Static Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Package Functions

alma.acs.container.AcsContainerRunner Class Reference

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static void main (String[] args)

Static Public Attributes

static final String CONTAINER_STARTTIME_DELAY_MILLIS_PROPERTYNAME = "acs.container.starttimeDelayMillis"

Protected Member Functions

 AcsContainerRunner ()
void initAcsLogging (final AcsManagerProxy managerProxy)
void checkReadyToRun () throws AcsJContainerEx

Protected Attributes

String m_containerName
String m_managerLoc
boolean m_useRecoveryMode
AcsEmbeddedContainerRunner embeddedRunner
AcsLogger m_logger
AcsCorba m_acsCorba
int m_containerPort = -1
int initialSleeptimeMillis = 0

Package Functions

void setOptions (String[] args) throws AcsJContainerEx

Detailed Description

The main method of this class starts an AcsContainer.

Tasks performed are:

The implementation delegates many tasks to alma.acs.container.AcsEmbeddedContainerRunner, so that other applications which have to run a container inside can be written similarly to this class.

The functionality is comparable to that of maciActivate.cpp and maciContainerImpl.cpp/ContainerImpl/init(argc, argv) on the C++ side.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

alma.acs.container.AcsContainerRunner.AcsContainerRunner (  )  [protected]

Empty constructor, only to be called from AcsContainerRunner.main method.

Referenced by alma.acs.container.AcsContainerRunner.main().

Member Function Documentation

void alma.acs.container.AcsContainerRunner.checkReadyToRun (  )  throws AcsJContainerEx [protected]
void alma.acs.container.AcsContainerRunner.initAcsLogging ( final AcsManagerProxy  managerProxy  )  [protected]
static void alma.acs.container.AcsContainerRunner.main ( String[]  args  )  [static]

The one and only main method to run a Java container. Options:

  • -manager myManagerloc
    CORBA loc for the Manager, e.g. corbaloc.myhost:xxxx/Manager (same as property ACS.manager, but with higher precedence); if missing, it will be taken from CDB, or will default to localhost.
  • -containerName myContainerName
    name under which the container will introduce itself to the ACS Manager (has precedence over the property ACS.containerName).
  • any other arguments will be passed on to the CORBA ORB.

References alma.acs.container.AcsContainerRunner.AcsContainerRunner(), alma.acs.container.corba.AcsCorba.doneCorba(), alma.acs.container.AcsContainerRunner.m_acsCorba, and alma.acs.container.AcsContainerRunner.m_logger.

void alma.acs.container.AcsContainerRunner.setOptions ( String[]  args  )  throws AcsJContainerEx [package]

Member Data Documentation

final String alma.acs.container.AcsContainerRunner.CONTAINER_STARTTIME_DELAY_MILLIS_PROPERTYNAME = "acs.container.starttimeDelayMillis" [static]

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