Alex Lewis         
Alvaro Sanchez-Monge        
Amelia Stutz         
Andy Pon           
Anna Cibinel            
Audrey Coutens               
Carmen Sanchez-Contreras      
D. Quenard           
Danuta Paraficz         
Darshan Kakkad        
Edith Falgarone         
Emmanuel Caux         
Fabian Walter                  
Benjamin Godard        
Guillermo Quintna-Lacaci     
Hendrik Linz            
Ilhuiyolitzin Villicaña Pedraza
Ivan Oteo 
Izaskun Jimenez-Serras      
Jack Morford
Javier Piqueras-Lopez               
Javier R. Goicoechea         
Jens Kauffmann               
Jorge Abreu-Vicente        
Josep Miquel Girart        
Jouni Kainulainen         
Katherine Blundell         
Leslie Hunt            
Linda Tacconi           
Luca Bizzochi           
Luis Colina            
Maria Teresa Beltran        
Martin Groenewegen         
Maryvonne Gerin         
Matthew Wilson
Matthieu Bethermin        
Matthijs van der Wiel      
Maurilio Pannella        
Miguel Pereira         
Miguel Santander         
Monica Orienti         
Paolo Pilleri           
Pere Planesas         
Peter Schilke         
Rafael Martín Doménech      
Rebecca Williams                    
Roberto Decarli
Ryan Cheale            
Santiago Garcia-Burillo      
Sarah Casewell         
Sarolta Zahorecz        
Stefan Kraus
Stefano Carniani         
Sylvain Bontemps        
Thushara Pillai        
Timea Csengeri         
Veronica Allen        
Vincenzo Mainieri         
Viviana Casasola        
Vivien Bonvin           

DirkPetry - 28 Nov 2014

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