ESPRESSO Exposure Time Calculator

Optical Echelle Spectroscopy Mode Version P116
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Target Input Flux Distribution

Template Spectrum Redshift
z =
Target Magnitude and Mag.System:   
= Vega
Magnitudes are given per arcsec2 for extended sources
MARCS Stellar Model
Upload Spectrum
Blackbody Temperature: K
Power Law Index:           F(λ) ∝ λindex
Emission Line
Lambda: nm
Flux: 10-16 ergs/s/cm2 (per arcsec2 for extended sources)
FWHM: nm

Spatial Distribution: Point Source

Sky Conditions

Moon FLI: Airmass:
PWV:     mm     Probability > 95% of realising the PWV ≤ 30.0 mm
Seeing/Image Quality:
Turbulence Category:   (FWHM of the atmospheric PSF outside the telescope at zenith at 500 nm)
IQ: arcsec FWHM at λ= nm (of long-exposure of stellar images at airmass of observations)
Image Quality is not a parameter in AO modes
              The corresponding seeing and turbulence category will be indicated in the output page
Image Quality is not a parameter in AO modes
The output will always include the IQ at λ=600nm and the IQ at the central λ of each arm

Instrument Setup

Telescope feed:
Resolution/detector mode: Single UT, high spectral/RV resolution, 1x1 binning and fast readout
Exposure Time: s


Include exposure times for S/N:
Estimate RV precision from S/N calibration (derived for SINGLEHR21/11 observations of non-rotating G-M0 stars)
Tables:  Toggle All / No Tables
Spectral Format
Expected Counts
Graphs:  Toggle All / No Graphs
Input Spectrum
Maximum Intensity