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Programs written in FORTRAN  must conform to the ANSI FORTRAN-77 specifications defined by ISO Std. 1539-1980(E) [6]. Five extensions may be used to improve readability and structure of the code. They can be removed by the MIDAS utility esoext. The five extensions are: The usage of these extensions is not mandatory; however, the three first extensions are recommended in order to ensure that all variables are declared, definitions are common in all modules and that the code is fully documented with in-line comments.

The FORTRAN code must obey the following rules:

To make the code easier to understand, the usage of frequent comments, meaningful variable names and spaces between elements are recommended whereas GOTO statements are strongly discouraged.

A number of FORTRAN-77 statements and features have been defined obsolete by FORTRAN-90. Although they are still valid in FORTRAN-90, they may be recommended for deletion in new revisions. The usage of features on the FORTRAN-90 list of obsolescent features is deprecated for MIDAS application written in FORTRAN in order to ensure the longest possible life time of the code. The current list of obsolescent features in FORTRAN-90 is:

It should be noted that all 5 ESO extensions to FORTRAN-77 are included in FORTRAN-90.

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Last update: 1998-10-23