Functions | Variables File Reference


so it has to be commented here.. idl (idl).idl)$(VLTTOP)/idl @cp $(foreach jar


so it has to be commented here MAKEDIRTMP
so it has to be commented here MAKEDIR
so it has to be commented here IDL_TO_INSTALL
so it has to be commented here.. IDL_FILES_L

Function Documentation

so it has to be commented here .. idl ( idl   ) 

Variable Documentation

so it has to be commented here .. IDL_FILES_L
so it has to be commented here IDL_TO_INSTALL
Initial value:
 on # jagonzal: there is a cyclic dependency between acsstartupIrFeed and acsstartupLoadIFR (checker)

# IDL Files and flags
IDL_TO_INSTALL=NotificationServiceMC NotifyExt 
IDL_FILES_L = Monitor_Types Monitor $(IDL_TO_INSTALL) NotifyMonitoringExt

#IDL_FILES =  NotifyExt 
#IDL_FILES_L = NotificationServiceMC  NotifyMonitoringExt

# USER_IDL is defined in top Makefile
so it has to be commented here MAKEDIR
so it has to be commented here MAKEDIRTMP
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