Public Member Functions

alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSource Interface Reference

Inheritance diagram for alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSource:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void raiseAlarm (String faultFamily, String faultMember, int faultCode)
void raiseAlarm (String faultFamily, String faultMember, int faultCode, Properties properties)
void clearAlarm (String faultFamily, String faultMember, int faultCode)
void setAlarm (String faultFamily, String faultMember, int faultCode, Properties alarmProps, boolean active)
void setAlarm (String faultFamily, String faultMember, int faultCode, boolean active)
void terminateAllAlarms ()
void queueAlarms (long delayTime, TimeUnit unit)
void queueAlarms ()
void flushAlarms ()
void disableAlarms ()
void enableAlarms ()
void start ()
void tearDown ()

Detailed Description

The AlarmSource interface offers a set of useful methods to handle alarms from a source.

This class, on one side, allows the sending of alarms with a shorter syntax compared to the original API and, on the other side, offers some common functionalities useful while sending alarms in ACS.

This class implements a guard in the sense that a active (terminated) alarm is not sent to the alarm service if it has been already activated (terminated).

To damp the effect of oscillation an active alarm is immediately forwarded to the alarm service but the sending of a terminated alarm is delayed of approximately one second to catch a reactivation in that period of time.

AlarmSource allows to queue the alarms instead of sending them immediately by calling queueAlarms(...). To stop queuing the alarms and send them to the alarm service the method flushAlarms() must be executed. The queuing of the alarms has the advantage that if an alarm is activated and then deactivated during the queuing time, it is not sent to the alarm service. This functionalities can be useful for example when starting up a piece of software connected to an hardware device. In that case it is quite common that before initialization some of the values returned by the device are wrong and can trigger the sending of alarms that will be cleared only when the device is fully operative. With the queuing the operator does not receive this kind of (false) alarms. It is left to developer the responsibility to enable/disable the queuing at the right moment.
If AlarmSource#queueAlarms(long, TimeUnit) is called twice, the the new time interval is used to flush the queue and the old one is discarded.

Alarm sending can be inhibited by calling AlarmSource#disableAlarms(): all the alarm events submitted after calling this method are discarded. To revert just call AlarmSource#enableAlarms(). The inhibition of the alarms does not interfere with the queuing: alarms queued before inhibit alarms remain queued and will be sent when flushing.

Life cycle: AlarmSource#start() must be called before using methods of this class. AlarmSource#tearDown() must be called when finished using this class.


Member Function Documentation

void alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSource.clearAlarm ( String  faultFamily,
String  faultMember,
int  faultCode 

Clear the alarm with the passed triplet.

If the alarm is already terminated, it is not sent again to the alarm service.

faultFamily The FaultFamily
faultMember The FaultMember
faultCode The FaultCode

Implemented in alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSourceImpl.

Referenced by alma.acs.container.AcsContainer.initialize().

void alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSource.disableAlarms (  ) 

Disable the sending of alarms.

When the alarms are disabled, all the alarms submitted with raise, clear and set are discarded. This means that those alarms are immediately discarded. They are not queued, and will never arrive at the alarm service.

See also:

Implemented in alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSourceImpl.

void alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSource.enableAlarms (  ) 

Enable the sending of alarms.

Better just "This method reverts the effect of a previous call to disableAlarms(), so that alarms will get processed again.

Alarms are enabled by default.

See also:

Implemented in alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSourceImpl.

void alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSource.flushAlarms (  ) 

Flush the alarms queued and stop queuing.

See also:

Implemented in alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSourceImpl.

void alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSource.queueAlarms (  ) 

Start queuing the alarms.

The alarms are queued until flushAlarms() is executed.

The purpose of the queuing is to avoid alarms flickering for example during the initialization phase of a device where spurious states could trigger the event of false alarms.

See also:

Implemented in alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSourceImpl.

void alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSource.queueAlarms ( long  delayTime,
TimeUnit  unit 

Start queuing the alarms.

The alarms are flushed when the passed time expires or flush gets called.

The purpose of the queuing is to avoid alarms flickering for example during the initialization phase of a device where spurious states could trigger the event of false alarms

delayTime The time to queue alarms
unit The unit of the delay

Implemented in alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSourceImpl.

void alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSource.raiseAlarm ( String  faultFamily,
String  faultMember,
int  faultCode,
Properties  properties 

Raise an alarm with the given triplet and a set of properties.

If the alarm is already active, it is not sent again to the alarm service.

faultFamily The FaultFamily
faultMember The FaultMember
faultCode The FaultCode
properties The user properties. It can be null or empty.

Implemented in alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSourceImpl.

void alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSource.raiseAlarm ( String  faultFamily,
String  faultMember,
int  faultCode 

Raise an alarm with the given triplet.

If the alarm is already active, it is not sent again to the alarm service.

faultFamily The FaultFamily
faultMember The FaultMember
faultCode The FaultCode

Implemented in alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSourceImpl.

Referenced by alma.acs.container.AcsContainer.initialize().

void alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSource.setAlarm ( String  faultFamily,
String  faultMember,
int  faultCode,
Properties  alarmProps,
boolean  active 

Send the alarm with the passed triplet and properties to the alarm service. The state activate/terminate of the alarm depends on the passed boolean.

This method is the most complete way to send an alarm.

If the alarm is already active, it is not sent again to the alarm service. If the alarm is already terminated, it is not sent again to the alarm service.

faultFamily The FaultFamily
faultMember The FaultMember
faultCode The FaultCode
alarmProps The user properties. It can be null or empty.
active if true the alarm is activated otherwise it is terminated.

Implemented in alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSourceImpl.

void alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSource.setAlarm ( String  faultFamily,
String  faultMember,
int  faultCode,
boolean  active 

Send the alarm with the passed triplet to the alarm service. The state activate/terminate of the alarm depends on the passed boolean.

This method is the most complete way to send an alarm.

If the alarm is already active, it is not sent again to the alarm service. If the alarm is already terminated, it is not sent again to the alarm service.

faultFamily The FaultFamily
faultMember The FaultMember
faultCode The FaultCode
active if true the alarm is activated otherwise it is terminated.

Implemented in alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSourceImpl.

void alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSource.start (  ) 

Life-cycle: this method must be called before using this class.

Implemented in alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSourceImpl.

Referenced by alma.acs.container.ContainerServicesImpl.ContainerServicesImpl().

void alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSource.tearDown (  ) 

Life-cycle: tearDown must be called when terminated using this class

Implemented in alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSourceImpl.

void alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSource.terminateAllAlarms (  ) 

Terminate all the active alarms.

Implemented in alma.acs.alarmsystem.source.AlarmSourceImpl.

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