Public Member Functions

antlr.debug.InputBufferAdapter Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for antlr.debug.InputBufferAdapter:
antlr.debug.InputBufferListener antlr.debug.ListenerBase

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void doneParsing (TraceEvent e)
void inputBufferConsume (InputBufferEvent e)
void inputBufferLA (InputBufferEvent e)
void inputBufferMark (InputBufferEvent e)
void inputBufferRewind (InputBufferEvent e)
void refresh ()

Detailed Description

A dummy implementation of a CharBufferListener -- this class is not meant to be used by itself -- it's meant to be subclassed

Member Function Documentation

void antlr.debug.InputBufferAdapter.doneParsing ( TraceEvent  e  ) 
void antlr.debug.InputBufferAdapter.inputBufferConsume ( InputBufferEvent  e  ) 

charConsumed method comment.

Implements antlr.debug.InputBufferListener.

void antlr.debug.InputBufferAdapter.inputBufferLA ( InputBufferEvent  e  ) 

charLA method comment.

Implements antlr.debug.InputBufferListener.

void antlr.debug.InputBufferAdapter.inputBufferMark ( InputBufferEvent  e  ) 
void antlr.debug.InputBufferAdapter.inputBufferRewind ( InputBufferEvent  e  ) 
void antlr.debug.InputBufferAdapter.refresh (  ) 

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