Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Static Protected Attributes

alma.acs.logging.formatters.AcsLogFormatter Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for alma.acs.logging.formatters.AcsLogFormatter:
alma.acs.logging.formatters.AcsBinLogFormatter alma.acs.logging.formatters.AcsXMLLogFormatter

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

abstract Any formatAny (Any anyLogRecord, LogRecord logRecord)

Protected Member Functions

String getLocalHostName ()

Static Protected Attributes

static String localHostName

Detailed Description


Class that is responsible for formatting the log records/elements of different levels as well as assigning the right values to their attributes.

Member Function Documentation

abstract Any alma.acs.logging.formatters.AcsLogFormatter.formatAny ( Any  anyLogRecord,
LogRecord  logRecord 
) [pure virtual]
String alma.acs.logging.formatters.AcsLogFormatter.getLocalHostName (  )  [protected]

Member Data Documentation

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