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FITS and histograms
Sender: paul@phy.auckland.ac.nz
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 03:45:14 +0000
From: Paul Warhurst <p.warhurst@auckland.ac.nz>
Subject: FITS and histograms
Hi All,
does anybody have a trick to make MIDAS plot the histogram of a
Midas 492> PLOT/HIST toto0001.mt
We have to execute the command STATISTICS/IMAGE first,
since the descriptor HISTOGRAM does not exist
frame: toto0001.mt (data = UI2, format = FITS)
complete area of frame
minimum, maximum: 1.479000e+03 3.509800e+04
at pixel (164,190),(114,319)
mean, standard_deviation: 2.364639e+03 1.394608e+02
3rd + 4th moment: 119.684 21318.4
total intensity: 6.19876e+08
median, 1. mode, mode: 2.218263e+03 1.544920e+03
total no. of bins, binsize: 256 1.318392e+02
# of pixels used = 262144 from 1,1 to 512,512 (in pixels)
(ERR) SCDRDx: toto0001.mt + HIST_BINS - DSCNPR
Descriptor not present: Descriptor with given name does not exist for
given frame or may exist with a different data type.
Paul M. Warhurst *
University of Auckland, *
Department of Physics, *
Private bag 92019,
Auckland, New Zealand. *
Ph: 64 9 373 7599 ext.8853
64 21039 8579 *
Fax: 64 9 373 7445