Henri Boffin – Outreach


I was one of the organisers of the very successful ESO Venus Transit 2004 series of activities.
I was also driving ESO’s GigaGalaxy Zoom project in the context of the 2009 International Year of Astronomy and the ALMA Planetarium Show "In Search of our Cosmic Origins".
I was further part of the Executive Board of the EIROforum funded Science on Stage activities.

Science in School

Science in School, published and funded by Eiroforum, aims to promote inspiring science teaching by encouraging communication between teachers, scientists, and everyone else involved in European science education. I wrote several papers in this journal, mainly as part of the very successful series "Fusion in the Universe". Most papers are translated in many languages - see the web site.


The Messenger is ESO's journal. Here you will find some of my non-scientific contributions from when I was working in the ESO's Education and Public Relation Department.

Le Soir

Vers L'Avenir