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Standard Interfaces for Application Programs

This chapter describes the ``Standard Interfaces'' to the basic MIDAS data structures MIDAS data structures  which are needed in an application program in order to execute within the MIDAS environment.

The routines consist of a name of six characters (all capital letters), where the first two characters are either ST  for FORTRAN 77 or SC  for the C language. The next character indicates the data structure the function it accesses or the subsytem it operates on.
Currently these are:

The final three characters describe the functionality of the routine.

Below and in the same order we give a general description and explanation of the various interfaces. Refer to Appendix [*] for the detailed calling sequence of each routine mentioned below. Appendix [*] contains two parts: first, all C routines, grouped by functions, are listed and then follow all FORTRAN routines.

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Last update: 1998-10-23