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Calibration and Demo Data for MIDAS

The distribution file containing the sources of MIDAS does not include any calibration data required by some packages or the demo data required with some tutorials. The reason for this is to reduce the distribution size of MIDAS via Internet to the essentially minimum required, leaving the retrieval of this bulky data to the discretion of the operator deciding which optional packages are installed.

In our anonymous and midas ftp accounts the calibration and demo data is located under the ./calib and ./demo subdirectories respectively. For those receiving MIDAS via tapes, the calibration and demo data is located as the second file on the distribution tape, just after the sources of MIDAS.

Data is distributed in compressed-tar files. The whole calibration data is located in one single file called calib.tar.Z while demo data is offered in different files, each of them representing the tutorial for the package with the same name, e.g. wavelet.tar.Z contains the demo data for the tutorial of the wavelet package and should only be retrieved and installed if this package has been selected and installed. (See section 2.6). The file core.tar.Z contains the demo data for all tutorials available in the core of MIDAS, e.g. TUTORIAL/EXTRACT, TUTORIAL/FILTER, TUTORIAL/GRAPHICS, TUTORIAL/ITT, TUTORIAL/LUT, TUTORIAL/SPLIT, TUTORIAL/TABLE, TUTORIAL/ALIGN and TUTORIAL/FIT.

Calibration and demo data is release-independent therefore it must be installed, not under the /midas/98NOV directory, but under /midas/calib and /midas/demo or equivalent. Tutorial and calibration procedures expect to find their data under these two directories.

For a proper installation of the demo data for all tutorials in the core of MIDAS (file core.tar.Z) type the following:

% cd /midas
(from tape)
% mt -f tapedevice rewind
% mt -f tapedevice fsf 1
% tar xvf tapedevice core.tar.Z (from anonymous ftp)
% ftp (or
Name: ftp
Password: <your_email_address>
ftp> cd /midaspub/demo
ftp> get README.demo
ftp> binary (necessary for binary files)
ftp> get core.tar.Z
ftp> get any_other_file
ftp> quit

Then to decompress, un-tar and install:

% zcat core.tar.Z | tar xvf -
% cd /midas/demo/install
% cat README.core
% inmidas
Midas 001> @@ core
Midas 002> bye

This procedure will populate the directory /midas/demo/data which is the only one required to run the core tutorials, so afterwards you can remove the directories /midas/demo/install and /midas/demo/raw and the compressed-tar file:

% cd /midas
% rm -rf core.tar.Z ./demo/install ./demo/raw

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Petra Nass