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alma.acs.commandcenter.trace.Flow Class Reference

Inherited by alma.acs.commandcenter.engine.Executor.LocalInProcFlow, alma.acs.commandcenter.engine.Executor.LocalOutProcFlow, alma.acs.commandcenter.engine.Executor.RemoteContainerDaemonFlow, alma.acs.commandcenter.engine.Executor.RemoteFlow, alma.acs.commandcenter.engine.Executor.RemoteServicesDaemonFlow, and alma.acs.commandcenter.engine.Executor.SingleStepFlow.

List of all members.


class  Node

Public Member Functions

void consistsOf (String parent, String[] kids)
String current ()
void reset (Object info)
void trying (String step)
void success (String step)
void failure (Object info)
void addListener (FlowListener l)
void removeListener (FlowListener l)

Protected Member Functions

Node node (String name)
void fireReset (Object info)
void fireTrying (String step)
void fireSuccess (String step)
void fireFailure (String step, Object info)
void fireCompletion ()

Protected Attributes

final Node UNDEF = new Node("")
Map< String, Nodename2node = new HashMap<String,Node>()
Node latestSuccess = UNDEF
Node nowTrying = UNDEF
Vector< FlowListenerlisteners = new Vector<FlowListener>()

Detailed Description

The base class for flow tracing, subclass this to define a flow.

Member Function Documentation

void alma.acs.commandcenter.trace.Flow.addListener ( FlowListener  l  ) 
void alma.acs.commandcenter.trace.Flow.consistsOf ( String  parent,
String[]  kids 
String alma.acs.commandcenter.trace.Flow.current (  ) 
void alma.acs.commandcenter.trace.Flow.failure ( Object  info  ) 
void alma.acs.commandcenter.trace.Flow.fireCompletion (  )  [protected]
void alma.acs.commandcenter.trace.Flow.fireFailure ( String  step,
Object  info 
) [protected]
void alma.acs.commandcenter.trace.Flow.fireReset ( Object  info  )  [protected]
void alma.acs.commandcenter.trace.Flow.fireSuccess ( String  step  )  [protected]
void alma.acs.commandcenter.trace.Flow.fireTrying ( String  step  )  [protected]
Node alma.acs.commandcenter.trace.Flow.node ( String  name  )  [protected]
void alma.acs.commandcenter.trace.Flow.removeListener ( FlowListener  l  ) 
void alma.acs.commandcenter.trace.Flow.reset ( Object  info  ) 
void alma.acs.commandcenter.trace.Flow.success ( String  step  ) 
void alma.acs.commandcenter.trace.Flow.trying ( String  step  ) 

Member Data Documentation

Map<String,Node> alma.acs.commandcenter.trace.Flow.name2node = new HashMap<String,Node>() [protected]
final Node alma.acs.commandcenter.trace.Flow.UNDEF = new Node("") [protected]

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