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alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard Class Reference

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Public Types

enum  Logic { AND, OR, TIMER, COUNTER }

Public Member Functions

 RepeatGuard (long interval, TimeUnit timeUnit, int maxRepetitions, Logic logic)
 RepeatGuard (long interval, TimeUnit timeUnit, int maxRepetitions)
synchronized boolean check ()
synchronized boolean checkAndIncrement ()
void reset (long interval, TimeUnit timeUnit, int maxRepetitions)
synchronized void reset (long interval, TimeUnit timeUnit, int maxRepetitions, Logic logic)
synchronized void reset ()
synchronized void increment ()
synchronized int counter ()
synchronized int counterAtLastExecution ()

Detailed Description

This class can be used to reduce the repeated execution of any kind of code, by keeping track of the number of intended executions and the time passed since the last actual execution, and comparing these against configured values (see details below).

A reduction of the number of executions can be useful if that code is resource intensive (e.g. DB access, remote calls, logging) or has other unwanted side effects if executed too often (e.g. annoying the user with too frequent error or confirmation dialogues). Of course this only makes sense if the nature of the problem allows skipping some of these executions.

This class is so general that it does not actually execute any code; it simply keeps track of counters and timer. It can be used directly to manage decisions about skipping or executing some code. For example, the application can instantiate a RepeatGuard with the timer set to one second. Then whenever the repetitive action would be called, the application first calls check(); for every timer interval, only the first call to check() will return true, while the subsequent calls will return false, and the application should skip the repeated block of code. Alternatively this class can be extended or wrapped to become easier to use for specific purposes. Then typically the code to be executed (e.g. logging a message) becomes part of the specialized repeat guard class, as in RepeatGuardLogger.

The concept of repeat guards in ACS is discussed at

Repetitions can be reduced using

  1. the number of times that code execution should be skipped before the code can be executed again
  2. a timer which allows only one execution per time interval, no matter how many execution attempts have been made in the meantime,
  3. OR combination of the above: either enough attempts were made or enough time has passed, whatever happens first
  4. AND combination: enough skipped execution attempts, and enough time passed.

see also the Logic enum.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.RepeatGuard ( long  interval,
TimeUnit  timeUnit,
int  maxRepetitions,
Logic  logic 


interval Time interval (in timeUnit units).
timeUnit Time unit of interval parameter.
maxRepetitions Maximum number of repetitions.
logic Evaluation logic for interval and maxRepetitions. The logic will be "reduced" automatically if interval or maxRepetitions have a value <= 0, so as to be based only on the other positive value.
IllegalArgumentException if maxRepetitions <= 0 && interval <= 0

References alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.reset().

alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.RepeatGuard ( long  interval,
TimeUnit  timeUnit,
int  maxRepetitions 

Constructor, convenience for the above, using Logic.OR evaluation method if both interval and maxRepetitions are positive values, otherwise {.TIMER} or {.COUNTER} to make sure that only the respective parameter with a positive value gets used.

interval Time interval (in timeUnit units).
timeUnit Time unit of interval parameter.
maxRepetitions Maximum number of repetitions.
IllegalArgumentException if maxRepetitions <= 0 && interval <= 0

Member Function Documentation

synchronized boolean alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.check (  ) 

This method checks if the guarded activity is due for execution, or if it should be skipped instead.

For the first call, it always returns true. Later it returns true if the last call to check()was longer ago than the interval given in the constructor or in the reset methods, and/or if the internal counter has been incremented more than maxRepetitions by calls to increment() or checkAndIncrement().

true if guarded activity should be run, false if it should be skipped.

References alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.counter(), and alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.counterAtLastExecution().

Referenced by alma.acs.logging.MultipleRepeatGuard.check(), and alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.checkAndIncrement().

synchronized boolean alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.checkAndIncrement (  ) 
synchronized int alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.counter (  ) 
synchronized int alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.counterAtLastExecution (  ) 

Gets the value of the counter that it had when the check() or checkAndIncrement() method returned true the last time, which corresponds to the number of times the activity was skipped before it got executed.

Calling this method does not make sense if only timer logic was used (no counters configured nor incremented)

Referenced by alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.check(), and alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.reset().

synchronized void alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.increment (  ) 
synchronized void alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.reset ( long  interval,
TimeUnit  timeUnit,
int  maxRepetitions,
Logic  logic 

Resets and reconfigures logic of guard.

interval Time interval (in timeUnit units).
timeUnit Time unit of interval parameter.
maxRepetitions Maximum number of skipped repetitions.
logic Evaluation logic for interval and maxRepetitions. The logic will be "reduced" automatically if interval or maxRepetitions have a value <= 0, so as to be based only on the other positive value.
IllegalArgumentException if maxRepetitions <= 0 && interval <= 0 or required arg == null

References alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.reset().

synchronized void alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.reset (  ) 

Resets this guard without changing the configuration for timer, counter and logic.

References alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.counter(), and alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.counterAtLastExecution().

Referenced by alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.RepeatGuard(), and alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.reset().

void alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.reset ( long  interval,
TimeUnit  timeUnit,
int  maxRepetitions 

Resets and reconfigures this guard using the given interval, maxRepetitions, and Logic.OR logic.

interval Time interval (in timeUnit units).
timeUnit Time unit of interval parameter.
maxRepetitions Maximum number of skipped repetitions.
IllegalArgumentException if maxRepetitions <= 0 && interval <= 0
See also:
RepeatGuard(long, TimeUnit, int, Logic)

References alma.acs.logging.RepeatGuard.reset().

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