
package daq {
  package dpm {
    component daqDpmMerge
    component daqDpmServer

Fig. 15 DPM package contents

The package DPM provides the application components daqDpmServer and daqDpmMerge.

daqDpmServer is the server component that daqOcmServer communicates with to delegate the responsibility of creating the Data Product for each Data Acquisition. This separation is mainly done to allow daqDpmServer be used without an fully operational ICS for e.g. daytime merging and to be deployed on the same host as the OLAS interface for efficiency.

Key responsibilities:

  • Provide interface to daqOcmServer.

  • Transfer source files to local host.

  • Validate source files prior to merging using keyword dictionaries (TBD).

  • Execute daqDpmMerge to perform the merge using the now local files.

  • Deliver result to specified recipients. If nothing is specified the file is delivered to OLAS.

daqDpmMerge is, under normal circumstances, executed as a subprocess of daqOcmServer and is the component that create the final Data Product. This is a standalone command line tool designed to be usable manually, without daqDpmMerge.

Key responsibilities:

  • Execute the merge process to create final Data Product.

daqDpmServer implements the following request/reply interfaces:

MAL Interface

URI Path




Control interface for the server itself and those aspects unrelated to a Data Acquisition.



Control interface for initiating, controlling and monitoring Data Product creation life-cycle from Data Acquisitions.