Public Member Functions

alma.acs.util.StopWatch Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for alma.acs.util.StopWatch:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 StopWatch ()
 StopWatch (Logger logger)
void setLogger (Logger logger)
void reset ()
long getLapTimeMillis ()
long getLapTimeNanos ()
void logLapTime (String taskDesc)

Detailed Description

Class that facilitates runtime profiling.

hsommer May 7, 2003 2:18:39 PM

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

alma.acs.util.StopWatch.StopWatch (  ) 

Ctor without logger provided. Either call setLogger later, or there will be a JDK logger used on demand.

alma.acs.util.StopWatch.StopWatch ( Logger  logger  ) 

Constructor that resets the time count.

logger the logger to be used in logLapTime(String). If null, a new JDK logger will be constructed on demand.

References alma.acs.util.StopWatch.reset().

Member Function Documentation

long alma.acs.util.StopWatch.getLapTimeMillis (  ) 

Gets the time in milliseconds that has elapsed since this object was created or reset() was called.

The implementation simply relies on System.currentTimeMillis(), so that the granularity of measurements is OS dependent and can be much more than one ms. Also, note that the time spent on all threads together is returned, which might be a poor measure for runtime profiling a particular method.

elapsed time in milliseconds

Referenced by alma.acs.container.AcsContainer.activate_component(), alma.COUNTER.CounterConsumerImpl.CounterConsumerImpl.cleanUp(), alma.acs.container.corba.AcsCorba.deactivateComponentPOAManager(), com.cosylab.cdb.jdal.DALImpl.loadRecords(), alma.acs.profiling.orb.OrbProfilerParser.parse(),,, and

long alma.acs.util.StopWatch.getLapTimeNanos (  ) 

Gets the time in nanoseconds that has elapsed since this object was created or reset() was called.

The implementation simply relies on System.nanoTime(), so that the granularity of measurements is OS dependent. Also, note that the time spent on all threads together is returned, which might be a poor measure for runtime profiling a particular method.

elapsed time in nanoseconds

Referenced by alma.acs.util.StopWatch.logLapTime().

void alma.acs.util.StopWatch.logLapTime ( String  taskDesc  ) 

Logs a message about the elapsed time for a certain task. It uses log level Level.FINE and inserts the supplied description: "<code>elapsed time in ms to </code><i>taskDescription</i><code>: </code><i>elapsed-time</i>".

If no logger has been supplied, it will get one using Logger#getLogger(java.lang.String). This ad-hoc logger will likely not work in an ACS environment where log handlers are configured for the needs of containers and remote logging.

todo: provide nicer text mask for message

taskDesc the message to be include in the standard message which should describe the task for which the lap time is taken.
See also:

References alma.acs.util.StopWatch.getLapTimeNanos().

Referenced by alma.acs.eventbrowser.model.EventModel.getAllSelectedConsumers(), alma.acs.eventbrowser.views.PopulateEventList.getThreadForEventList(), and

void alma.acs.util.StopWatch.setLogger ( Logger  logger  ) 

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