Common Trending and QC tools:

dfos = Data Flow Operations System, the common tool set for QC
*make printable

Other tools and processes

This page collects dfos tools, and processes, which are not documented on the main dfos pages.

topic description who maintains?
php documentation about php scripts used on dfos web interfaces all accounts
HC shiftleader's page common score_overview pages (one per ins) giraffe
CAL shiftleader's page common calscore_overview page (one) (giraffe)
webDirCreate helper tools on the QC web servers giraffe
WISQ plots and pages jobs and tools to create WISQ plots and associate pages giraffe
make_WISQ_perform create the GANGLIA performance monitor giraffe
PWV monitor script to create PWV monitor giraffe
getFAP script to process nightly zeropoints and extinction fors2


Last update: April 26, 2021 by rhanusch