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Read and write Table Array Elements

Access to array elements is done by column, row index and length. The length is taken as the maximum possible when this argument is zero. element arrays in the table can be integer (I*1, i*2 or I*4), float, double precision or character string data types, as defined during the creation of the columns. Implicit conversion of the element value is done automatically if the input/output is done with a routine not corresponding to the data type. To read an extract of an array element from the table use the routine TCARDx where x defines the type of the argument as character string C, single precision floating point number R, double precision D, or integer I. To write an extract of an array element into the table use the routine TCAWRx where x defines the type of the argument as before. A array element can be deleted, i.e., replaced by null values with the routine TCADEL.

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Last update: 1998-10-23