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Spectral Analysis

CALIBRATE/LINE 		 Calculate coefficients for wavelength calibration 
CENTER/...Compute center of line 
CONVERT/TABLE 		 Make image from table values 
EXTINCTION/SPECTRUM 		 Correct 1-D image for extinction 
IDENTIFY/GCURSOR 		 Identify table entries from graphic display 
IDENTIFY/LINE 		 Equate X positions to wavelengths 
INTEGRATE/GCURSOR 		 Integrate line interactively 
MODIFY/GCURSOR 		 Change data in line interactively 
OVERPLOT/IDENT 		 Overplot line identifications 
PLOT/IDENT 		 Plot line identifications 
REBIN/...Linear or non-linear image rebinning 
RESPONSE/SPECTRUM 		 Make file for flux correction, response curve 
SEARCH/LINE 		 Search calibration lines 

Petra Nass