UVES: MOS Science recipe
The pipeline recipe flames_obs_scired performs the full reduction of UVES/FLAMES (MOS) science frames (DPR CATG = SCIENCE, DPR TYPE = OBJECT,OzPoz or OBJECT,SimCal).
In short, the bias level and the interorder background are subtracted. Every order of the spectrum is extracted, flat-fielded, de-convolved for fibre cross talk, wavelength calibrated, and corrected for differences in fibre transparency. Finally, the orders are merged.
The UVES-MOS pipeline knows two extraction modes:
optimum (OPT)
average (AVG)
Optimum extraction is the default extraction mode. It provides an optimized signal-to-noise ratio. Average (or standard) extraction is an alternative mode which simply averages any signal along the slit and above the sky background level. It may be a good choice in case of failure of the optimum extraction, e.g. at high exposure level.