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Read value(s) from keyword area

A keyword's value is obtained by calling STKRDC (SCKRDC) for character keywords, STKRDD (SCKRDD) for double precision keywords, STKRDI (SCKRDI) for integer keywords, and STKRDR (SCKRDR) for real keywords. These routines will return data from a given keyword which may have been written previously by the MIDAS Monitor or any other application.

If you want to prompt and get the keyword value(s)  via the terminal keyboard, use the routines STKPRC (SCKPRC), STKPRD (SCKPRD), STKPRI (SCKPRI), and STKPRR (SCKPRR) for the appropriate keyword type . These routines will display a prompt string on the terminal, wait for user input and update the contents of that keyword. If the user just hits RETURN, the current contents of the keyword (together with a warning, no error) are returned to the application. However, interactive Keyword input via STSPRx should only be used in applications that are used in an interactive manner or for debugging purposes.

The interfaces dealing with character keywords have an additional parameter specifying the number of bytes (elements) per character array element. For the other keyword types this is a fixed number:
Four bytes per element are used with integer and real keywords, and eight bytes with double precision keywords.

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Last update: 1998-10-23