Classes | Public Member Functions

alma.acs.logging.AcsLogManager Class Reference

Inherits java::util::logging::LogManager.

List of all members.


class  DummyHook

Public Member Functions

void reset () throws SecurityException
void resetReally () throws SecurityException

Detailed Description

A custom log manager to be instantiated by the JVM based on the java.util.logging.manager property.

Currently only differs from standard JDK LogManager in that it dodges the mean effects of the shutdown hook which calls LogManager#reset() too early. It thus allows the Java container (and the Java manager and potentially other users of acsjlog) to send remote log messages until the end.

Since ACS 7.0 the ClientLogManager no longer delegates logger requests to this class. It is just kept around until we know how to support the JVM logger introspection via java.util.logging.LoggingMXBean} and if we could implement that interface somewhere else.

hsommer created May 10, 2005 12:47:16 PM

Member Function Documentation

void alma.acs.logging.AcsLogManager.reset (  )  throws SecurityException

Normal base class impl during normal operation, but no-op implementation during shutdown. This serves as a workaround to escape from resetting all loggers during a Ctrl-C shutdown, as triggered by java.util.logging.LogManager.Cleaner.

To actually get the reset functionality (probably never needed in ALMA/ACS), call resetReally().

See also:
void alma.acs.logging.AcsLogManager.resetReally (  )  throws SecurityException
See also:

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