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ESO-MIDAS dependency on the NAG library

Dear MIDAS Users,

We have realized that the NAG routines we are using are getting or 
are already old and obsolete versions, and not longer supported by 
the latest NAG library release. We apologize for that. The NAG library
remains the only commercial product on which the ESO-MIDAS software, 
in particular the fitting package, is dependent. We have plans to 
remove this dependency and to use either public domain routines or
algorithms from other sources, e.g. Numerical Recipes. However, due 
to manpower limitations we have not been able to realize these plans
till now.

The fit package itself is major concerns indeed. The package needs 
a substantial upgrade and a better user interface. Currently, we are 
discussing the possibility of attracting external manpower to solve 
this problem. Unfortunately however, on a short time scale we will 
not be able to undertake major steps to improve the situation.

Best regards,

Rein Warmels
Rein H. Warmels                            Internet:  rwarmels@eso.org 
European Southern Observatory      ,__0    Fax:       +49-89-32006480   
Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2      -\_<,    Voice:     +49-89-32006292 
D 85748 Garching bei M"unchen   (*)/'(*)  	      +49-89-320060