Public Member Functions

alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.FilesManager.FileNameFilter Class Reference

Inherits java::io::FilenameFilter.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 FileNameFilter (long start, long end)
boolean accept (File dir, String name)

Detailed Description

The filter for the file names.

The file names have the following format: logOutput<StartDate>--<EndDate>.xml. like for example logOutput2008-09-19T11_21_50.115--2008-09-19T11_21_51.637.xml.

The file names accepted by this filter are all the file names with the format described above and whose start and end dates are in a given time interval, defined in the constructor.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.FilesManager.FileNameFilter.FileNameFilter ( long  start,
long  end 

The start and end dates to accept in the file name

start The start date (can be 0)
end The end date

Member Function Documentation

boolean alma.acs.logging.archive.zoom.FilesManager.FileNameFilter.accept ( File  dir,
String  name 
See also:

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