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com.cosylab.cdb.browser.CDBTable.StringField Class Reference

Inherits javax::swing::JTextField.

List of all members.


class  WholeStringDocument

Public Member Functions

void setValue (String val)
String getValue ()

Protected Member Functions

Document createDefaultModel ()

Package Functions

 StringField (String value, int col)

Package Attributes

int counter = 0

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

com.cosylab.cdb.browser.CDBTable.StringField.StringField ( String  value,
int  col 
) [package]

Member Function Documentation

Document com.cosylab.cdb.browser.CDBTable.StringField.createDefaultModel (  )  [protected]
String com.cosylab.cdb.browser.CDBTable.StringField.getValue (  ) 
void com.cosylab.cdb.browser.CDBTable.StringField.setValue ( String  val  ) 

Member Data Documentation

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