MIDAS Data Reduction Installation

for the FIASCO spectrograph - Version 1.3

by C. Guirao


1.- Name convention

2.- Introduction

This document describes the installation procedure for the FIASCO pipeline, which is delivered as a compressed-tar file of the kind: FIASCO-1_3.tar.gz

The FIASCO.-1_3.tar.gz contains not only pipeline and calibration procedures but also procedures written by the author which might also be interesting to the community (e.g. there is a procedure to generate blackbody curves). A complete description of these procedures can be found in another document called PROCEDURES.html.

In addition to the procedures, you can also download a file called FIASCO-DemoData.tar.gz containing some real spectral data from three stars in the constellation of Cygnus taken with FIASCO in the night 01/09/98. The file includes also the calibration data required for the pipeline.

3.- Contents

The FIASCO-1_3.tar.gz file contains:
  INSTALLATION.html This file
  PROCEDURES.html Describes MIDAS procedures
  CALIBRATION.html Generation of calibration files
  PIPELINE.html Running the pipeline
  *.prg  .MIDAS procedure files
  *.sh Shell script files
  *.dat Catalogs
  *.fmt Table formats

The FIASCO-DemoData.tar.gz file contains:
  README.DemoData Documentation
  master_*.fit Master Calibration data in FITS format
  cyg*.fit Raw frames with spectra of 3 stars in Cygnus
  vega.fit Raw frame with the spectrophotometric star Vega (HR7001)
  neon01.fit Raw frame with the spectrum of a neon calibration lamp 
  hr7001.fit A FITS table with the spectrum of Vega (HR7001)
  neon.fit A FITS table with the wavelength of neon emission lines 
  *.fmt Table formats


4.- Installation

The installation starts with the downloading of the compressed-tar files to any directory of you own, however this section only describes the installation of the FIASCO-1_3.tar.gz

As FIASCO-1_3.tar.gz contains mainly MIDAS procedures (.prg files) which are executed with the MIDAS command @@, they should be located in a directory where MIDAS could found them. I personally use the $HOME/midwork directory as it is common to all MIDAS sessions independent of where I am.

The following is my preferable installation sequence:

  1. Download the files FIASCO-1_3.tar.gz and the FIASCO-DemoData.tar.gz to your $HOME directory
  2. Remove (or move away) the current $HOME/midwork if it exists (this way you will not mix the new FIASCO procedures with previous copies of the same files)
  3. % rm -rf $HOME/midwork
  4. Untar-uncompress the contents of FIASCO-1_3.tar.gz into the $HOME/midwork directory:
  5. % cd $HOME/midwork
    % zcat ../FIASCO-1_1.tar.gz | tar xvf -
  6. Create a directory where to download the FIASCO-DemoData.tar.gz, e.g. $HOME/demo
  7. % cd $HOME
    % mkdir demo
    % cd demo
    % zcat ../FIASCO-DemoData.tar.gz | tar xvf -
  8. Follow the instructions of the README.DemoData file to execute the pipeline on some spectral data.