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Read and write a Table Element

Access to table elements is done via the column index and row number. Elements in a table can be integer, float, double precision and character string data types, as defined when the corresponding column is created. Implicit conversion between the internal data type and the argument type of the input/output routine is done automatically. Elements are accessed sequentially. The search routines TBESRx (TCESRx) used in connection with sequential access allow direct access by value. Access to subfields for elements of CHARACTER type is not supported. Automatic conversion is performed if the type of argument in the routine does not correspond to the column type.

To read an element from the table, use the routine TBERDx (TCERDx), where x defines the type of argument as character string C, single precision floating point number R, double precision D, or integer I.

To write an element into the table, use the routine TBEWRx (TCEWRx), where x defines the type of argument as before.

An element can be deleted, i.e., replaced by an undefined value , with the routine TBEDEL (TCEDEL).

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Last update: 1998-10-23