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Data product names
Pipeline product codes | Codes for calibration products

Pipeline product codes

The names of all calibration pipeline products follow a certain naming convention. This is done to have human-readable rather than technical file names. The naming scheme has been chosen to have the type of product, its date of creation, and its pipeline-relevant setup values recognizable in the product name.

The general format of user-oriented product file names is the same for all VLT/VLTI instruments.

On the archive interface, the master calibrations can be associated to science files and downloaded. Then they carry technical filenames (the archive filename ARCFILE). In order to rename them to the original filenames, search for the fits header key ORIGFILE. The naming scheme of ORIGFILE is described here.

Instrument code

All product names start with two letters which are specific for the instrument. For instance: UVES product names start with 'UV', VISIR names with 'VR'.

Product category

The full value of the product category is coded in the FITS header key HIERARCH.ESO.PRO.CATG. A short form of this tag is encoded in four characters being unique per instrument:

1st letter M or P calibration product
G general (static) calibration product
2nd to 4th letter ... type of product

Calibration products come in two flavours: dynamic ones (being updated regularly, short validity), and static ones (never or rarely updated). The static ones are also called 'general' because they often are not derived from raw data (like e.g. a line catalogue).

Both product types are stored in the archive and are available for download through the calSelector service.


All SINFONI pipeline product names begin with "SI_".

SI_S . . . are science products.

SI_P . . . are calibration products.

Codes for calibration products
Pipeline product codes | Codes for calibration products

SINFONI calibration products come in two flavours: dynamic ones (being updated regularly, short validity), and static ones (never, or rarely updated). Both product types are delivered in the data packages and stored in the archive. The static ones (also called general calibration products) are also delivered in the public pipeline releases. Dynamic calibrations:

The following types of dynamic calibration products of SINFONI exist:
PMDK master dark MASTER_DARK yes
PHPM bad pixel map (hot pixels) BP_MAP_HP yes
PLPM* bad pixel map (non-linear pixels) BP_MAP_NL yes
PLCF* coefficients of non-linear fit to pixel intensity (image cube) BP_COEFF yes
PLDF* table with coefficients of non-linear fit to median of each input flat image LIN_DET_INFO yes
PLGN* table of detector gain values GAIN_INFO yes
PDST table of computed optical X/Y distortion DISTORTION yes
PSLD table with computed distance between each slitlet SLITLETS_DISTANCE yes
PDPM* above threshold bad pixel map image BP_MAP_DI yes
PNPM* bad pixel map (cold pixels) BP_MAP_NO yes
PMPM master bad pixel map (hot, cold and non-linear pixels) MASTER_BP_MAP yes
PWMP wavelength map image (wavelength = image intensity) WAVE_MAP yes
PWFP* table of fit parameters to arc lines WAVE_FIT_PARAMS yes
PWCS* table with parabolic fit coefficients for each pixel row WAVE_COEF_SLIT yes
PWLS* stacked arc lamp image WAVE_LAMP_STACKED yes
PWRW wavelength resampled arc lamp image RESAMPLED_WAVE yes
PXST* single exposure standard star cube (for each exposure in OB) OBS_STD yes
PKCS* mask of full, coadded standard star cube MASK_COADD_STD yes
PMCS* median collapse of standard star product cube MED_COADD_STD yes
PSNS* single exposure, median collapsed standard star cube, distortion corrected STD_NODDING_STACKED yes
PSSA table of extracted spectrum of standard star (wavelength vs. flux) STD_STAR_SPECTRA yes
PSSM* collapsed (1d) image spectrum of standard star STD_STAR_SPECTRUM yes
PSFA* average collapse of flat field cube MFLAT_AVG yes
PSFM* median collapse of flat field cube MFLAT_MED yes
PSFS* stacked master flat field image MFLAT_STACKED_DIST yes
PSCS* full, coadded cube sky frame (coaddition of all sky exposures in the standard star OB) STD_CUBE_SKY yes
PSRO stacked and wavelength-resampled object (telluric standard) image with distortion correction applied RESAMPLED_OBJ_STD yes
PSRS stacked and wavelength-resampled sky (telluric standard) image with distortion correction applied RESAMPLED_SKY_STD yes
PXPF* single exposure psf star cube (for each exposure in OB) OBS_PSF yes
PKCP* mask of full, coadded psf star cube MASK_COADD_PSF yes
PMCP* median collapse of psf star product cube MED_COADD_PSF yes
PPCS* single exposure, median collapsed psf star cube, distortion corrected PSF_CALIBRATOR_STACKED yes
PSSA* table of extracted spectrum of standard star (wavelength vs. flux) STD_STAR_SPECTRA yes
PMPF median collapse of psf star cube MASTER_PSF yes
PAOP* table of psf star strehl information (wavelength vs. strehl) AO_PERFORMANCE yes
PEEE* table of encircled energy information ENC_ENERGY yes
PPCS* full, coadded cube sky frame (coaddition of all sky exposures in the psf OB) PSF_CUBE_SKY yes
PPMS* median collapse of sky cube PSF_MED_SKY yes

* A quality control product only: Not packed in service mode data distribution to PI. Static calibrations

The following table lists the codes for the static calibrations:
GARC arc line reference table (J, H, H+K, K bands) REF_LINE_ARC SI_GARC_050331A_H+K.fits
GBPM reference bad pixel map (image) REF_BP_MAP SI_GBPM_050331A_REF_BP_MAP.fits
GCOL position of first slitlet column (table) FIRST_COL SI_GCOL_050331A_FIRST_COL.fits
GDRS first guess wavelength dispersion solution table DRS_SETUP_WAVE SI_GDRS_050331A_DRS_SETUP_WAVE.fits
GATM atmospheric dispersion correction table ATM_REF_CORR SI_GATM_REF_CORR_J_025.fits *

*Note: The atmospheric dispersion correction tables exist for all grisms (S1_J, S2_H, S3_K, and S4_H+K) and for the 25 and 100 mas pixel scales. The 250 mas pixel is not corrected, since at this pixel scale the maximal shift due to atmospheric dispersion is less than one pixel. The correction of data cubes for atmospheric dispersion is implemented in SINFONI pipeline versions after 2.0.9.

The date of origin is identical to the date of the raw data measurement. It is coded as, e.g., 050331 for March 31, 2005.

The version of a file is indicated by capital letters always starting with A. Versioning is supported for certain types of files, see the above table. In all other cases, only one version per day is created (always A). Instrumental parameters The instrument parameters characterizing a setup are included in the product name. Most products have the following scheme:


  • GRATING is either J, H, K, or H+K bands (from the INS.GRAT1.NAME fits header)
  • CAMERA_SCALE is the pixel scale as defined by the pre-optics: 250, 100, or 25 mas (from the INS.OPTI1.NAME fits header) for example: SI_PKCS_090127D_J_250.fits

    DARK products have only a exposure time (in seconds) designator (eg. SI_PMDK_090127A_300.fits)

    All product files have extension .fits. They have either image format or binary table format.

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