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MIDAS documentation

The file containing the sources of MIDAS does not include the MIDAS documentation. It is located as the third file in the distribution tape or in our anonymous and midas ftp accounts under the subdirectory ./98NOV/doc.

All MIDAS documentation is classified in four volumes and distributed in compressed Postscript files: - ESO-MIDAS Volume A: System - ESO-MIDAS Volume B: Data Reduction
vol3.tar.Z- ESO-MIDAS Volume C: Detailed Command Description - ESO-MIDAS Environment

The file vol3.tar.Z is a compressed-tar file which contains the frame for volume C. The individual contexts must be printed separately. For further information see the DOCREADME file.

You will also find smaller compressed Postscript files for the individual chapters of the MIDAS volumes A and B and for the figures to be included in the various chapters.

Petra Nass