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A wavelet package concerning two dimensional imaging has been implemented in MIDAS. This package contains several wavelet transform algorithms, specific tools for the wavelet transform, visualisation commands, and three applications of the use of the wavelet transform: filtering, comparison, and deconvolution. These commands can be called if the wavelet context has been initialized by:
set/context wavelet
Table 14.1 shows the available commands.

Table 14.1: Midas commands
Commands Description
TRANSF/WAVE Image Wavelet [Algo] [Nbr_Scale] [Fc]
  creates the wavelet transform of an image
RECONS/WAVE Wavelet Rec_Image
  reconstructs an image from its wavelet transform
  gives information about a wavelet transform
  gives information about each scale of a wavelet transform
EXTRAC/WAVE Wavelet Image_Out Scale_Number
  creates an image from a scale of the wavelet transform
ENTER/WAVE Wavelet_in Image_in Scale_Number Wavelet_out
  replaces a scale of a wavelet transform by an image
VISUAL/WAVE Wavelet [Visu_Type]
  visualizes a wavelet transform with default parameters
VISUAL/CUBE Wavelet [output_file] [Disp] [Visu_Mode] [Display]
  visualizes a wavelet transform in a cube
VISUAL/CONT Wavelet [Graphic_Number] [Visu_Mode] [Contour_Level]
  visualizes the contours of a wavelet transform
VISUAL/SYNT Wavelet [output_file] [Display_Number] [Display]
  creates a visualization image from a wavelet transform
VISUAL/PLAN Wavelet [Display]
  display each scale of the wavelet transform in a window
VISUAL/PERS Wavelet [out_file] [Disp_N] [Visu_Mode] [Incr] [Thres] [Display]
  visualizes in perpsective a wavelet transform
FILTER/WAVE I_In I_Out [Algo] [T_Filter] [Iter_Nbr] [N_Scale] [N_Sigma] [Noise]
  filters an image by using the wavelet transform
COMPAR/WAVE Imag_1 Imag_2 [N_Scal] [N_Sigma] [T_Cor] [T_Snr] [Disp] [Init]
  compares two images in the wavelet space
  plots the SNR table resulting from the comparison
PLOT/COR Tab_Correl
  plots the correlation resulting from the comparison
TUTORIAL/WAVE visualizes the wavelet transform of the galaxy NGC2997
  with several algorithms
DIRECT/WAVE Imag_In Psf Imag_Out [Nb_Scales] [$\gamma_1$,$\gamma_2$,$\gamma_3$,...]
  deconvolution with a multiresolution Tichonov's Regularisation
CITTERT/WAVE Im_In Psf Im_Out [Resi] [Scal, Iter] [N_Sig, Noise] [Eps] [Fwhm]
  deconvolution by the regularized Van Cittert's algorithm
GRAD/WAVE Im_In Psf Im_Out [Resi] [Nb_Scales] [N_Sigma, Noise] [Eps] [Max_Iter]
  deconvolution by the regularized one-step gradient algorithm
LUCY/WAVE Im_In Psf Im_Out [Resi] [Nb_Scales] [N_Sigma, Noise] [Eps] [Max_Iter]
  deconvolution by the regularized Lucy's algorithm
TRAN1D/WAVE Im_In Wave_Out [Num_Trans] [Num_Line] [Channel] [Nu]
  one dimensional wavelet transform
REC1D/WAVE Wave_in Im_out [Num_Trans] [Channel] [Nu0]
  reconstructs a 1D signal from its wavelet transform

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