Common DFOS tools:

dfos = Data Flow Operations System, the common tool set for DFO
*make printable new: see also:

- supporting DFOS, PHOENIX, OPSHUB
- for OPSHUB: new option -D and optional config file

[ used databases ] databases none
[ used dfos tools ] dfos tools dfosExplorer
[ output used by ] output none
[ output used by ] upload/download download:
- .reference.installation from (dfos), or .reference.installation_phoenix (for phoenix), or .reference.installation_opshub (for opshub)
- tar ball of selected tool installation


enabled for OPSHUB environment

enabled for PHOENIX environment


The DFOS installation tool retrieves a DFOS tool package(s) from a server, unpacks the tar ball(s), and executes a makefile to install the DFOS tool.

The tool uses $DFO_INSTALL_DIR to create a subdirectory <tool_name>, under which the tar file is deposited and unpacked. From there the following components are distributed using the makefile:

The tool asks about the installation mode: upgrade (an older installation exists already) or full. For 'upgrade', the existing config files are not touched, the delivered config files go into the template directory where they are available for comparison. In mode 'full', the delivered config files are written into $DFO_CONFIG_DIR where they are expected and read by the tool. Any pre-existing config file is saved under $DFO_CONFIG_DIR/save.

All other information (including the README file and the makefile) remains in $DFO_INSTALL_DIR/<tool_name>. A pre-existing tar file is saved as tar.old (to have some sort of backup just in case).

The tool works together with dfosExplorer. Whenever dfosExplorer discovers a missing tool, or an outdated tool vesion, it offers an upgrade for which it will use dfosInstall. It is also possible to use the tool from the command line.

For the OPSHUB, the tool has an option -D (like DISTRIB_MODE) and the combination of parameters -t and -p. After a dfos tool has been installed, this option can then be used on the REFERENCE_ACCOUNT (which is then configured in config.dfosInstall) to distribute a tool or a file (argument of -t) in path -p (relative to $HOME) to all configured accounts. This requires ssh access from the REFERENCE_ACCOUNT to these accounts. If ssh access is not set up, the tool will fail.

How to use

dfosInstall -v     gives the version number
dfosInstall -h     gives a short help text

dfosInstall -t <tool_name> installs the specified tool
dfosInstall -t <tool_name> -p <path_name> -D
                                scp the specified <file_name> under <path> to all configured accounts
                                e.g.: dfosInstall -t distillery.doc -p doc -D --> the file $HOME/doc/distillery.doc gets scp'ed from $REFERENECE_ACCOUNT to all configured accounts.


If you have installed dfosExplorer, use that tool to download the tar file for you.

Otherwise download dfosInstall.tar into $DFO_INSTALL_DIR/dfosInstall.

1. Go there, and type

tar xvf dfosInstall.tar

You may want to read the README file first.

2. Put dfosInstall to $DFO_BIN_DIR.

3. Put dfosInstall.h to $DFO_DOC_DIR.

Configuration file

None for normal operations. On the OPSHUB and on the REFERENCE_ACCOUNT, you can use config.dfosInstall to configure all target accounts in an easy way:

Section 1: general
REFERENCE_ACCOUNT opshub1@godot reference account where the tool is called and is used as the source for distribution of tools/files
Section 2: Accounts
ACCOUNT opshub2@godot list of accounts that receive the file as specified
ACCOUNT opsproj2@godot  
  etc. ...  

Operational considerations

Last update: April 26, 2021 by rhanusch