Getting Started


Login to a standard ELT machine.

IFW Software

If not yet done, retrieve and install the complete ICS Framework from the ESO RPMs repository. For more details, please have a look to the installation procedure here

You should create your software based on the provided template by following the procedure in the Getting Started guide here

This guide assumes you have followed all the steps in the above guide.

SysSup Configuration

The project template includes a sample of a System Supervisor configuration. After executing the cookiecutter command with the provided template, you can build, install and deploy the provided example.

Please follow the instructions in the general Getting Started guide here

The System Supervisor requires a configuration file including all the definition of all subsystems managed by the server. A pre-defined configuration has been created as part of the generation process. This configuration includes five subsystems. They are all considered as internal subsystems.

Generated server configuration: <ins id>/resource/nomad/syssup.yml.tpl. This files contains the Nomad tags so it should not be used directly but through a nomad job command.

!cfg.include config/sup/syssup/server/definitions.yaml:

server: !cfg.type:SysSup

    server_id       : 'sup'
    req_endpoint    : "zpb.rr://{{ range service "syssup-req" }}{{ .Address }}:{{ .Port }}{{ end }}/"
    pub_endpoint    : "{{ range service "syssup-pub" }}{{ .Address }}:{{ .Port }}{{ end }}/"
    db_timeout      : 2000
    scxml           : "config/sup/syssup/server/sm.xml"
    log_properties  : "config/sup/syssup/server/log_properties.cfg"
    req_timeout     : 120000
    dictionaries    : []
    mon_timeout     : 2000
    oldb_prefix     : 'tins'
    ob_modes        : [
    name: Imaging,
    subsystems: ['subsim2', 'subsim3']
    subsystems      : [
    name: fcs,
    scope: internal,
    type: sup::syssup::common::Generic,
    rr_endpoint: "zpb.rr://{{ range service "fcs-req" }}{{ .Address }}:{{ .Port }}{{ end }}/StdCmds",
    ps_endpoint: "{{ range service "fcs-pub" }}{{ .Address }}:{{ .Port }}{{ end }}/",
    access: true
    name: subsim2,
    scope: internal,
    type: sup::syssup::common::Generic,
    rr_endpoint: "zpb.rr://{{ range service "subsim2-req" }}{{ .Address }}:{{ .Port }}{{ end }}/StdCmds",
    ps_endpoint: "{{ range service "subsim2-pub" }}{{ .Address }}:{{ .Port }}{{ end }}/",
    access: true
    name: subsim3,
    scope: internal,
    type: sup::syssup::common::Generic,
    rr_endpoint: "zpb.rr://{{ range service "subsim3-req" }}{{ .Address }}:{{ .Port }}{{ end }}/StdCmds",
    ps_endpoint: "{{ range service "subsim3-pub" }}{{ .Address }}:{{ .Port }}{{ end }}/",
    access: true
    name: TestSim1,
    scope: internal,
    type: sup::syssup::common::Generic,
    rr_endpoint: "zpb.rr://{{ range service "tinsccf-req" }}{{ .Address }}:{{ .Port }}{{ end }}/StdCmds",
    ps_endpoint: "{{ range service "tinsccf-pub" }}{{ .Address }}:{{ .Port }}{{ end }}/",
    access: true
    name: ocm,
    scope: internal,
    type: sup::syssup::common::Generic,
    rr_endpoint: "zpb.rr://{{ range service "ocm-req" }}{{ .Address }}:{{ .Port }}{{ end }}/std",
    ps_endpoint: "{{ range service "ocm-pub" }}{{ .Address }}:{{ .Port }}{{ end }}/",
    access: true


This configuration shall be adapted to the instrument specific needs.

System Supervisor Logs

$ nomad logs -job syssup

The output of the server shall be something like the following:

2021-04-26T09:33:44.931933   INFO Application ocfSupervisor started.
2021-04-26T09:33:44.941777   INFO PS Endpoint:
2021-04-26T09:33:45.047840   INFO Updating DB
2021-04-26T09:33:45.048304   INFO Subsys RR endpoint -  = <zpb.rr://>
2021-04-26T09:33:45.048465   INFO Subsys RR endpoint -  = <zpb.rr://>
2021-04-26T09:33:45.048607   INFO Subsys RR endpoint -  = <zpb.rr://>
2021-04-26T09:33:45.048749   INFO Subsys RR endpoint -  = <zpb.rr://>
2021-04-26T09:33:45.048892   INFO Subsys RR endpoint -  = <zpb.rr://>
2021-04-26T09:33:45.049533   INFO Subsys RR endpoint -  = <zpb.rr://>
2021-04-26T09:33:45.050409   INFO Subsys RR endpoint -  = <zpb.rr://>
2021-04-26T09:33:45.050865   INFO Subsys RR endpoint -  = <zpb.rr://>
2021-04-26T09:33:45.051282   INFO Subsys RR endpoint -  = <zpb.rr://>
2021-04-26T09:33:45.051692   INFO Subsys RR endpoint -  = <zpb.rr://>
2021-04-26T09:33:45.086988   INFO min state: -7
2021-04-26T09:33:45.087545   INFO min state: -7
2021-04-26T09:33:45.087728   INFO Subsys RR endpoint -  = <zpb.rr://>
2021-04-26T09:33:45.087748   INFO [fcs] Generic Connect:   zpb.rr://
2021-04-26T09:33:45.087835   INFO Subsys RR endpoint -  = <zpb.rr://>
2021-04-26T09:33:45.087848   INFO [subsim2] Generic Connect:   zpb.rr://
2021-04-26T09:33:45.087900   INFO Subsys RR endpoint -  = <zpb.rr://>
2021-04-26T09:33:45.087913   INFO [subsim3] Generic Connect:   zpb.rr://
2021-04-26T09:33:45.087954   INFO Subsys RR endpoint -  = <zpb.rr://>
2021-04-26T09:33:45.087967   INFO [TestSim1] Generic Connect:   zpb.rr://
2021-04-26T09:33:45.088001   INFO Subsys RR endpoint -  = <zpb.rr://>
2021-04-26T09:33:45.088012   INFO [ocm] Generic Connect:   zpb.rr://
2021-04-26T09:33:45.089118   INFO Name: fcs
2021-04-26T09:33:45.089146   INFO Name: subsim2
2021-04-26T09:33:45.089162   INFO Name: subsim3
2021-04-26T09:33:45.089178   INFO Name: TestSim1
2021-04-26T09:33:45.089193   INFO Name: ocm

By default the System Supervisor saves its logs into a file $HOME/supSupervisor.log. A much easier way to see the logs is to monitor this file.

$ tail -f $HOME/supSupervisor

Interacting with the Server

The best way to interact with the server is using the SysSup CLI.

$ supcli


The shell will connect automatically to the running server.

Getting list of registered subsystems

supSh> subsystem_names
reply> = fcs, subsim2, subsim3, TestSim1, ocm

Getting status of subsystems

supSh> subsystem_status
reply> = fcs.access = true
fcs.scope = internal
fcs.connection_status = Connected
fcs.state = Operational
fcs.substate = Idle
subsim2.access = true
subsim2.scope = internal
subsim2.connection_status = Connected
subsim2.state = NotOperational
subsim2.substate = NotReady
subsim3.access = true
subsim3.scope = internal
subsim3.connection_status = Connected
subsim3.state = Operational
subsim3.substate = Idle
TestSim1.access = true
TestSim1.scope = internal
TestSim1.connection_status = Connected
TestSim1.state = Operational
TestSim1.substate = Idle
ocm.access = true
ocm.scope = internal
ocm.connection_status = Connected
ocm.state = Operational
ocm.substate = Idle

Restarting an individual subsystem

supSh> subsystem_reset subsim3
reply> = OK

supSh> subsystem_init subsim3
reply> = OK init completed.

supSh> subsystem_enable subsim3
reply> = OK enable completed.

Getting global state/substate

supSh> status
reply> = Operational;Idle

Changing the access level for a subsystem

A subsystem can be ignored by System Supervisor. This can be done by changing its access level to false. When the subsystem is ignored, its state is not considered in the overall state of the system.

supSh> setaccess fcs,false
reply> = OK
supSh> subsystem_status fcs
reply> = fcs.access = false

Getting the actual configuration used by the System Supervisor

supSh> get_config
reply> = ...
server: !cfg.type:SysSup
    server_id: sup
    req_endpoint: zpb.rr://
    db_timeout: 2000
    scxml: config/sup/syssup/server/sm.xml
    log_properties: config/sup/syssup/server/log_properties.cfg
    mon_timeout: 2000
    req_timeout: 15000
    dictionaries: []
    oldb_prefix: tins
    fits_prefix: ""
        - name: Imaging
          subsystems: [subsim2, subsim3]
        - name: fcs
          scope: internal
          type: sup::syssup::common::Generic
          rr_endpoint: zpb.rr://
          access: True

        - name: subsim2
          scope: internal
          type: sup::syssup::common::Generic
          rr_endpoint: zpb.rr://
          access: true

        - name: subsim3
          scope: internal
          type: sup::syssup::common::Generic
          rr_endpoint: zpb.rr://
          access: true

        - name: TestSim1
          scope: internal
          type: sup::syssup::common::Generic
          rr_endpoint: zpb.rr://
          access: true

        - name: ocm
          scope: internal
          type: sup::syssup::common::Generic
          rr_endpoint: zpb.rr://
          access: true

Closing SysSup Shell

Type Ctrl-d.


Stopping the Software

You can use the startup/shutdown script provide to stop the whole software. For more details please check the general Getting Started guide here

For stopping only the System Supervisor, the nomad CLI can be used.

$ nomad stop syssup