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Numerical Values of Image Pixels

FIND/MINMAX 		 Display (ands tore) max and min value 
FIND/PIXEL 		 Find first pixel with a value inside or outside
		 the interval 
FIT/FLAT_SKY 		 Fit background image 
INTEGRATE/APERTURE 		 Integrate flux inside aperture 
INTEGRATE/LINE 		 Integrate pixel-values over area in image 
MAGNITUDE/CIRCLE 		 Compute the magnitude of the specified object
		 by integrating over the central area defined
		 by a circular aperture 
MAGNITUDE/RECTANGLE 		 Compute the magnitude of the specified object
		 by integrating over the central area defined
		 by a rectangular aperture 
MODIFY/CURSOR 		 Change pixel values in image by cursor 
MODIFY/GCURSOR 		 Change pixel values in image by graphic cursor 
MODIFY/PIXEL 		 Change pixel values in image 
PLOT/HISTOGRAM 		 Plot histogram of pixel values in image 
PRINT/IMAGE 		 Print an image 
READ/IMAGE 		 List pixel values into image 
STATISTICS/IMAGE 		 Calculate statistics of an image 
WRITE/IMAGE 		 Change pixel values in image (world coordinates) 

Petra Nass