Public Types | Public Member Functions

cl.utfsm.acs.acg.core.UserAuthenticator Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Role { Administrator, Operator }

Public Member Functions

Role authenticate (String user, String password) throws UserAuthenticatorException

Detailed Description

This class is used to handle the authentication of the users that make use of the ACG. There are two kind of users:

The admin role allows the user to perform any action on the ACG. This includes: Sources <acronym title="Creation, Removal, Modification">CRM</acronym>, Alarm CRM, Categories CRM and Reduction Rules CRM.

The operator role should only make available to the user Alarms CRM in the ACG.


Member Enumeration Documentation

Type of users that are allowed to use ACG. They include:

  • Administrator: He/she is allowed to perform all the operations that can be carried away over the Alarm System configuration.
  • Operator: He/she is only allowed to perform modifications in the Alarm configuration (add/remove/change fault families/members/codes), and in the Reduction Rules configuration (add/remove/change reduction/node rules).

Member Function Documentation

Role cl.utfsm.acs.acg.core.UserAuthenticator.authenticate ( String  user,
String  password 
) throws UserAuthenticatorException

Authenticates a user with a password against the authentication system (whatever it may be)

user The username
password The password associated with the user
The role of the user in the authentication system
UserAuthenticatorException If the username of password are invalid
See also:

Referenced by cl.utfsm.acs.acg.gui.ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor.postWindowOpen().

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