Public Member Functions | Package Attributes

org.exolab.castor.builder.types.XSList Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for org.exolab.castor.builder.types.XSList:
org.exolab.castor.builder.types.XSType org.exolab.castor.builder.types.XSListJ2 org.exolab.castor.builder.types.XSListODMG30

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 XSList (XSType contentType)
JType getJType ()
int getMinimumSize ()
int getMaximumSize ()
XSType getContentType ()
void setMaximumSize (int size)
void setMinimumSize (int size)
void setFacets (SimpleType simpleType)
void validationCode (JSourceCode jsc, String fixedValue, String fieldValidatorInstanceName)

Package Attributes

int maxSize = -1
int minSize = 0
XSType contentType = null

Detailed Description

A list type....this will change soon

Keith Visco
2003/03/03 07:07:59

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

org.exolab.castor.builder.types.XSList.XSList ( XSType  contentType  ) 

Member Function Documentation

XSType org.exolab.castor.builder.types.XSList.getContentType (  ) 
JType org.exolab.castor.builder.types.XSList.getJType (  )  [virtual]

Returns the JType that this XSType represents

the JType that this XSType represents

Implements org.exolab.castor.builder.types.XSType.

Reimplemented in org.exolab.castor.builder.types.XSListJ2, and org.exolab.castor.builder.types.XSListODMG30.

int org.exolab.castor.builder.types.XSList.getMinimumSize (  ) 
void org.exolab.castor.builder.types.XSList.setFacets ( SimpleType  simpleType  )  [virtual]

Reads and sets the facets for XSType

simpleType the SimpleType containing the facets

Implements org.exolab.castor.builder.types.XSType.

void org.exolab.castor.builder.types.XSList.validationCode ( JSourceCode  jsc,
String  fixedValue,
String  fieldValidatorInstanceName 
) [virtual]

Creates the validation code for an instance of this XSType. The validation code should if necessary create a newly configured TypeValidator, that should then be added to a FieldValidator instance whose name is provided.

fixedValue a fixed value to use if any
jsc the JSourceCode to fill in.
fieldValidatorInstanceName the name of the FieldValidator that the configured TypeValidator should be added to.

Implements org.exolab.castor.builder.types.XSType.

Member Data Documentation

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